A Granted Wish

Of Eggnog and Mistletoe

Your face flared up and you saw a hand appear at your right side, reaching over for one of the drinks on the table. Your eyes followed the arm as it disappeared from eyesight, and you turned around anyway, coming face to face with Kim Himchan. Saying that you were at a loss for words was the biggest understatement of the year. Whatever working brain cells you had left were slowly shutting down as you looked him over, taking in the black sweater he wore, and those tight grey jeans that made his legs look even more irresistible than before. As you observed him, however, you realized that his eyes were also on you – from head to toe.

“A-ah, no!” You stammered, looking away. You searched for Narae back at the corner that you left her, but found that she was not standing there anymore. . You could have really used her help here… “I don’t even know what they are.”

Himchan had raised the drink to his lips but paused after your confession – the rim of the cup only just touching his mouth. He moved it away, raising a brow incredulously, an amused smile tugging at the ends of his lips. “This? You’ve never had eggnog?”

You blushed, shaking your head. “I’ve never even seen it,” you mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

“Seriously?” You looked up at him, enamoured with that bright smile of his, flashing his perfect bunny-like teeth. He laughed and his lips. “That’s a first.”

“Is it good?”

“Well, I like it. Some people do, some people don’t.”

“What’s it made out of?”

“Uhm, eggs?”

Well, he must have such a great impression about me, you thought, inwardly grimacing at your stupidity. “Right…” You looked up at him and noticed he had already begun to drink the eggnog. The both of you made eye contact and he winked at you as he drained his glass. A squeak passed your lips and you focused on your shoes, the blush on your face deepening when you heard him chuckle. Narae-ah… where did you go?

You had to act fast. You were just asking to interact with him, and now that the moment came, you wish you could have taken that request back. How ironic. You looked up, parting your lips to say goodbye but Himchan cut you off.

“I’m Himchan, by the way.” He said quickly, a small, boy-ish smile forming on his face.

Was he being serious? “You think I don’t know your name?”

“Actually… I was trying to get your name.”

“Oh.” Well, that certainly shut you up. You were almost mortified at this situation you found yourself in. This was every BABY’s dream, and here you were sounding dumber than a rock. And if you didn’t know any better, you could say he was flirting with you – mildly, of course. Or, maybe he enjoyed watching you make a fool out of yourself simply because of him. “It’s ______.”

“______?” He repeated thoughtfully. The way your name rolled off his tongue was so … gorgeous! He said it again, as if having read your thoughts, and you came to the conclusion that you have never heard such a beautiful sound before. “That’s a cute name.”

You could only mumble an embarrassed “thank you” in response, and smile to yourself. You felt bad that most of this conversation consisted of Himchan speaking, at least that’s what it felt like, but you blamed your poor social skills on the fact that you had never even fully developed them. Still, it didn’t look like Himchan minded. Perhaps he figured your inability to interact was because of nerves.

“Yeah, y’know, I’ve seen you around here before –a lot. I was always meaning to say hello.” He admitted, tapping his fingers against the cup in his hand. “I guess better late than never, huh?”

“You wanted to say hi to me?”

Himchan grinned, that small dimple under his eye forming as it widened. He was really enjoying this. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“I – well, I’m not like…” Your voice trailed off as your eyes left Himchan and focused on the ladies of Secret. Himchan followed your gaze and chuckled when he realized what you were trying to say. “I’m no Jieun, or –…” You stopped, looking back at him briefly but averting your attention elsewhere soon after. Why would you share an insecurity of yours with him?

“Who cares? Maybe you have something she doesn’t.”

Uh… Did I miss something here? Your eyes found their way back to him and you giggled nervously. “Me? What do you mean?”

Himchan’s only response, however, was a secretive smile, which was rewarded by your uncontrolled giggling. He stepped to your left, his shoulder brushing against yours, as he exchanged his empty glass of eggnog for another one. You stood there, frozen, feeling the heat from his body (or rather just his shoulder) radiate against yours. Should you move? Was he doing this purposely? Whatever his intentions were, they were slowly driving you insane.

When he stepped back with a new glass, you felt the urge to have something in your hands – something you could easily look at when you were nervous, and not completely give off the idea that you were. You whipped around and grabbed a cup of eggnog, turning back and surprised to find Himchan’s eyes on you, studying your movements. Without realizing it, you raised he glass to your mouth and titled it, only to be met with the taste of something you did not agree with. Your eyes widened and you ripped it away from your lips in disgust, making what you assumed was a horrified face – because Himchan had nearly doubled over in laughter.

