One and Only Chapter...

Being Caught, Loved and a Freak.

"Run!" I ran to catch up to my best friend, but he ran into the gate right before it closed. I was about 20 feet away. I was locked out. Effing LUHAN! I screamed inside my head. The flashlight hit my eyes blinding me.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. A late person. Come with me." The lady escorted me to the school's lobby in the dormitories. She told me to raise my arms and keep them raised until 10:10 p.m. Thanks to LuHan. He said we'll back by 9:30, but we ended up staying out until 9:50. He made me run for 10 minutes trying to get there before the gat closes at 10. I raised my hands until 10:06. A new guy cam in and sat down like me and did what I had to. He was a gorgeous guy. Without noticing my actions my arms went down.

"Yah! You have until 10:25." The lady adminstrator instructed. I whined. "But that's 5 more minutes from last time."

"You want 5 more? Then go for 10:30." The lady said.

"That's outrageous." The prince-like guy spoke.

"For that you get until 10:30." With that said, she left to scout for more people out after curfew.

"So where you go be late?" I asked to create some talk to get out of the awkward silence.

"I went out with my friends for some ddukkbokki. Those bastards left me to pay the bell and ran off." He said surely angered.

"Well that . My friend said he wanted some ramen, so we went to go get some. He took forever... He should be doing this right now." I said really pissed off at the fact LuHan ate his ramen slow then stopped at almost every little shop on the way home.

"I see... Your friend's a guy? That's weird. Don't girls usually hangout with girls? They talk about hair and stuffed animals." He was confused.

"ist much." I said jokingly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." He said oblivious to sarcasm.

"I was joking. And some do, but he, as in LuHan, was the only person not be scared of me." I explained.

"Why would people be scared of you? You seem pretty nice." He questioned.

"Thanks. Well there was a rumor that I beat up a group of guys single handedly. Just because that, people dislike me and call me a freak for being overly muscley for a female."

"First, did you beat up a group of guys? Second, muscley? Is that even a word?"

"No, I only beat up an ugly, ert guy who was probably as wide as a group of guys. And I don't know, but I hope so. I don't want my vocabulary to decrease."

"Haha, funny. And by the way, if I ever get you mad or uncomfortable... please don't hurt me."

"Are you saying we'll be seeing each other later on?"

"Why not? I'm not scared. You're nice, funny and independent."

"Don't forget intelligient. I have a 3.9 GPA."

"Well that . I'm a 4.0 student."

"Oh shut up."

"Times up! You may leave now." The administrator hollered and we let our arms down. I started to walk away, but he called out to me.

"Hey, what's your name? Friends right?"

"My name's EunBi. Jang EunBi. And I guess we're friends." I yelled over to the male side of the dormitory building.

"I'm JaeJoong. Kim JaeJoong. See you next time!"


It's been a week since I saw that angelic face I saw that night. LuHan has still been dragging me to go out, but we been getting back by 8.

It was night time around 11. I was going down stairs to the dorm kitchen for a glass of water when I heard a raspy voice yelling.

"Pabo YooChun! You made me late! Now I have to do this punishment with both of you!"

"Shush JunSu. You'll be fine. It won't kill you."

"I did it last time. I had to stay for 20 minutes. The girl last time did it for 30." He sounded familiar. JaeJoong? I peaked to see three guys.

"Poor JaeJoongie. It's your fault for falling for the trap we set on you last time." YooChun ." It is JaeJoong/

"You two broke asses." He stared at them causing the other two to laugh. I didn't want my throat to dry up or did I want to peek like a stalker. I walked off towards the kitchen.

"EunBi?" someone called. I turned aroung to see all three of the guys staring at me.

"Annyeonghaseyo JaeJoong-ssi and friends." I greeted.

"Are you getting a midnight snack?" He asked me.

"No just water. Do you want something?" I asked.

"Can you get me some chips?" He smiled at me. His smile melted my insides.

"Yeah, sure. Do you guys want anything?" I pointed at the two other guys. They just shook their heads. They had blank faces that kinda creeped me out, so I went to go get the cheesy poofs. I could hear them talking.

"So that's the girl you've been talking about." The guy with the raspy voice.

"Her name's EunBi and yes." JaeJoong answered.

"I heard she can beat up a group of guys." The other friend said.

"I bet she can, but she never did."

"You sure know a lot about your girlfriend." The two guys said.

"She's not my girlfriend, but she is a friend."

"Ooh... You made a female friend. How can that be? You get nervous around girls." The guy said, not the raspy voice guy.

"She's different. She doesn't flirt. I don't like girls who act like ." JaeJoong answered. I'm not a . I'm different... I walked out towards them and opened the bag of chips and set it on table they surrounded. I sat on the sofa seeing one of their arms twitching. I giggled. The guy must of heard me.

"Why are you laughing?" The raspy guy asked.

"You're arms are shaking. You must be weak."

"She's right JunSu." JaeJoong said.

"She's so straight forward like you, Joong." The other friend said. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Park YooChun, but my American name is Micky."

"That's cool! Mine is Ericka. But can I ask you who's that guy who looks like he pissed his pants?"

"It's JunSu, but he thinks he's cool. He call himself Xiah." YooChun said.


"Hey EunBi, can you feed me? You see I can't eat it." JaeJoong said as he kept looking at his raised arms. Should  I feed him. I got onto my knees and sat down beside him and fed him a chip.

"Aww... They look like a couple." YooChun cooed. JunSu looked frustrated. I kept my mind elsewhere. I kept feeding him. The administrator was a guy this time. He said it was times up, but we just went to talk in the kitchen. JunSu left, since he was tired of only 15 minutes of holding his arms up.

