
t h e apartment.


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"Chorongah, I bring you tteo - what is happening?!"


Bomi shierked as she found the older woman was sitting in front of her laptop with piles of papers surrounded her. It was a rare sight to seeing the woman putting all her concentration and effort like she have just seen. The younger girl peeked over Bomi's shoulder before the two exchanged a confused looks. "Hey, just put it on the kitchen Bbom, i'm a bit busy today." Chorong replied without looking at the two which causing the two frowns at the sight. "Unnie, you okay?" Yookyung asked her and stepped deeper inside the house along with Bomi.


"Yes I am perfectly fine."


But in a few, the woman ruffled her hair in frustation.


"No, of course no! Can you see me?!"


The younger gulped. "I'm just making sure that you are fine, unnie." She replied while taking a step closer to the older woman. Settling herself in the couch behind her, Yookyung than picked the piled paper near to her foot before formed into an 'O' line. She knew why Chorong seemed really frustated today, it was because she had to made a list for her upcoming wedding. Yookyung looked over the screen that Chorong has been staring at and deciding to ask her more question.


"So, have you found a model of good wedding dress, Unnie?"


The older shook her head and sighed.


"Not even any of them reaching my standart, some of them were not my type either." Chorong replied, she rested her head on her palm as she keep on scrolling the web page. Bomi collected all the paper piles into the bin before she sat next to Chorong and look over Chorong's sketch. "This is not bad, i never knew you could draw something like this." Bomi commented. "I tried hard to made that one, but i don't think it is good thought. It's look either weird and assymetric for me." Chorong replied. Bomi added a little laugh, as she patted the older's back to encourage her. "Don't worry, I think this one is really pretty okay. It suits your character really well."


"Ah! I just remember - "


Yookyung snapped, causing the two older woman looking directly at her. "There is this designer that my mom personally asked her help for aranging her wardrobe, and I visited her gallery once. Her work is absolutely brilliant too! Let me see if i still save her number," Yookyung took out her phone and quickly searched for the designer name. Chorong's face suddenly lit up - she knew that Yookyung had a good sense of fashion, and so is her mother. She smiled brightly before hugging the younger woman tightly which making Bomi to smile also.


"Thank you, Yookyung. You're the best dongsaeng ever"


"Welcome, unnie. Oh and did you maybe need a wedding organizer too?"




"Of course, I am!"


The girl yelled at her phone angrily as gathered her purse, pocket mirror and harshly shoved them into her bag. "I even woke up early and you forgot about our plan, just great." She then turned to see her brother looking at her with a wide smile, before she gave him a quick kiss on cheek and muttered a 'morning sleepyhead' at him. Dongwoon chuckled and dragged his foot to the kitchen, finding his cousin and the Chinese guy having their breakfast. "Hey, hyung. Brunch?" Kyungsoo offered the older a club sandwich which gladly Dongwoon took.


"Thank you," He said and taking a seat next to Kyungsoo. "Who called Naeunie?"


Kyungsoo chuckled.


"Jongin. They quarells like that almost every day and night, hyung, no need to worry."


Dongwoon nodded and turned his head to the Chinese guy with a frown. "Lu - Luhan, right?" Luhan nodded, "Yeah. I moved here with Yifan a year ago - right when you and Minho left. Kyungsoo told me about you earlier earlier." Dongwoon only nodded as he muched his sandwich slowly. The girl then running inside the kitchen and settled herself next to Luhan. "Sandwich?" Luhan offered her. "No, I'm not hungry. Wait we're having a day off today - why are you here, oppa?" She asked him while pouring herself a glass of milk.


"Nothing, I-i just visited Kyungsoo, maybe he would need a help."


Luhan mentally cursed to himself for making such a ridiculous answer so he muched his sandwich quickly after answering her question. Gladly, the girl didn't even bother to ask him further question. Her brother on other hand, was the one who started the conversation again after a few minutes of silence. "What happened with the call earlier, princess?" Naeun looked over her brother before smiling like nothing happened, "Don't worry, it's not a big deal." 


"Naeunah! You ready?"


The tanned looking guy entered the kitchen soon as she replied her brother's question. "I'm always ready!" She cheerfully replied before gulping her glass of milk quickly. "Hey, hyungs."  Jongin greeted the other guys. "Why did Naeun yelled at you earlier, Jongin?" Dongwoon asked him suspiciously which the guy answered with 'nothing happened' and 'everything is fine'. Naeun rolled her eyes at her brother, she than walked over his seat and gave him a hug. "Don't worry too much, oppa. I'm a grown up woman already." Dongwoon chuckled, for him she was still his little princess afterall.


