
t h e apartment.


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"They went home first, Jongin oppa says—"


"Are you stupid?!"


Her head hang low, since the very first time Kyungsoo yells at her.


"I will walk you home."


He says, pulling the girl roughly. She flinches in surprise before slapping her hand away from his grip. "Listen, Jongin oppa said he will be here in a few minute. I can wait  for him—" "No." He  replies her with a frown that suddenly visiblie in his face. Kyungsoo sighs uncomfortablly, how could he hasn't pick up his sister this late. That doofus should buy him food after this. "It's dark already, not safe for a girl like you waiting here." 


With another rough pull, she finally gives in.


"Why are you so worry about me?"


She aburptally says, before closing with her hand. Namjoo mentally slaps herself for letting her mind saying it out loud. The guy loos at her weirdly, he blinks several times as if he tries to find a proper reason for answering her question. "You don't have to" "Because you're a girl, and it's dark already. It's dangerous to be here alone." He answers, giving a evil smile in the end of his sentence.


"Oh wait, i was wrong, you're not a girl."




"Hey, hey, hey, I'm just joking, Namjoo! Stop it!"


Namjoo yells, she hitting him continuously as they heads over Kyungsoo's car.











"Noona, I'm talking to you"


"..and I'm listening to you, Yeol."


Qian calmly replies him as she blows the soup she has just cook for the dinner, ignoring Chanyeol's whines. She has been busy cooking for more than an hour to represent Chorong.  Moreover, there will be a simple party to celebrate Howon's new dance choreography. And she invites Wufan who is picky eater. That's why she has to focus to her cooking.


"Noona, at least take a seat for a while to listen this guy."


Myungsoo says as he walks to help her setting the dinning table. "I'm busy, Myungsoo. I need to get it ready before they come." She states. "I'll set the table, now sit at listen to him" Myungsoo rolls his eyes and makes her to sit in front of the whinning Chanyeol. Qian sighs, folding her arms in the table to support her body.


"I'm listening. Now, tell me."


He grins widely before it replaced by a sighs.


"Chorong noona went off to see Sooyeon noona. Don't you think it's a bad idea?"


"Chorong noona did?"


Myungsoo quickly replies, even before Qian open to answer. "Well, sooner or later she'll meet her, i know it." Qian replies calmy before Myungsoo mumbles a sentece that cause the two burst into laughs. "Hyung's so dead. Noona will definitely hapkido him." He than looks at the two, pissed of by their sudden laughs.


"My noona won't do that without any strong reason, Myung. Your hyung will be okay."


Chanyeol waves his hand wildly in front of Myungsoo. Qian once again laughs, before saying an 'okay' several times as she stood up and opens the stove. "We won't know what will happen, guys. Quit talking about this." She says, taking out a chocolate chip cookies and turns with a wide smile to the guys.


"Now, who want to try this Qian' special cookies?"



"Rong-rong eonnie. Welcome!"


Eunji throws her arm around the older girl with a huge smile plastered on her face. She begin to pinch the older's cheeks. The two haven't met for several weeks already due to their busy works. And yes, blame to all the articles she had to write, she doesn't even has a time to relax and visit Howon after he twisted his anckle.


"Stop it, Eunji, or i will not seeing you anymore."


"Eww—my Rongrong is mad. What to do, Joonmyun oppa?"


"Just stop it, Eunji." She fakes a cry, gaining a laughs from the guy standing beside the grumpy older girl. "Now, get off your hand from my cheeks." Chorong orders her as she loosen her pinch on her now slowly-redding-cheeks, leaving a pinkish mark. Eunji looks over the guy who basically standing there without any other words. "Are you okay oppa? You seems so quiet today." She questions him.


Joonmyun shakes his head.


"Did i hear Joonmyun?"


A voice come from deeper house, before Eunji turns to find her sister behind them. "Suho! It's really you!" Sooyeon excitedly greets him. The lady Jung hugs him, replies by an awkward hugs from Joonmyun since he doesn't know what else to do. "L-long time no see, Sooyeon noona." Chorong on other side is quite surprise on her action, while the girl hasn't realized that she is there standing beside Joonmyun all the time.


"Aww, it's still Jessica, Suho. Don't you ever calls me noona and whatsoever."


What the heck is Suho and Jessica thing?


Chorong looks toward her best friend who gives her i-don't-know looks and raising her hand high. Eunji gulps, knowing that she is angry or somehow she calls it as jealous. "Is my Rongrong eonnie jealous, now?" She jokingly whispers earning a glare from the girl as she folds her arm.While her fiance is having a lovely chit-chat with the older Jung. Eunji nudges her as she clears trying to get her sister attention.