I cooked instant ramen for the starving guys. YooChun slurpped the ramen like there was no tomorrow. He got tired because of food coma. He left me and JaeJoong alone. I ate my sandwich, since I didn't really want ramen. I soon fell asleep on the island's bar stool.


I woke up in a room unfamiliar to me. I saw YooChun sleeping a bed across from me. I felt something wrap around my waist. I turned around to see my face only a few inches away from JaeJoong's. I got scared, so I screamed.

"What happened?" YooCHun got up rubbing his eyes and looked towards my direction. He saw me and gasped.

"You two are a couple! Why did you lie to me yesterday?" He accused, pointing frantically.

JaeJoong got up as well. He was shirtless. How did I not notice that? Not to mention his tattoo.

I covered my eyes.

"What are you talking about YooChun? She just fell asleep, so I brought her here." He said rubbing his eyes with his bed hed hair. Still hot as ever.

"Why are we in the same bed together?" I asked as I got up slowly. JaeJoong's arm was still wrapped around my waist, but he didn't notice it at all.

"I don't you want to sleep on the floor. I don't think you would want to either." I looked at the floor to see the white carpet sploched with orange stains and uneaten food that spoiled. The mold was growing like a flower. JaeJoong grabbed the Febreeze and sprayed it covering up the smell. Such slobs, but y slobs.

"I'm leaving." I said then I got up tippy toeing across the crap on the floor.

I got outside to see LuHan with his towel around his neck staring at me. "What are you doing here Bi?"

"Long story. How do I get out of here?" He took me to the lobby then left to go shower.

JaeJoong came out to the lobby where I was reading a trilogy.

"What'cha reading, babe?" I didn't know who it was, so I turned around to dee him smiling.

"I'm not your babe and The Hunger Games: Book 3: MockingJay."

"I'm playing with you." He sat beside me and read fanfics about his favorite groups on his phone. We ended doing the same thing on a routine.

We would wake up and get ready and sit in the lobby. I would read my series of books while he'll read his fics. We go to class and we go eat with YooChun, LuHan and JunSu. LuHan became friends with JaeJoong and the others as of JunSu, he became my friend, but he always brings up me calling him weak. After hanging out with them we would just study then eat together then go to bed. We all agreed to not stay out. LuHan had gotten caught because he wanted a fish cake. JaeJoong gotten closer to me. Even closer than LuHan is. He seen my lonely side, angry side, and even the side you can't get unless you're on your period. He knows me the best.

I think I learned to love him. Not as my brother, but my future boyfriend.


It's been 9 months since I known the three guys and soon was the end of the school year. I walking with the 4 guys next to JaeJoong and LuHan. The girls would point and giggle about the boys and shoot lasers at me.

"Ahhhhh!~" I yelled. I tripped on a stick on the sidewalk on my way back from school. JaeJoong caught me before I fell face flat to the ground.

"Thanks, my hero." I said mimicking the girls who passed by.

"How funny, that's actually my nickname." He said as he chuckled.

We walked off to the dorms and went to eat in the kitchen. After eating I was putting away the pots after the guys left. I saw a pink note taped to the pot. It read this...

It's me LuHan. I was wondering if you can meet at that ramen shop we went to when you first got in trouble at 6 tonight.

I took the note and left. I went to the ramen shop. I went to sit down where the waitress told me to. At that table was a blue note.

YooChun here. Can you pick something from JunSu. He left his package  at the school gate.

I left to the gate, since LuHan wasn't showing up. I went to the gate to the lamp post to see a green package with a green note.

Can you drop these on the place you first saw Joong's choco abs and tattoo and scared my roommate from your scream?

Something was suspicious. I went to JaeJoong and YooChun's room. Suprisingly it didn't smell like Febreze, more like fresh air. I looked at the now cleen room and dropped the sheets on JaeJoong's desk. I turned around to see a purple note on the bed.

Meet LuHan, YooChun and JunSu at the place we first met?


It has a nice ring. I went to the lobby to see a grey envelope on the coffee table taped onto a cheesy poof chip bag. I grabbed the envelope and read it.

Will you turn around?

I did a 180º turn to see JaeJoong with a bouquet. He handed it to me. He led me to the sofa and I sat there. I don't know what's happening. I might have a high GPA, but I'm pretty damn slow. JunSu and YooChun pushed out a piano and JaeJoong sat down to play.

LuHan just stood there smiling. When the song was over, JaeJoong came over to me. LuHan and the others stood by the kitchen with their fingers crossed.

"So can I protect you like in your favorite drama, Protect the Boss?" He asked me.

"That's a great idea." I said blushing like a tomato.

"There's a catch. You have to be my gir-" He was cut off by me kissing him. He kissed back and the guys cheered like lunatics.

"-lfriend." He finished his sentence.

"Did that answer your question?" He stared intently and nodded like a retard. He was so shock.

"It was about time you asked. You know how long I waited?" I spoke again, but this time he was back.

"Did you know how long it took me to plan this out?" He said not liking my critism.

"I would have been okaqy with 'will you be mine?'" I said. He pouted. "I loved your hard work, but don't forget I'm a simple girl whose not needy. Got that? Don't treat me like a queen. Treat me as an equal." I grabbed the corners of his pouting mouth and lifted them up to smile.

"Okay, babe."

"This time... I'm really your babe."

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haeri0610 #1
Chapter 1: I like this story but my 3 bias are in this story...
I can't even choose between Jae, Chun & Lu.
But thanks at least the oc ends up with one of them :)
Gomawo, author-nim...