Change of Plans

Of Eggnog and Mistletoe



You looked at him, admiring his profile as he looked in the other direction, searching for where the women’s bathroom was. Himchan was just handsome in every way, you concluded, allowing your eyes to rest on him for a few seconds too long. He must have noticed because he looked back at you and smirked, running his tongue over his lips lightly.

“Well,” he began. “Honestly, I don’t know where the restrooms are. Can you lead the way?”

You managed to nod, despite feeling like your heart would leap out of your throat at any given moment. You guided him towards the right corridor, where the bathrooms were located. You stopped when you had both reached the door of the women’s bathroom, and he looked at you expectantly. “I’ll hold your bag. Go.”

You missed the warmth of his hand the second you let go, and you could have sworn that for a moment he had held on for a second longer, as if he was reluctant about letting go. You gave him your purse and you entered the room, hesitantly crouching down to check under the stalls. “Narae-ah?” There was no answer, and you didn’t seem to find anybody inside, either.

You exited the bathroom, finding Himchan standing exactly where he had been before. He looked inside the bathroom before the door closed, as if expecting your friend to come out after you. “You couldn’t find her?”

“No. I don’t know where else she could be.” You had figured all hope was lost until you remembered that you had her number and could send her a quick text asking where she was. “Himchan-ssi –.”

“Yah, just call me Himchan. Or oppa~,” He chuckled, looking you over once more. “I don’t think I’m that much older than you…”

Oppa? You wondered if you would get a concussion if your head hit the ground from fainting right now. “Ah, no! You aren’t… I’m almost nineteen.” You said, opting out on giving him an exact age difference – that would probably scare him away.

“H-Himchan, can you hand me my phone?” You asked, pointing to your bag. But the second those words left your lips, you wished you had simply asked for your bag.

He pulled out your phone and had pressed a button on the side to wake it up. You didn’t even wait to see his expression, and buried your face in your hands, sighing loudly. Of course, silly old you would forget that your wallpaper was a picture of him. You could hear him laugh softly and you just extended your hand out towards him, still covering your face with your other hand.

“Is that your favourite picture of me?”

“J-… just give me the phone.”

He placed your cell phone in your palm and you unlocked it, not giving him a chance to see your home wallpaper – which was another picture of him. Instead of your home screen, however, you were greeted with 5 new messages, all from the same sender. Narae!

You frowned and began to read them in order, groaning when you got to the last one she had sent.

From: Narae
Sent 8:45PM

Pabo, it doesn’t take that long to get a drink!

From: Narae
Sent 8:45PM

B.A.P IS HERE!!!! HURRY UP!!!!!!!

From: Narae
Sent 8:46PM

Well, I can see that you and your oppa are finally talking ~ㅋㅋㅋ

From: Narae
Sent 9:14PM

You don’t have to worry about seeing me for the rest of the night!
I’m not gonna bother you and Himchan ^^

From: Narae
Sent 9:59PM

Hey, I’m leaving early tonight!
I’ll see you when we’re back at work.
Don’t forget to tell me everything that happens!
And I mean everything. ;)

Was she joking right now? Himchan leaned over and peered at your phone, but you brought it closer to your chest. You’d be damned if he had another look at your phone, especially at these message. He grinned and wet his lips. “What’d she say?”

“Narae left –,” you checked the current time, quickly doing the math in your head. “– around 20 minutes ago. Maybe I should go too…” You paused. Had it gotten so late already? More importantly, why didn’t you hear your phone go off when these messages were sent? Oh, right… You had your mind focused on other things. You heard loud cheering come from the party room, as well as the melody of a well known Christmas song playing.

“They must have started the karaoke contest.” Himchan said, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

“Don’t you wanna go and sing?”

He raised an eyebrow, looking to see if you were serious, and laughed. “I sing practically every day, ______-ah.”

You blushed, cursing your own stupidity. “Right.”

“What about you?”

“Me? Sing?” You giggled, covering your mouth with your hands. “N-no! I’m not good at it.” You ducked your head, looking down at your feet. “I can’t sing in front of a large group of people, let alone people I know.”

He didn’t speak for a few seconds, and you began to wonder if he was getting bored of you. He was a singer, someone who entertained tons and tons of people. Stuff like that came so naturally to him. Did he look down on those who had trouble being in front of large crowds?

“How about you sing for just me, hm?” Himchan suggested. Your head snapped up, your facial expression a mixture of disbelief and amusement.

“I-I can’t sing!”

He placed your bag on the floor and stepped forward, taking your hands into his. “Please?” Normally, you would have said no – but you found yourself melting slowly at the tiny smile he had on his face, pleading for you to reconsider. You suddenly became aware that you were against a wall, in a secluded hallway, with the man of your dreams only inches away from you. You blushed deeply, casting your gaze on his hands and yours. This was not how you imagined this party to be. “I’ll sing with you.” He added, giving your hands a small squeeze.

Damn you for knowing how to charm a girl!

You gave your consent with a small nod and avoided those dark orbs that had captivated you all evening, feeling those same eyes on you as he spoke. “Do you know ‘This Christmas’ by JYP Nation?” You nodded, inhaling a shaky breath. You heard a low chuckle rumble from his throat, and felt his left hand slip away from your hand, only to come underneath your chin and tip it up lightly – making your eyes meet his.

“Don’t be afraid, ______-ah, it’s gonna be fun.” He coaxed, giving you a quick wink. “You start.”


author's note: i'm afraid i'll have the conclusion of this done some time tomorrow! u_u
i'm leaving to go to my relative's house in a bit, and i'll be busy for the rest of the day.
just think of the next chapter or two as a christmas present from me to you guys haha.
please leave a comment on your thoughts or just, whatever - i love to hear feedback!
have a good day everyone ~

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ignore my last message ... apparently i'm at 4k words and still not "done." aigoo, please be patient! i'll try and hurry up~


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Chapter 4: Im smiling they're so perfect
Chapter 4: This is ____ing perfect, it's so beautiful and it makes me so happy :') <3
Oh gad. This made me miss Christmas! Hehe.
This was a good read; with the right amount of fluff (& everything nice).
barooya #4
Chapter 4: This is the best christmas-themed story of Himchan I've ever read. author-nim you rock!! T____T
Chapter 4: You made me squeal. I love you eternally T.T
Chapter 4: this was so cute ashgasgkfsg i cant ; u ; <3 thanks for posting~
Chapter 4: Yea I'm glad you broke it up, but it could've been much better
If it's longer. Hohoho. Enjoy your day author nim.
This is such a great enjoyment <3
aqisoo #8
Chapter 3: its such a cute story^-^ ur english is awesome, and i like that u used a b.a.p member. I just love them, i still cant pick a bias -_-' Anyway, hope u can update with ease, merry xmas