

Bianca just finished school and walked with poise towards the school's entrance where the car's waiting for her.


As usual, the students will stop whatever they're doing and gather near the entrance just to take a glimpse of her walking out of the building and boarding the car. She went outside as the chauffeur greeted her with a gentle bow and opened the door for the young lady.


"Thank you Mr. Fei liu." is the words that comes out to every time she enters and exits the car that makes her personal chaffers' heart warm every time he hears her sweet and ever kind voice. 


Normally she always goes straight to their company's building to do her share of work.


With her young age, she's now training to become the future CEO of the company. Attending board meetings, making projects for the company and analyzing paper works is always her work. She'll work for hours and afterwards, she will be picked up by her fiancé and have dinner or dates with him. Sometimes his and her parents join dinner too.


But today, she went out early and asked her chauffeur nicely to take her to the mall. She received a message from Alexander to meet him in front of the mall so they could have their date. With that, she again chimed her thanks to the chauffeur and waited for her love one in the said place.


Five minutes have passed and her fiancé hasn't arrived yet. It was unusual for him to be late because he's always the one who's waiting when they go on dates like this.


Bianca was about to call him, when the wind suddenly blew more and more violently as she heard a sound of a helicopter getting near. She looked up and saw her fiancé going down on the helicopter using a rope ladder. She was a bit taken aback by his entrance but managed to give him a warm and beautiful smile.


Alexander managed to get down and the helicopter left. He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and a short hug full of love and affection.


She gave him a sweet smile as she gazes in his eyes and said with her gentle voice "You're late."

Alexander then apologized to her as he said "Sorry. I had some urgent things to take care of in the company. Did you wait long?" he asked.

Bianca told him that she didn't wait long and with that Alexander held her soft hands and they walked in to the mall. He took her in a luxurious restaurant he reserved for dinner and went to an ice cream parlor for dessert.


Just like the other couples, the both of them took a walk on the crowded streets holding hands as they admire the view of the evening city. The both went to a high building for a better view.

Bianca was mesmerized by the view as her husband to be looked at her contented face. He turned to her fiancé and gave her a back hug caressing her shoulders.


"I think I should take you on dates like this more often." he said to his fiancé.

Bianca then turned around to hug him and said "It’s okay. I know were both busy, knowing you love me and seeing you is enough for me." with her oh so understanding voice.

Alex tightened the hug and said "I want you to be happy always."

Bianca let out a smile and said "I'm happy just being by your side."

"Me too."

"Don't worry, once we get married, I'll always be by your side forever." she chimed.


He closed his eyes and cherished the moment as he said "Yes. Forever."



After that romantic date, Alexander took his fiancé home and drove back to his company continuing his work.


The night passed by quickly and Bianca was picked up by Alexander to buy their outfits for the wedding that will be taking place in three months’ time from now.


Alexander went to try his tuxedo 1st as his fiancé wait for him.

Minutes later, he came out wearing a black suit that looks perfectly on him. Well in his case anything looks perfect on him. 

"How is it babe?" he asked as he try to fix his tie.


Bianca stood up and went towards her husband to be and fixed his tie 

"You're perfect." she said in a gentle voice.

Then, Alexander smirked and said "I'm talking about the suit, my love. Not me." he joked that earn him a weak pat on his chest by Bianca.

"Go and try another one." she said to him with a gentle laugh.

He held her hand that was resting on his chest and kissed them as he looked in her eyes full of love.

"I'll try another one then." he said and went back to the dressing room.


After a while, he went out and this time wearing a white tux .

"What about this Yeobo?" he asked.


Bianca scanned the outfit and said "I like this one better."

With that, Alexander turned to the owner and said "We'll take these."


Now it's Bianca's turn to try out dresses. She turned to Alexander and told him that she won't be long.

He gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her "I'll wait forever." With that, Bianca went to the changing room with the guidance of the shop owner.


It took her forever to put on a dress but managed to finish. The shop owner told her to stand on a small circle a little bit high-raised to the ground. She did what the owner said and with that, the owner opened the curtains revealing her to his husband to be.