"Then we'll be going now."


Jongin said. Naeun waved at the others, before she grabbed her sling back and pushed Jongin out of the kitchen with her. "Where are you going?" Kyungsoo asked the two teen-adult, before the fully out of his sight. "For a date of course! Didn't she tell you guys we're together now?" Jongin said as he swung his arm around her shoulder. Naeun whacked his head jokingly. "No! I won't ever date a playboy like you, Jongin. And you're not my type at all." said her. "I thought you liked bad boys?" Jongin blinked. " Shhh, not anymore. We're going to Airport now. Oppa, see you later!" The girl shouted as Jongin handed her the helmet which she was going to use.


"Uh, where?"




"Hyung's apartment, he kinda offered for a free treat, bubble teas."


"A free treat? That's odd." Hayoung turned to see her boyfriend angrily shoved his phone into his pocket. At the sight of the sulky boyfriend, the younger girl laughed and patting his back softly. "That's fine, I'm fine here by myself." said her. The point is, Sehun didn't want to leave her yet even if it was for his favorite hyung. The two were busy for the whole week before they could met again and spent their little time together - only the two of them. Because almost of the time, it would always be him, Hayoung and Jinri or him, Hayoung and Bomi or even sometime the others would be there too to tease them. He groaned.


"No way. I'm going to tell him maybe we can go next time."


The younger girl chuckled. "But why did he offered for a free bubble tea anyway?"


"I don't know, but he sound really worried about something. He ended the call even before i could ask him why." Sehun replied. "But still, i won't leave yet." This time the guy grinned ear to ear, causing the girl to smile. "Why?" She teasingly asked him. "You know, it was rare to have a time for two of us - I mean without intruders." He replied. His hand reaching for hers, interwined them together as the two smiled to each other sweetly. Sehun moved closer to his girlfriend, closing the gap between the two of them. "He need you, Sehun. You should go." She recommened him.


"You know my answer, Hayoung."


And he was about to lean to capture her lips with his, before the front door opened widely revealing the surprised girl ( and her brother, actually). "Oh, sorry." Namjoo quickly said, before she made some awkward movement with her hand and bitting her lower lips. "Uhm, You can continue, don't mind us." Namjoo quikcly said before she pushed her brother harshly to the front door. While Joonmyun who didn't get to see what was about to happen earlier complained at his sister's sudden push.


"Namjoo, what the hell?!"


He cursed.


"Shut up, oppa! Don't distrub the lovebirds - they was about to kiss!"


"The was about to kiss?!"




"Really?! Wait I want to talk to Sehun - "


"Just go out, Oppa! We can talk to them later! Sorry, Hayoung, Sehun oppa. We'll be going now, have a dinner with us later. I'm going to cook your favorite dishes! Bye."


Soon the noises faded leaving the couple in an awkward silent. Sehun was the one who cleared his throat as he notice how red Hayoung's face was. He didn't expect that either any of them would caught them about to kiss, Godness! But good things it was Namjoo, if it was Bomi or Eunji or anyone also - he might has get the high-pitched scream. And gosh, what should he reacted if Joonmyun hyung tell the others about what happened earlier?


"Uhm, then you should go now, oppa."


Hayoung told him. "Okay." Sehun replied as he ruffled her hair softly, and the younger girl smiled back. He turned his back and walked to the front door where Namjoo and Joonmyun was ahile ago, while Hayoung followed behind him closely. As he reached the door and turned the knob, Sehun turned to his girlfriend.


"So - what since we can't spend more time today, are you up for a date tommorow?"




"I-I mean a friendly outing or friendly date, is it okay?"


"Sorry but no."


"Oh c'mon Soojung! You're unbelievable!"


Jinri whinned at the sight of her bestfriend and her sunbae standing face to face. She knew it really well, Soojung still hate him after all he did to her. Telling her sorry or a friendly date wouldn't be a best offer for now, at least when her anger was still high. While her sunbae still tried his best to court her, telling her how he was sorry and wanting for a second chance - maybe, a second chance."So tell me, if you two didn't want to talk at all - this won't get over soon," she stated and let out a deep sighs in the end of her sentence.


"I guess it's better for you to talk, okay. With a cold head, Soojung, control your anger."