Great. I might as well shoot myself in the foot while I’m at it.

You looked around to see if there were any garbage cans you could you to dispose of this drink, but – just your luck! – there were none. “Aish…”

“Give me that.”

By the time you realized what he was doing, it had been too late. He reached for the cup in your hand, and, at the same time, had stepped forward to put his on the table behind you. You caught a good whiff of his cologne and closed your eyes, taking it in once more before he stepped back. “I didn’t drink mine yet.” He added, raising your glass to his mouth.

Ah – wait, a second! He’s drinking out of my cup!

Himchan didn’t seem to mind, at all. He received the eggnog as if everything was fine, which you assumed that for him: it was.

“How do you drink that stuff?” You found yourself asking. Himchan grinned and shrugged, admitting that even he “didn’t know.”

The two of you migrated from the table to another part of the room, where a few snacks had been placed on the large table in the center of the room. You helped yourself to a couple of Christmas cookies as you two spoke, from both hunger and the need to get rid of the taste of eggnog. He asked you questions about what you did at the company and about you in general – which was an extremely new experience. He seemed thoroughly interested in getting to know more about you, which seemed like a rather cruel joke because you highly doubted you would see him again. The idols visited the company building, sure, but their trips were never too frequent or regular. In fact, B.A.P had been around the least, not only because they had debuted not too long ago, but because they had been so busy working. If next year was anything like this year, and now considering the fact that they had gained more recognition and awards than before, they would be even busier.

As you spoke to him, your eyes kept getting lost in the crowd, trying to find your friend. Unfortunately, she was still nowhere to be seen. You weren’t sure how much longer you could talk to Himchan before saying something completely insane like, “do you know how attracted I am to you” or “I like to daydream about getting married to you.” It really was only a matter of time…

You hadn’t realized how out of it you were until you recognized him speaking, but couldn’t remember what he said. You brought your gaze back to him, whose eyes had never left you since you started talking, and you blushed faintly. “Ah, I’m so sorry… What did you say?”

“I said, am I boring you?”


“Just because I’m an idol doesn’t mean you don’t have to tell me when you don’t wanna talk to me. I’ll respect your wishes, ______-ah.”

“Wh –! No! No, no, no, no!” You had spoken rather loudly, and noticed that some people around you had turned their heads to see what the commotion was. Nervously, you shook your head, raising your hand to place a few misplaced strands of hair behind your ear. “I lo – uhm, I like talking to you, Himchan-ssi! It’s just that I was talking to my friend earlier and I can’t seem to find her…”

“Did I steal you from your friend?”

He stole you? The fact that Himchan had worded it like that made you feel extremely light-headed. If you hadn’t completely fallen in love with him before, you were now. “That’s okay! I mean, well, maybe she’s just at the bathroom…” You paused, looking one final time at the sea of people in the room. “She knows more people here than I do so I’m sure she’s fine!” You added quickly, offering a small smile.

“Mmn… how about we go find her?”


He left his drink on the table and grabbed your hand, leading you up from your seat and eventually out of the room. You were surprised at how big his hands were, and how incredibly warm they felt against yours. They were softer than most men’s hands, too. When the both of you had made it out of the room, and into the lobby, you noticed that he hadn’t let go of your hand – so you didn’t let go of his.


author's note: chapter titles, as you guys may have noticed, are not my forte.
as i'm doing this, i think there may only be around 4 chapters! but i won't say anything for sure. 
i hope you guys are having a merry christmas eve (for those who celebrate it)! c:

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ignore my last message ... apparently i'm at 4k words and still not "done." aigoo, please be patient! i'll try and hurry up~


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Chapter 4: Im smiling they're so perfect
Chapter 4: This is ____ing perfect, it's so beautiful and it makes me so happy :') <3
Oh gad. This made me miss Christmas! Hehe.
This was a good read; with the right amount of fluff (& everything nice).
barooya #4
Chapter 4: This is the best christmas-themed story of Himchan I've ever read. author-nim you rock!! T____T
Chapter 4: You made me squeal. I love you eternally T.T
Chapter 4: this was so cute ashgasgkfsg i cant ; u ; <3 thanks for posting~
Chapter 4: Yea I'm glad you broke it up, but it could've been much better
If it's longer. Hohoho. Enjoy your day author nim.
This is such a great enjoyment <3
aqisoo #8
Chapter 3: its such a cute story^-^ ur english is awesome, and i like that u used a b.a.p member. I just love them, i still cant pick a bias -_-' Anyway, hope u can update with ease, merry xmas