Alexander was shocked at her fiancé's beauty as he stood up slowly with his mouth wide open expressing his awe. The woman she loved all his life is now standing in front of him like she's from another world. To him Bianca is perfection and he's sure that she's the one.


Bianca saw his expression and chuckled as she fix the dress that is put on her neatly and perfectly.

"How is it?" she asked with unconfident tone.

"You're everything I ever want in my life." Alexander murmured unconsciously enough for her to hear. He quickly got back to his senses and re-phrase what he said "I mean you're beautiful. Try another one?"


The gown was too puffy and elegant. Yes, it looks good on her but he wants her to wear something simple that makes her beauty shine more.


She chuckled at his expression and slowly stepped down at the flat from to get another dress.


Kris was looking at the magazines of wedding gowns as he wait for his girl to come out. 


"How about this?" she beamed as she walked out of the curtains and stood at the mini stage so her husband to be can see her well.


Alexander saw her wearing a simple white dress that made her look like a goddess. It was simple but it showcases her natural beauty and grace.


He gazed into her eyes as he walked slowly towards his fiancé and caressed her face with his fingers. He leaned closer to her face to take a closer look at her tantalizing eyes that makes him lost every time and whispered "You make me feel so lucky when I'm around you."


She gave her a gentle smile as she gazes her love's eyes showing that she's the only one in his heart.

Alexander leaned closer and touched his fiancé's lips by his. He gave her a loving soft and tender kiss pouring all his love for her while she responded with delight and returned the love he was giving her.

They both ended the kiss as they placed their foreheads on each other's. They looked into each other's eyes and cherished the moment.


"Should we get this then?" she said with her oh-so-soothing voice.


Without taking out his eyes off her he smiled and nodded as he pulled her waist closer to his body. Bianca broke the hug and said "We should hurry up. We don't want the elders ( their parents ) waiting."

Alexander gave her a last kiss on the forehead and let go of her body. "Go and change. I'll wait here." he said and turned to the shop owner who was touched by the romantic event she just saw.

"We'll take that dress." he chimed.



Days past by like seconds and it's the day of their wedding. The theme was all white and everything was set up perfectly.


Bianca was sitting on the waiting room alone cherishing her free days.


After this day, she will become the wife of a famous bachelor who owns one of the biggest companies in the world, the wife of a special family that will raise her responsibilities and expectations of her. She'll become a part of most sociable family in Hong Kong that will make her socialize too.

And most of all, become her dearly love one's other half. Even though many things will change, better or for worst, everything will be okay as long as she with him.

The one she's born to be with, Alexander Zhang.



She was in her deep thoughts when the sound of the door interrupted her. It was her parents.

She gave them an angelic smile and greeted the elders.


"You're so beautiful my dearest child." her mother chimed staring at her beautiful daughter who's going to get married today. She tried her best to held up her teas but the sadness ate her soul when the thought of her beloved child will no longer by their side and will have her own family.

Tears of mixed sadness and joy flowed to her mother's cheeks and Bianca wiped it with her soft hands carefully.

"I’m sorry. I just can't help it. You're all grown up now." her mother stuttered covering her face tinted with tears.

Bianca delicately pulled her mother to an embrace as she caressed her mother's back giving her comfort.

"Don't cry mother. I won't be gone. I'm still your daughter after the marriage and I will always love you and father." she said with a soothing voice.


Her father approached the two and joined the hug as he also let out his tears.




Bianca was walking towards the altar together with her parents guiding her. All eyes was on her as she walks. But her eyes were only on Alexander and his are on her. Even though there are many people and guest, the feeling of the two is that they’re the only ones on the scene.

Bianca's parents gave her hand to Alexander as he paid his respects to them and took your hand putting it on his secured arms.

He led you in front of the altar and the ceremony began.




The newlywed couple is on the airport, who just arrived from their honey moon. They went to their own mansion and rested for the press conference they will be attending concerning the merging of their companies and announcing Alexander as the CEO of the both companies.


Evening approached quickly and the both of them were on the way to the conference's venue. Wearing formal clothes, the both entered the room and be welcomed by a lot of press and guided by the security to their seats.


