




Three day have passed since the funeral and Bianca started working again, now that her husband is gone, all the responsibilities of the company are on her shoulders.



At first, the board doubted her capacity of running the company but seeing the remarkable results in spite of what happened to her made them all go in favor of her and declare her as the new CEO of the both company.


She worked day and night and kept her kind and gentle heart but because of the sadness of losing her husband, she lessen her smile that the workers missed so much, but they understand what she's being through and just supported their boss' feelings.


Bianca, ever since her husband died, always wears white clothes.




A month has passed and she managed to stand strong. She now often gives everyone her bright smile that gave her workers strength and inspiration. She became the flower of the company, the flower that gives life, happiness and motivation to every single worker.


They loved how she cares for every one and how she treats everyone starting from the janitors until the high ranking persons.



She finished her work late today. She excited her office and said goodbye to the workers taking overtime and went out of the building where her driver awaits her.



He opened the door for her and she gently said her thanks that the driver missed a lot. She became a bit distant to everyone when Alexander died but now she’s pulling herself together.


"Please go straight home. It's late, I’m sure you're tired too." she chimed to the chauffer.

The chauffer didn’t respond and drove away.


"We’re here mistress." the chauffer opened the door for her.

"I told you to drive home.“ she said as she realized that he drove her all the way to the cemetery.


"I’m okay mistress. Please go ahead. This is the least I can do to repay your kindness to me and my family." he said and bowed begging.


Her chauffer was sold to her family by gangsters because of their debt. He arrived at her house full of bruise and wounds.



Every week ends, he always take his day off and went to his family but when he comes back, his face and body are full of injuries.


Concerned, she asked her personal butler about her driver and heard about his situation and without any hesitation, she paid their debt and even let them live in her family's mansion.

She told them that they could live for free but they insisted on working.



"Please go now mistress." the chauffer bowed.


Bianca was touched by her chauffer's kindness and didn't reject his offer.

"Thank you." she said and went to her husband's grave.



After work, she secretly goes there and spends time with her husband. Only her chauffer knows about it because she doesn't want to worry her in-laws and parents.


Every single night, she always go to her husband's tomb and tell stories about what happened to work, how everyone was doing and how did she spent her whole day.

Even though work is stressful, when she goes to the cemetery, all her worries are gone like Alexander was taking all her burdens away.



"How are you my love?" she asked looking at the tomb.

"Sorry I’m late. We had a very busy day today. We're starting a new project in Japan and it is expected to be very successful. I have to work hard to match their expectations. But don't worry I have all our workers support and they're all doing their best to help me." she started telling stories.


"By the way, I’m planning on taking both our parents out. They haven’t seemed to move on yet. Don't worry, I’ll take good care of them and make sure they're always happy just like before you left." she beamed.


"Anyway, I got to go now. I bet my chauffer is hungry. I dragged him here after all. Bye now babe. I miss you and I love you." she said as she fight her tears from coming out when a gentle cold breeze blow.


Bianca smiled and wrapped her arms around her as she feel the breeze touch her face and said

"I’m okay don't worry, I wont cry. I better go now. See you tomorrow." she said and walked towards the car.


"Thank you Mr. Fei Liu." she chimed at the chauffer.


"Anything to make our mistress happy." he said and drove away to the mansion.






After the day off in Lotte world, Bianca and the others continued with their works as they put on much effort on the big project in Japan.

She and the workers haven’t slept for nights and continued to work but of course she never skipped a day without going to Alexander’s grave.

She was working late at night because her presentation for the big project is due tomorrow. All the board and other companies including the press are coming tomorrow so she has to finish her report tonight that is still in its half.


She was into her work when her phone rang.


“Yes. Bianca speaking.” She answered as she looked up to the documents in front of her.

“Bianca. It’s me Mei La.” Her best friend cried.

“What’s wrong Mei La?” she asked worriedly.

“My, mom, She got fired from her work and the house owner kicked us out. What should I do Bianca?” her friend cried over the phone.


She stood up from her desk and took her coat as she exited her office.


“Where are you?” Bianca asked as she ran down to the parking lot.

“We’re outside our house with our things and my grandmother is on the hospital alone.” She sobbed.

“I’m coming Mei La. Please hang on.” She said and hung up and turned to Mr. Fei Liu who was having his coffee beside the car.



“Mr. Fei Liu. Please take me to Mei La’s house as fast as you can.” She said and opened the door by herself as she sat on the car.

The chauffer quickly threw his coffee and obeyed his mistress’ orders.


They arrived in front on Mei La’s house and saw her and her mom soaking wet on the rain with their belongings scattered in the middle of the streets.

Bianca’s eyes widened as she get out of the car didn’t even wait for the chauffer’s umbrella. She ran towards her best friend and gave her a hug.


“Bianca.” Mei La broke down in her arms.

“Shhh… It’s okay now. I’m here now.” She calmed her friend down soaking her whole body in the rain.


She cried with her best friend as the skies filled with thunder and rain accompanied their cries.


“Mr. Fei Liu. Please call someone to take all of their things and send it to my mansion.” Bianca turned to his chauffer.

“Yes. Mistress.” He said and quickly did what her mistress told him to do.


Bianca helped her best friend stand and said “Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. Go inside the car and rest.” She said gently as she guided her into the car then went back for her friend’s mother.


“Mistress, the truck will be here in five minutes.” The chauffer said as she helped her friend’s mother in to the car.

“Thank you. Please take them to my mansion and provide them rooms and clothes.” Bianca said as she put her friend’s seatbelt on her friend.