"Eonnie, let me introduce you"


"Park Chorong," Joonmyun pulls her closer to him, as Sooyeon blinks innocently. "and she's my fiance, noona, sorry, i mean, Jess."



They walks side by side in silence.


"So, i heard that your friend helps Kyungsoo at the restaurant."


He opens the conversation, since he heard from Tao that the girl named Yookyung comes to give them a help yesterday. The girl laughs softly, giving a shrugs at his statement. "Not really, Kyungsoo oppa didn't let her do it." Luhan blinks, surprised upon her answer. He find it weird since Kyungsoo's restaurant is one of the popular one in the town, he'll gladly accept for a help.


"Weird. Isn't it a good thing for him?"


"No, it's not."


Naeun answers, let out a giggles escape from her lips. "Yookyung isn't the type who can do the chores. The first time she moved with us, she broke a plate and ruined my favorite floral dress because she iron it too much, and she kinda messed in the kitchen." The girl explains, causing the guy to laughs along with her.


"Is that so? Now i know why he didn't let her help."


"Are you talking about me?"


The two stops, turning their head only to find the girl with chubby cheeks folds her arm. "No. Absolutely not, kyung. You can ask him to make sure of it." Naeun says innocently causing Luhan to look at her. Yookyung puffs her cheeks as she walks towards the two. "How could i believe you while your partner seems too dumfounded to make an excuse, Naeun?" She answers proudly as she glance towards the Chinese guy who rubs the back of his neck carefully.


"Oh! Mei mei, and Luhan ge!"


Another voice calls for the two. Naeun waves her hand as the guy with a few plastic bag in his hand walks towards them. "What did you buy, oppa?" She asks him. Luhan helps him with the plastic bag as he take a peek over it. "Isn't it a fast food?" He looks at the other guy who points his hand to the chubby cheeks's girl. "It's not mine, it's hers. I'm just helping her out since Kyungsoo closed the restaurant earlier today."


And the three looks at the poor girl.


"What? I can't cook so i buy thembefore your oppa yells at me again, Eun."


She explains causing the trio to laughs.



"Wufan oppa, you have to come with us."




"Because I say so!"


Bomi drags him outside, before she whines like a five years old girl over again. Wufan on other hand shake his head furiously, signaling that he refuse her request. He tries to loosen her grips, only to make her whines over and over again. While Howon calmly looks at the two and leans his back to the walls.


"Qian eonnie make her special Mapo Tofu for you, you should come!"


"Look, i still have to settle a lot things, Bomi. Maybe next time."


He answers as he let himself out from her grip. "You never be a busy person before, oppa." She frowns. Bomi then looks toward her boyfriend, trying to make him persuade the older guy to come with them. Hoya sighs, before he urges him to come. In the end, Wufan gives in and follows the couple.


"Now, let's go there together. I bet Qian eonnie already done with her cooks." Bomi take Howon's arm with hers before skipping happily to the lift in the end of the hallway. In a while, Howon glances over his hyung who walks beside the hyper girl. He swearhe could see a glimpse of jealously in his eyes, before it changes to the cold one again.


Did he?


Howon questions himself before he shrugs the thought away.



"Now, tell me what exactly happened between the two of you."


"Jongin is right. We need an explanation here, Soojung."


Soojung growls, before she leans back to her seat and folds her arm to ignore the two. "I don't know, you can ask his brother." She replies coldly. Jinri frowns, before she opens to rebut her. "You're here with us now, so you explain." The guy nods couple time as he sips his macchiato.


"Like i said earlier, we're done. That's it."




Jinri frustatedly shouts, causing the whole cafe to look at her. She smiles awkwardly before mumbles a sorry and burriying her head to the menu. "Just explain it Soojung, we want to hear it from you. Hyung is too stupid to explain it to me." Jongin says. The two continously corners her with their questions, before Soojung suddenly says an 'okay, i'll explain it!' and the two give a high five to each other.


"Now, what is it?"




She stops, causing the two to stare her deeply waiting for her to continue.


"We're not fated together. He's too cold and uncaring. I'm nothing to him, that's it."


Jongin nods, understanding the pain that the Jung has hold on for several months after dating his brother. "I always thought he is nice to you, Soojung. I'm sorry." He says before ruffling her hairs. Jinri on other side still watching the two best friend. She always thought he is nice and caring—yet the fact that Soojung's hurt by his action explains everything. She then pats her back, glancing to Jongin to say something.


