Holiday Surprise

Of Eggnog and Mistletoe


Social events were never your forte. Could you help it if the thought of talking to strangers made you slightly nervous? You had always been the definition of a 'good girl.' You had maintained a very high average in school, helped out at home, never stayed out late – the list went on. Parties were a rather large obstacle you had to overcome in your social life, what little it consisted of, anyway. However, when you were invited to TS Entertainment's end of the year Christmas party, you felt as if you had no choice but to go. Your time working there was fairly short, seeing as you had joined as an intern only five months ago, but the fact that you were still invited, regardless of how new you were, was extremely flattering. And, not to mention, you would be closer to a certain idol you admired – an opportunity many girls would kill for.

You exited your car and were immediately assaulted by a cold blast of air. Your teeth slammed against each other repeatedly, and you hid your hands in the pockets of your coat. The temperature had dropped drastically in the past week, as the worst of winter took its toll. Thankfully, your home and most of Seoul had been spared of any snow, which you did not mind – you hated shoveling snow from your apartment and around your car. 

The party was not at any fancy mansion or restaurant, but rather, it was inside the building that you all normally worked at. When you stepped past the doors and inside, you were greeted by a few of your co-workers.

“______, it’s so nice to see you!”

“It’s nice to see you guys, too.” You replied sheepishly, a small smile on your face. After chatting for another minute, you left to place your coat in the coat room, exposing the outfit you had on underneath. And as you walked into the main conference room – where you were told the party would be held – you almost regretted taking off your coat. You looked at the outfits of some of your superiors, donned in beautiful, and most likely very expensive, dresses that hugged their curves perfectly, and then looked down at your outfit: a red Christmas sweater with a tree knitted onto it, and a black miniskirt that dared to show off more skin than you wanted. You had a small black purse hanging on your shoulder, but that was probably the only elegant thing about your outfit tonight. Your outfit was juvenile compared to these other women, and you instantly felt out of place. Your cheeks began to burn as you felt the embarrassment of this realization settle in, and began to consider ditching.

“Oh, ______-ah?” A feminine voice from behind you called. You turned around and saw your co-worker, Kim Narae, who you were rather close with. She was around your age and usually ran errands with you, even though she had an actual position in the company – that wasn’t being an intern. You were almost surprised to see her, but remembered that she was also invited here.

“Narae!” You smiled and stepped forward, allowing the other woman to embrace you excitedly. Narae giggled and squeezed you tightly, stepping back after to get a good look at you. You looked at her clothing, relieved to see her wear something not-as-elegant as some of the other people here.

“______, you look so cute!” She cooed, reaching out to pinch your cheek. You laughed at her coddling, and fanned her hand away.

“Yah, I’m not eight! I’m eighteen, almost nineteen.”

Your friend only laughed at your response. The two of you chatted as more and more people gathered in the room. Everyone but the person you wanted to see. The members of Secret had entered only moments ago, and you were expecting B.A.P to appear soon.  You chewed on your lip in anticipation, focusing more on the entrance of the room than your friend.

“______-ah, he’ll be here! Don’t worry,” your friend teased, looking at you mischievously. You felt your face flush and you cleared your throat, shaking your head.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m gonna get a drink. I’m thirsty.” You huffed in reply, pouting at her before turning briskly on your heel.

Narae was the only person who knew about your ridiculous attraction to Himchan. It had, at first, started off as admiration – because, honestly, you would be lying if you said he was not attractive. The longer you worked there, and got to know more things about him, not the Himchan on television, but the Kim Himchan behind the scenes, you began to fall in love. Of course, none of the things you learned about him came from his own lips, but rather, from what you heard around the company or were told. In fact, you had never spoken to Himchan in your short time working here. Even when you had been sent to their dorms to deliver or pick up something, you had never had a chance to speak to him. You had interacted with all the members at least once, but you couldn’t say the same thing for Himchan. You did not count the times where you had caught his eye, brushing those off as just coincidences – nor those times where he smiled directly at you. Himchan was a kind person – that’s all!

Quite honestly, it was discouraging. You had spent a week feeling very upset about the whole ordeal before you realized that he was an idol who was busy (and he was in B.A.P – they had been doing promotions all year without a break) and that he most likely did not have time for someone with such a lowly position as yours.

I work at this company, though. You thought to yourself as you walked over to a table with refreshments. Why shouldn’t I have a chance to talk to him?

You stopped in front of the table, taking a look at the cups. You peered inside them, finding yourself unable to identify what kind of drink was inside. It didn’t look like milk, nor was it any kind of shake. What did non-alcoholic parties usually serve as drinks? You debated on taking one cup and trying it, but felt that if you were to make a weird face upon tasting it, it would be very rude.

You chewed on your lower lip, fidgeting with your fingers. Maybe if you asked Narae to come and tell you what these were you would –.

“Are you planning on drinking them all?”

You didn’t even have to turn around to recognize the deep voice of the man you’ve been dying to speak to for months now.

author's note: wahh, i was actually planning on making this a oneshot but i'm still not done
and i'm almost near 4k words, haha. i figured putting it up in chapters would be easier.
i'll do my best to get this done by the end of today or tomorrow! 


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ignore my last message ... apparently i'm at 4k words and still not "done." aigoo, please be patient! i'll try and hurry up~


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Chapter 4: Im smiling they're so perfect
Chapter 4: This is ____ing perfect, it's so beautiful and it makes me so happy :') <3
Oh gad. This made me miss Christmas! Hehe.
This was a good read; with the right amount of fluff (& everything nice).
barooya #4
Chapter 4: This is the best christmas-themed story of Himchan I've ever read. author-nim you rock!! T____T
Chapter 4: You made me squeal. I love you eternally T.T
Chapter 4: this was so cute ashgasgkfsg i cant ; u ; <3 thanks for posting~
Chapter 4: Yea I'm glad you broke it up, but it could've been much better
If it's longer. Hohoho. Enjoy your day author nim.
This is such a great enjoyment <3
aqisoo #8
Chapter 3: its such a cute story^-^ ur english is awesome, and i like that u used a b.a.p member. I just love them, i still cant pick a bias -_-' Anyway, hope u can update with ease, merry xmas