"Good evening to all of you." Alexander's father chimed as all eyes were now on him.

"Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for coming to this special day where the Zhang group and Fang Corporation will merge as one. We would also like to announce that I and my business partners are retiring giving the both companies to our children's hands. Please welcome, Alexander and Bianca." Mr. Zhang said and gestured his hands presenting the newlywed couple.

The both of them bowed and Alexander took the microphone and said "I, Alexander Zhang, together with my wife Bianca Zhang will work hard to protect and enrich the both companies. Please watch over us as we go forward."


All were pleased with the couples knowing their perfection and rights to inherit the both companies.






Three months after the announcement. The both of them worked hard day and night to uphold the company their parents gave them.


Not only the stocks and the sales rose up but also the employees' motivation.


The newly wed always treat their employees well and the both of them know every single one of them making them feel important and belong. They made efforts to get close to their employees' hearts believing that the workers are the gold itself.


Bianca and Alexander weren’t really hard to like, the both of them has kind and approachable hearts that made them accept them as soon as they know it. When the sales go up, the couple never forgot to reward their workers. Sometimes, they treat them meals and free days.


It was hard and made them busy but they were happy because they're always together. Even though they were busy, Alexander took Bianca on romantic dates every week and catch up to each other.


With an inescapable fate of being business couple, they just lived with it and did their best.


They went on a restaurant reserved by her husband after a tiring day of work.

He took her hand asking for a dance and she gladly accepted the offer. They dances slowly holding each other close to their bodies and gaze in each other's eyes when Alexander broke the silence saying...


"I'm sorry I couldn't give you a happier life my love." he said it with his eyes full of sadness and guilt for not being able to spend time with his wife. Making her live like a robot and taking the company's responsibilities together with him.


Bianca saw the guilt and sadness in his love one's eyes. She leaned her head into his chest listening to her husband's heart beating. She knows she's happy together with him even though their lives are really difficult. She closed her eyes smiling and said...


"Don't be sorry. We both chose this path and I, together with you, want to walk on it together." she said with her tired but gentle and sweet voice.

She looked up to gaze on his husbands tired and sad eyes and said "I'm happy as long as I have you and that heart beating for Me." tracing her husband's chest and giving him a warm and graceful smile.


Alexander couldn't help but to smile along with her hypnotizing smile. He caressed her face and said "I'll always love you Zhang Bianca. I want you to be happy forever together or not with Me." and pulled her into a tight hug, a hug that feels like his last one to give to her.

Bianca felt weird by her husband's behavior but she ignored it thinking he's just tired and hugged him back as he said "I love you too Zhang Alexander and I forever will for the rest of my life."




Alexander and Bianca were about to enter the company's building holding hands ready to start their busy day. But thinking of being together made them energized when two men with guns riding a motorcycle passed by them.

Alexander saw them and knowing their motives, he shielded his body for her beloved and took the raining bullets.


Bianca was looking at the gate when he felt his husband hug her tightly and heard a lot of bangs right after. She felt her husband's body stupor along with the sounds but still held her tightly.


After hearing the loud sound, she felt her love one's the grip on her was losing strength. She was trembling as she looked up to her husband.

As soon as she titled her head, her husband fell on the ground with his body tinted with blood.


She kneeled down and held her husband with her trembling hands. The both of them starred at each other as he lay down on the ground and his wife holding his hand trembling.


He knew this might happen but seeing her wife sad is the thing he cannot bear to see. He reached his hands to her face and caressed her shocked face with his thumb gently.


She held his hands and let out her tears flood her face.


His heart was broken seeing the woman she love crying in front of her and because of him. With his last Strength he gave her a warm loving smile. "Please don't cry my love. I want to see your smile before I leave."

Hearing the word 'leave' Bianca started to panic as she shook her head saying "Please don't say that. The ambulance will be here soon and everything will be alright."


Alexander took a deep painful breath as he said "I will always love you babe. Please be happy for me." and blood started to come out of his mouth.

Bianca reached for his husband's face with her trembling hand as tears flowed nonstop to her cheeks. "Don't leave me all alone Alexander. Please stay with me." she sobbed.

