Kai's Story


"What’s going on?" Raena asked
"Manager wants to talk about upcoming schedules." Miki said
 "but he wanted to wait until you guys got home" Kai said.
"Girls I know you've been doing a lot of special stage performances and it's gotten tiring. I hope you all realize we're doing this to bring up you popularity. So..." Their manager said looking at every girl
"You signed us up for more stages didn't you" Heeya said.
"It's ok, we enjoy the stages." Araya said trying to reassure the manager.
"Yeah! So whets the next stage?" Haru asked
"Well it's for 5 of the members with Big Bang."
"Really which members?" Raena asked.
"That hasn't been decided yet, but I’ll tell you later."
"Go to bed girls, you have a full schedule tomorrow"

Once all the girls woke up they saw a note from their manager. “Girls, go to a photo shoot at 7AM-12PM, go and eat some lunch with the money I’ve given you and the practice from 3PM-7PM with Big Bang. Once you’re finished you have the rest of the day off. Oh! BTW the girls that will be practicing with Big Bang are Kai,Hannie,Izzy,Haru, and Raena. Enjoy yourselves.”

“Uh! Another performance!” Izzy whined

“Yep! That’s what you get for being the main dancer and Maknae.” Said Miki.

“Fine I’ll do it. Is Jiyoung oppa performing with us?!” Izzy said getting excited.

“I think so; manger said all of Big Bang.” Araya said.

“Why are you so excited?” Heeya questioned

“Because I’m a big fan of his.” Izzy said

“Oh, right.” Everyone said.

“Well, let’s eat breakfast we only have 30 minutes.” Kai said

After the girls ate breakfast they went to a photo shoot and took some amazing photos. Each member had a cute and y photo.
































 After the girls thank everyone and went to get some lunch. As they were finishing up eating they noticed that it was already 2:55 and it took them 10 minutes to get to the practice room.

The girls ran as fast as they could to the practice room and as they entered their practice room they were huffing and buffing.

“ Oh! Hello, you must be 1Night.” Jiyoung said with a sweet smile.

“1…..2….3” Miki said trying to catch her breath.

“H-H-HELLO…WE are 1Night.”All the girls said dragging off the last part.

“1, 2, 3!” Jiyoung counted happily.


“Sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy but are you guys alright?” Daesung said with a sweet eye-smile.

“W-We’re fine.” Said Kai

“Yeah, we just ran here because we thought we were going to be late.” Kai finished.

“Oh, really. Good, I hate it when people are late.” Seungri said, not being mean, just sarcastic.

“Seungri!” Taeyang said smacking the back of his head.

“Ow! Hyung! I was just joking.” Seungri said.

As they were talking T.O.P snuck away and brought back 8 water bottles in his arms for the girls.

“Oh, thank you.” Kai said looking at him in shock.

“No problem we don’t want our new dance partners to be tired do we?”

“Eh, Ne.” Kai said grabbing the water bottle.

“I HOLD HERE IN MY HAND…OUR PARTNERS!” Jiyoung said breaking their conversation.

“Whose with who?!” Hannie asked.

“I haven’t looked at it myself, I’m curious too.” Jiyoung said.

“Everyone let’s sit on the floor and have Jiyoung read us our partners.” Taeyang said.


As everyone sat on the floor they formed a circle, it went like this:

Jiyoung next to Izzy

Izzy next to Seungri

Seungri next to Hannie

Hannie next to Taeyang

Taeyang next to  Haru

Haru next to Daesung

Daesung next to Raena

Raena next to T.O.P

T.O.P next to Kai

Kai next to Jiyoung

 Then Jiyoung started to read the partners.

“Daesung and Raena”

Daesung and Raena bowed to each other.

“Haru and Taeyang”

They both gave each other a hwaiting! Sign.

“Seungri and Hannie”

“Yay! Hannie-shi!” Seungri yelled throwing his arms in the air.

Hannie just laughed at his cuteness.

“Me and Izzy” They both turned towards each other and high-fived

“T.O.P and Kai” T.O.P reached over and gave Kai a pat on the back and a thumbs up.

“ Lets get started we only have 2 days”

Everyone started to practice and at the end of the practice everyone left until Kai remembered she forgot her bag.

“Guys, head back without me; I need to go get my bag.” Kai said.

“Alright, will you be ok?” Haru asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine”

“Call us if you need too” Raena Said

“I will”

As Kai entered the building she heard music coming from their practice room.

‘That’s weird; I swear we turned everything off’ Kai thought to herself.

As Kai entered the practice room she saw T.O.P practicing his dance.

*knock knock*

“Oh, hi Kai.” T.O.P said

“Why are you still practicing everyone already left?”

“Because I’m not very good at dancing, so I need to practice extra for this performance. Plus I want to get better. Why are you still here?”

“I forgot my bag.” She said pointing at the bag in the corner. As she went to pick it up she was stopped.

“Want to practice with me?” T.O.P asked.

“Sure!” Kai said displaying a smile.

All night T.O.P and Kai just stayed and practiced. Even though their practice was more of Kai directing T.O.P on how to do the dance.

“Let’s go home now. You’ve gotten really good.” Kai said

“Alright” T.O.P agreed.

“Hey, Kai can I have your number?” T.O.P asked slightly blushing

“Sure!”Kai said handing him a piece of paper. “I’m leaving first see you at the performance in 2 days.”

“Alright,  bye.”



“ Alright everyone ready!” Jiyoung said talking to everyone.

“So 1Nights performing their song first, then we’re doing our special stage, then we’re performing?” Daesung asked.


“Oh, we have to go.” Raena said

“Alright, HWAITING!” Big Bang said.

Jihae-Hannie & Raena, Minah-Izzy, Hyeri-Haru & Heeya,
Yura-Araya ,Sojin-Kai & Miki

“ Alright guys take a quick drink of water and be back in 5” Said a stage hand

“Right on it”


“Great job guys!” Jiyoung said.

“Yeah, everyone did great!” Hannie said

“We should do this again sometime!” Seungri said.

“Deffenatly!” Said Izzy

“Well we have to go perform now, bye!” Taeyang said

“Good luck!” Raena said.

Once the girls got back to their dorm there was another note from their manager.

Next week some of you will be in a drama parody with Super Junior, I’ll tell you more later.’

“I kinda feel like this is a treasure hunt.” Izzy said annoyed

“Lets just go to bed” Said Miki 

 Hope you like it!!!

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Chapter 46: another updates :D
I'm so happy you updated. The chapter is so good! Hannie and Kyuhyun <3
Author-nim ^o^
I'm so happy you finally updated ^o^

I thought Hannie will be left alone as the others enjoy with their partners, good thing Kyuhyun pop out :)) Hehe...

Update soon :DD
waaa ~ can't wait for the party :D :D btw the couples are cutee XD XD update soon, nee ?? :D
Sweetbleach12 #5
Haru Haru!!!!! I'm pretty sure TOP knows where she is ;D Its really awesome to see an update! H'm another dance and we're missing someone =.= oh noes!!!!!! Can't wait until the next update!
__eccedentesiast_ #6
iudfxkjcvnfdkuvnsf the dresses are so pretty <3 WHERE ARE YOU HARU? XD
So adorable. I like it.Can't wait for more^^
__eccedentesiast_ #8
Short but cute ^^ I like it :3
Yay!Can't wait for the next chapter then:)
Whoa! Your starting it up again :D

So happy, cant wait for the new chapters :))