Chapter 2

We Are KARA!

For the next few days, Jiyoung was wholly concentrated on planning a new club. The club name, how to recruit new members, the conditions to look for in new members, the activities...

"Kang Jiyoung, Kang Ji Young" the teacher called, but Jiyoung did not respond.

Jiyoung only realised that everyone was looking at her when her classmate Sulli nudged her.

"Yes" Jiyoung stand up hurried, hiding the notebook she was scribbling on.

"What are you doing? I called you a few times to answer the question" 

"Nothing" Jiyoung lied.

Not believing her, the teacher approached her."Hand it over, I saw you hiding some stuff earlier"

Cringing under the intense gaze of the teacher, Jiyoung handed the notebook from under the table to the teacher. The teacher quickly scanned through the notebook, her dark expression turning brighter.

"Jiyoung ssi, that's quite a good plan"

"What?" Jiyoung exclaimed, apparently shocked by the teacher's compliment.

"The new club you are planning looks promising. But could you leave this to after the lesson. Could you answer the question on the board now?"

"Ah.. Yes" Jiyoung walked up to the board, trying to comprehend the complicated mathematical question.



At the ring of the bell, several classmates crowded around Jiyoung asking her about the new club.

"I am going to start a music club" Jiyoung announced.

"Music club? Didn't the school music club just close down?" Sulli asked.

"That's why I am going to create a new one, find new members, maybe a new club name too" Jiyoung answered happily "Do you guys want to join? It will be fun"

"Sorry, me and Suzy have already joined the dance club" Sulli replied apologetically.

"It's okay. I will find new members" Jiyoung said confidently.



By the end of the week, Jiyoung had already pasted posters of the new club around the school to recruit new members. Jiyoung had spent two nights designing and making the posters. Jiyoung's plan was to create a band, one that she has always dreamed of joining. As Jiyoung will be playing the guitar, she is recruiting a bassist, a vocalist and a drummer to form a four-person band. When Jiyoung was walking around the school pasting the posters, she was attracted by the sound of violin coming from the rooftop. 

Following the music, she saw Nicole totally absorbed into playing the violin. Not wanting to disturb, she stood at the entrance, listening to Nicole play. When Nicole finished, she applauded loudly.

Startled, Nicole almost dropped her violin.

"Be careful" Jiyoung cautioned.

"Jiyoung ssi, you gave me a fright. Why are you still in school? It's late, hurry back home" 

"I was just pasting posters of the new club I am setting up around the school" pointing at the bag of rolled paper at her side.

"Oh, what club are you setting up? I am still looking for a club to join"

"Really? I am setting up a music club, but it will operate as a band" Jiyoung replied excitedly, pulling out one of the poster from the bag.

"Ah, sorry, I don't think I can play any of the instruments in your band" Nicole said, after looking at the poster.

"It's okay, I think it would be great if we could add a violin in the band too. Moreover, you play the violin really well. It would be a pity if more people can't hear it."

"Are you sure?"


"Ok then, I will join"

"Really? Oh my God, thank you. You are the first person to join" Jiyoung bear-hugged Nicole tightly.

"Haha, let me help you put up the rest of the posters as the first job of the member" Nicole lightly patted on Jiyoung head "Erm.. and could you release me? You are crushing me"

"Haha, sorry" Jiyoung lets go of Nicole and picks up her bag "Let's go"

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Chapter 8: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present even it's a bit late
I will give you 10/10 stars
When I read this fanfic its make me feel so sad because right now there are no more kara5
Hope next time you can make more awesome fanfics
I will subscribe and upvote this fanfic too and have a nice Xmas
Chapter 8: Cute story! Love it :)
i love the team unity and love the GyulJing wishing and HaNi ice cream moments!! KARA daebak!!
I hope u write more about KARA!!