Soojung rolled her eyes in annoyence and flipped her hand. "Are you saying that i'm hot tempered now, Jinri? You are on his side, hn?" She said. Myungsoo on other hand sighed, "Soojung, she only give you a suggestion. It's not like she is on my side, she is your best friend and a best friend would always be on her best friend's side." Jinri turned at the guy who litterally telling her to stop saying anything before Soojung went angrier.


"Well, why don't we have a talk right here, right now then?"


Soojung suddenly offered as she eyed her besfriend and Myungsoo who looked surprised. Soojung herself didn't know why would she said that, but now - she couldn't take back her words. And afterall, Jinri was right that they both need to talk. "I'm not going to be on whoever side, you go talk. Just call me when you two are done, I'll be waiting downstaris." She continued before taking a few step further, leaving the two behind.


"Now, what do you want to say"


Soojung asked the man in front of her. "Just listen to me, then. Okay. It won't take so long." Myungsoo replied. "Uhm. Where should i start. First, I'm sorry about what happened in the past. I wasn't cheating on you, never would i do that. You misunderstand me. She was only a friend that i share my problems with, and you know yourself that she won't do such a thing like that either Soojung. And sorry, I ignored you - because all the work i had to do was stressful."


He stopped as he eyed the younger and continued to speak. Soojung's heart ached at his confession, she realized how stupid she was in the past few month. How could she thought of her boyfriend would cheat on her with her own bestfriend? She bit her own lips, she didn't even have the heart to told her how angry she was when she found Myungsoo drive Jinri home when he supposed to drive her to buy a birthday present for Yookyung. Even she didn't tell Jongin about the truth behind all of this.


"We would have another branch again in Japan, and father told me that i would be the one who would move to Japan. I did that in purpose, Soojung. Because I'm afraid that you would hate me if i told you that i would move to Japan, you know father would do anything that might harmful for you and your family - and I won't let he did so. And lastly, Soojung I'm moving to Japan in a week, I'm sorry."


Soojung snapped at his word.






"I won't repeat again, bro."


"Yeah, yeah. But, are you saying that he has feeling to your girlfriend?!"


He nodded.


"God! Howon, we're not living in a drama. I can't believe you even think something like that!"


Minho stated as he tried to met his uncomfortable movement. He never thought that something like a third party or liking your own bestfriend or something related to that, would be flashed in Howon's mind. Howon wasn't the type that would think something like that, because once he said he believe he would risk his life for it. Howon rolled his eyes at him, "You said that you would just become a good listener, Minho."


"Yeah, i did, and i still am." Minho rested his back to the seat, trying to fing his comfort. Was it jealousy? Knowing that Bomi was the type who would get close everyone easily, while Yifan - he only opened up to Bomi ( and of course to Qian and Tao since they were a good friends. ) Ruffling his hand through his brown lock frustatedly, Howon let out another sighs. "You should've seen his face that time, bro. I swear i could see jealousy in his eyes."


"But you still believe her right?"


"I do believe her. But not him, not Yifan hyung. Who know he might take her away from me?"


Minho rolled his eyes.


"Nah, never. You know that she would always choose you over him. She really love you, Howon - you know that."


By that, Minho gave the other man a encouraging pats on his shoulder and stood. "I'll be going now, Jongin and Naeun already waiting for me." He  continued. Howon gave him a nods and turned his head at Minho. "Don't forget to tell him that i need his opinions for the choreography too." The other give him a thumb, before leaving Howon completely alone.


Soon, he started to play the music he was working for - dancing to it to cleared his mind only to stopped in the middle of the song.


"Oh, God! What have gotten to me?!"




Qian shouted to herself.


"Jie, is everything alright?" Zitao appeared behind her worriedly, he found that the lady was gathering the broken cups. "Yes, Zitao. I-I'm fine." Qian replied shakily,  "Let me help you, Jie." He offered her. As the younger guy about to take another step closer to her, the lady yelled at him. "No! I'm fine, I can do this by myself." Tao gulped at the lady sudden outburst, so he ended up by watching her from the back.


"Isn't it the cup you loved?"


He asked as soon as he noticed the broken cup was the one that Qian brought along with her all the way to Korea. She treasured the cup a lot, even she didn't let anyone use the cup. If he wasn't wrong, it was from her dad - before he passed away a few yeas ago. And Qian regretted it a lot since she couldn't be there for him and telling him how much she loved his fater. As much as he wanted to hear her reply, she gave him any. Istead the older woman sobbed, causing the younger guy worried at the sight of the lady.