In the end, Jongin opens his mouth, breaking the long silence after Soojung's explanation.


"I wonder where's Sehun, i thought he said he'll be here with Naeun and Yookyung."



"Are you really okay by yourself?"


"Hmm, I'll go to the party in a while. I'm in charge to do the chores today. "


Hayoung explains over her phone, before she takes their laundry and put it into the basket. "I can come to give you a help, you know." She laughs at his statement. "What will you do, washing dishes?" She jokes, causing the other end of the lines grumbles. "Just kidding. I can still do it myself, don't worry." She continues.


"You sure?"


"Oh please, oppa. You've asked me more than three times already!"


She whines. He chuckles. "Okay than, good luck with the chores, Mrs. Oh." The guy says, causing her to smiles. "You know, i shall do this fast so i can go there earlier." She states. "Are you trying to say 'let's hang up here'?" "Urmm" She laughs dryly, knowing that the guy might be not happy. "Okay, i'll see you—later, i guess?" He finally says.


She smiles.


"Yes. Bye."


She hangs up the phone, only to hear a knocks. She lazily stands, before opening the door to see the person. Hayoung blinks, before the guy suddenly says. "Surprise to Mrs. Oh!" He laughs awkwardly, "—anything wrong, Hayoung?" The girl hit his arm playfully, before letting him inside. "I thought you say 'see you later'!"


"Well, they're all out, why can't i come here to visit?"


"What if they seen us?"


"Easy girl, they won't see us." He chuckles, before hugging the girl closely. "Sehun oppa!" She hits his head softly.


"Okay, okay, let's just go to hyungs's and say we meet in the hallway!" He groans as he release her.



Author notes : Urgh finally i can update this chapterrrrrr and it's freakin 12:11 AM! ; w ; It was laying on my draft for more than weeks already yet i only done a half-way. AND, if you guys see, there's exopink in a same shoot during today' ISC recording. I Cannoooottttt. ; w ; And get well soon to Bora, Daniel and Minho, sobs. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Thanks supporting, subscribe and upvotes!


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[t h e apartment] no, i'm NOT leaving u guys, expect an update from me this wed, promise!!!!


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oh i am so in love with this fic, i wish you'd like to continue it
mariabb #2
great! I love it sooo muuch <3
hi new reader here~~ it seems interesting.
Chapter 9: This is awesome,,I live every little bit that happened in that apartment XD
aaand I wanna know more about Kris true feeling,,because honestly,,I'm worried about my HoMi (team HoMi here) kekeke

will you still update this great fic,,author-nim??
Chapter 9: asdfghjkl I love this chap! How you describe it like it was related to each other ><
It's a good idea!
God! Hoya knows how Yifan feels toward Bbom. okay, waiting for ur update :D
Chapter 9: don't let myungsoo with krystal pls.. Make it Kaistal & Minsull jeballlTT also let hoya with eunji & namjoo iwth sungyeol & naeun with myungsoo hehe please author-nimTTTT
super excited to see surong's wedding omfg. And my favorite of all... KAIEUN o/ they're always bickering lol so cute xD and when kai said they're tgt now /SQUEALS
junmen is a er lmao poor seyoung /pats/
Thx for ur updates!! Looking forward for next chapt :3
Chapter 9: i love this story so much! so many otps <3 i'm really looking forward to suho and chorong's wedding :D and lol at kaieun, always bickering xD seyoung is so cute btw!! i'm curious about krishomi issue... i normally ship krismi more than homi (i don't really ship homi tbh >.<) but in this story i think they are ok together :) maybe kris can be with victoria (but if you ever decide to make it krismi, then i'll be more than glad if there can be hoji >.<) lol don't mind me
Chapter 9: Omg this story gives me so many feels! *.* i'm really excited for surong's wedding! :)
Kaieun is cute! But i havw the feeling that luhan likes her and i'm rooting for them too *.* i don't know who to ship anymore... and oh the oh maknaes are so cute too, always being interrupted keke
I feel bad for soojung though :( i don't want myungsoo to leave...
Also curious about the bad feeling qian had, i wonder what it is about...
Oh my god so many otp hereee fy exopinkfinite! I'm a Homi shipper too >.< Surong! and I like the Park siblings and Kim siblings! but so many people and I end up confused, i think it's better if you add more description? Like the place, or the time... or maybe i'm the only one who's confused......?