Alexander caressed her face and said "Please show me one last smile."


She was taken aback by her husband's request but she did what he wanted and forced a smile as tears dropped from her eyes to her chin.

Alexander saw her bright smile and felt seeing heaven. He saw the smile he love so much, the smile that can light up his own being, The reason for his living. The last smile he wants to see.


"That's better." he smiled at her.


Then, the ambulance arrived.


"Bianca" he murmured as his sight turned blurry.

"I'm here my love." she replied sobbing.

"I'm feeling very tired and sleepy. Would you let me sleep for a while?" he closed his eyes with a smile.

Knowing that the 'sleep' alexander was talking about. Bianca's world crashed into pieces but not wanting her husband suffer any longer, she decided to let go of him.


"Go and sleep my love. I'll wake you up later." she said knowing that there won't be any later anymore.

"Thank you and sorry for everything, I love you." Alexander said as he took his last deep breath with a smile.

His grip on his wife's hand loosens as the doctors put him on the stretcher, Leaving Bianca sitting lifelesly in front of the building with the trace of her husband's blood.




Bianca was standing in front of the emergency room with her parents and in laws.

Alexander's mother was crying her heart out as her husband comforted her with a painful expression in his face while Bianca’s mother was sobbing quietly in the arms of her father sitting on the bench.


Standing with a dead expressionless face, she watched her parents cry in agony.


Then, the doctor came out with a plain expression in his face as the elders stormed him with questions.

"I'm sorry but it was already too late when he arrived." the doctor said that caused your mother in law to fall down on her knees.

Her husband's parents and her parents went in to the room to say goodbye to their dead son as she stood lifelessly shocked on the hallway.


It took them an hour to calm Alexander's mother down and the four of them exited the room.

Alexander's mother came in front of her daughter in law and gave her a hug.

"Please go and see my son. I know he would like that." she said and started crying again reminding of how much her son loves Bianca dearly.

"Go now dear." her father tapped her shoulder.

Bianca slowly moved as she stumbled walking into the room. She walked in to the room and saw her husband's lifeless body lying on the bed.

She starred at him for a minute as she process to her mind that her husband, her world is now dead. She walked closer to him and caressed his face and leaned her head on her husband's cold bare and lifeless chest as she let out her tears quietly.




On the day of Alexander's funeral everyone except Bianca, who was wearing white, all wore black clothes.

Knowing that Alexander loves it when she wears white clothing he said that ‘she looks like an angel when she wearing white’.


As the coffin goes deeper and deeper to the ground everyone threw white roses on his resting place. His parents along with their family and Bianca’s parents all cried.

Bianca held everything in because she want to send him off without crying, she knows Alexander hates it when she cries.

Bianca walked forward and let the blue rose fall in the hole.


Blue rose because her husband always gave her blue rose in their monthsarry.


*I'll always love you.*





BRB sobbing reall hard T^T

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This chapter is published as an update for WGM. Love me well


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Chapter 3: OMG! I literally cried! This is just... OMG
Chapter 3: i cant..omg..i just cant...full of feeling..beautiful yet heartbreaking..i know i asking a lot but i really hope you write about their children..from baby until their 17 birthday maybe?just asking though..anyway,great story.. :)
shinning_true #3
Chapter 3: Sobbing!!! :'(
Chapter 3: actually i play truth or dare with my friends. they dare me to read a sad ff but i must not cry. i search and choose ur story bcoz when i read ur ff of WGM i will not cry but i cry very hard at last. the most sad part is when alexander said, "the only thing i regret is when you cry when i leave" omgf i cry very hard at that part. but i beg u for not make a sad story again bcoz u very talented on angst so i will lose if my friends dare me to read ur sad story again..
KpopLover415 #5
Chapter 3: //Forreals sobbing right now ; - ;
this is such a good story
This is weird.. "Bianca" is my real name.. XDD
andreaylen #7
Chapter 3: Tear fall down.......its a great story
Chapter 3: Oh my god..I'm speechless. Beautiful story.
AeChaPark #9
Chapter 3: I can't !!!!!!!!!! Ohhh gosh.. this is a great story!!!!!