"J-jie, I'm sorry for asking that. Don't cry!"


He tried to comfort her. Taking a few step closer to the lady and her back to comfort her. "I have a bad feeling, Zitao. A really bad one." She said in between her sobs. "Shhh, nothing won't happend, Jie. Everything is okay, and you don't need to worry about it." He stated. Zitao turned his sight at the broken cup lying lifelessly on the dining table, before he continued, "I think we could still fixed this, we can glue them!" He tried to cheer her up.


"Qian, Tao. What happend?"


Yifan appeared and walked closer to the two. He also noticed the broken cup which belong to Qian, he sighed. "That's alright. We can fixed them." said him. Looking to the lady who was standing beside him, he checked her from head to toes. Qian wasn't the clumsy type - not like Bomi, and she wouldn't broke her favorite cup. "At least you're not hurt anywhere. But, look at yourself now, red nosed lady. Qian you looked awfully ridiculous." He laughed softly as Zitao laughed along with him. Yifan was right, Qian always looked funny with her red nose.


The lady groaned, she turned to give him a glare before Yifan laughed more.


"That's the worst way to cheer up a lady, Wu Yifan."


"You know I'm not good with words, Qian. We have been friend for years, you should've noticed that"


But somehow even in the end she laughed along with the two, that bad feelings won't dissapear.



well a really long chapter to write, because HECK i need to write this 20 mains + 2 minors in a chapter

and to cleared out for you guys; i hope you read the. notes okay c:this whole chapter taking up their apartment for the locations. and about the time; as you can see i tried to make it related one to another - some can be happened in the same time, and some happened after the others. i'm not good at giving description, sorry if i confuse you by this. so why don't we play something like `GUESS WHO` appeared in the next chapter :D it's obvious or maybe not

so, thanks again for reading the whole chapter and also this ramblings.

i love you guys, and thanks for all the comment, subscribes and also the upvotes! ❤ (。◕‿◕。)

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[t h e apartment] no, i'm NOT leaving u guys, expect an update from me this wed, promise!!!!


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oh i am so in love with this fic, i wish you'd like to continue it
mariabb #2
great! I love it sooo muuch <3
hi new reader here~~ it seems interesting.
Chapter 9: This is awesome,,I live every little bit that happened in that apartment XD
aaand I wanna know more about Kris true feeling,,because honestly,,I'm worried about my HoMi (team HoMi here) kekeke

will you still update this great fic,,author-nim??
Chapter 9: asdfghjkl I love this chap! How you describe it like it was related to each other ><
It's a good idea!
God! Hoya knows how Yifan feels toward Bbom. okay, waiting for ur update :D
Chapter 9: don't let myungsoo with krystal pls.. Make it Kaistal & Minsull jeballlTT also let hoya with eunji & namjoo iwth sungyeol & naeun with myungsoo hehe please author-nimTTTT
super excited to see surong's wedding omfg. And my favorite of all... KAIEUN o/ they're always bickering lol so cute xD and when kai said they're tgt now /SQUEALS
junmen is a er lmao poor seyoung /pats/
Thx for ur updates!! Looking forward for next chapt :3
Chapter 9: i love this story so much! so many otps <3 i'm really looking forward to suho and chorong's wedding :D and lol at kaieun, always bickering xD seyoung is so cute btw!! i'm curious about krishomi issue... i normally ship krismi more than homi (i don't really ship homi tbh >.<) but in this story i think they are ok together :) maybe kris can be with victoria (but if you ever decide to make it krismi, then i'll be more than glad if there can be hoji >.<) lol don't mind me
Chapter 9: Omg this story gives me so many feels! *.* i'm really excited for surong's wedding! :)
Kaieun is cute! But i havw the feeling that luhan likes her and i'm rooting for them too *.* i don't know who to ship anymore... and oh the oh maknaes are so cute too, always being interrupted keke
I feel bad for soojung though :( i don't want myungsoo to leave...
Also curious about the bad feeling qian had, i wonder what it is about...
Oh my god so many otp hereee fy exopinkfinite! I'm a Homi shipper too >.< Surong! and I like the Park siblings and Kim siblings! but so many people and I end up confused, i think it's better if you add more description? Like the place, or the time... or maybe i'm the only one who's confused......?