“I’ll go check grandmother at the hospital.” she smiled at them warmly.

“But it’s already late Bianca and you’re soaking wet you might get sick.” Her mother’s friend said as the chauffer and Mei La agreed.


Again, she beamed her warm and gentle smile and said “Don’t worry. I’ll take a taxi and call my butler to bring me dry clothes. For now, please rest and let me handle things. I’ll call you once I’ve arrived at the hospital.”

They couldn’t say no to her because of her smile and because they all know that the grandmother is all alone in the hospital.


“Thanks Bianca.” Mei La chimed and she gave her best friend a hug and shut the door.

“Mr. Fei Liu. Please take care of them. I’ll be fine alone and sorry for the trouble.” Bianca apologized at her chauffer.

“It’s okay mistress. I’ll go to the hospital as soon as I accomplished your orders.” He said.

“You should rest too Mr. Fei Liu. I’ll be all right. My butler is coming.” She replied with her soft and caring voice.

“I will go now mistress.” He said.

“Yes. Be careful.” She said and smiled at him as she watched them leave.


Bianca hurriedly ran and took a taxi to the hospital. She ran towards her friend’s grandmother’s room and saw her sleeping peacefully. She smiled in relief as she sat down on the chair outside the room.

She was dripping wet with the rain and felt the coldness. 30 minutes later, her butler arrived and gave her clean and white clothes for her to change.

She stayed up all night watching over the elder and forgotten the report she has to do for tomorrow.



Morning arrived quickly and she went straight to her company for the board meeting presentation.

“Have you done the report Mrs. Zhang?” one of the boards asked her.

“I almost finished it. But I think I can do the presentation without it.” She said honestly.


All the boards heard what she said and started murmuring.


“Do you think this project is some kind of joke Mrs. Zhang?!” one snapped at her.

“This is a very important project and you know very well of that. How can you not finish it?!” another.

“If you think we’re just playing around. You’re wrong Mrs. President.”

“I knew it. Having her as a CEO is wrong from the start.”


All those words stabbed her heart as she thought of them as families and guardians. Yes it’s all her fault for not finishing it but saying those words really pained her.


“Alexander has made a bad choice.” One snapped and her eyes along with the others widened at his words. They know that saying Alexander’s name in there is obviously crossing the line.


Bianca’s world crashed as she heard those painful words. But she didn’t break down because she has decided to stay strong for her family, friend and Alexander.


“I know you’re all disappointed in me for not having the report done. I haven’t done it in papers but every single detail of it is on my heart and mind. All of you trusted me with this company and I’ve dedicated my life for it. Now, please for the last time as your president, please give me all your trust and let me do the presentation. If the project goes to waste, I’ll hand my resignation personally.” She said with a voice filled with sadness.

All of them was taken aback by her words and let her do the presentation.


Bianca entered the room full of important businessman and press and started the presentation without any papers on her hands. She explained every detail flawlessly and made the crowd mesmerize by the detailed planning and resulted a successful project.


After achieving a successful work, the board directors all apologized to her and lay their loyalty to her forever.

With that, she forgave them all and beamed them her gentle forgiving smile.






Months have passed and everyone was lively because of their boss’ success.


Bianca was about to enter the company building when she saw the security guard chasing away a beggar in front of the company. She walked towards them and gave the security a smile “I’ll take care of him.” she chimed and the security glared at the poor man.


Bianca reached her purse and pull out money and gave it to the beggar. She sat down to meet the poor’s eye level and chimed him a smile.

“Please take this, it’s not much but you can buy food with it.” she handed the poor the money.


The beggar unconsciously smiled along with her and thanked her.

Having money, the beggar excitedly ran and crossed the street to buy food not even noticing that there was a truck dashing towards his direction.


Bianca saw the truck and quickly ran towards the beggar.


The beggar who was shocked and paralyzed didn’t move a closed his eyes and waited for his doom. But instead of a quick pain, he felt someone push him and he landed at the side of the streets.


He quickly opened his eyes and saw the kind and beautiful woman that gave her a perfect smile and didn’t treat him differently lying on the road unconsciously.


All eyes are widened by Bianca’s actions as she lay down on the streets.


She couldn’t feel pain but she can’t move, then all of the sudden, her body was being lifted up as her eyes started to close.












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This chapter is published as an update for WGM. Love me well


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Chapter 3: OMG! I literally cried! This is just... OMG
Chapter 3: i cant..omg..i just cant...full of feeling..beautiful yet heartbreaking..i know i asking a lot but i really hope you write about their children..from baby until their 17 birthday maybe?just asking though..anyway,great story.. :)
shinning_true #3
Chapter 3: Sobbing!!! :'(
Chapter 3: actually i play truth or dare with my friends. they dare me to read a sad ff but i must not cry. i search and choose ur story bcoz when i read ur ff of WGM i will not cry but i cry very hard at last. the most sad part is when alexander said, "the only thing i regret is when you cry when i leave" omgf i cry very hard at that part. but i beg u for not make a sad story again bcoz u very talented on angst so i will lose if my friends dare me to read ur sad story again..
KpopLover415 #5
Chapter 3: //Forreals sobbing right now ; - ;
this is such a good story
This is weird.. "Bianca" is my real name.. XDD
andreaylen #7
Chapter 3: Tear fall down.......its a great story
Chapter 3: Oh my god..I'm speechless. Beautiful story.
AeChaPark #9
Chapter 3: I can't !!!!!!!!!! Ohhh gosh.. this is a great story!!!!!