Chapter 4

It doesn't feel like christmas

He was crying. Why was he crying. I didn't know what to do. Seunghyun was crying and that killed me inside. He didn't say anything, he just walked in and shut the door. He didn't even look at me. He was silent.  More tears poured down his face. He didn't dare make a noise.

"Seunghyun I...."

"Shut up!!" I trembled. Was he angry or just upset? 

"Seunghyun I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...." He cut me off.

"Didn't mean to what? To just casually say that you love me? Is this just a game to you? Do you really love me Ji? Or are you just playing some sick game with me?"

"I can't believe you would accuse me of playing with your feelings!" I yelled, I was so angry at him right now. Angrier than I had ever been.

"JI I NEED TO KNOW!!!" He started crying even more.

"Yes, I really do love you. Ever since we first met. I knew I had some kind of feelings for you, I was so confused back then though, but now...I truly know how I feel."

He just stood there. Not moving, just staring at me with those eyes. Those piercing eyes. I could look into those eyes all day. Those eyes seemed to stare deep into my soul.

"Seunghyun, please say something." Still nothing, he just stood there. He grabbed my hand. 

"Jiyong....I love you too" Eh? Were these words actually coming out of his mouth? Was he actually saying this? He laughed at me.

"What's so funny?"

"You're so cute when you're nervous."

"I'm not nervous." Damn I'm such a bad liar. I had the biggest butterflies in my stomach they felt like UFO's.

"Yes you are. Don't worry I'll make you feel better."

Next thing I knew, Seunghyun's lips were attached to mine. His lips were so soft and warm. He was so gentle but still he took control. 

He finally released the kiss. 

"You look dissapointed Ji." He laughed.

"It's just....I didn't want it to end." 

He laughed again. "You're so cute. Come on Ji lets go. The others are worried sick about you."

"No, can we just call them?"

"Okay, I'll give them a call. You go sit down."

I went and sat down on the couch. Oh my god, I just kissed Seunghyun. What just happened? I was too happy to think. I just closed my eyes and waited. Too happy to care about anything.

-the next morning-

What the hell? Why is it light? I must have fallen asleep,

"Merry Christmas!" Oh, I forgot that it's christmas today. I turned around and saw Seunghyun walking over with a plate in his hand.

"What's This?"

"Breakfast" He said as he handed a plate of eggs and toast over to me. 

"Yum!" I started digging into my food. When I had finished Seunghyun took my plate and took it into the kitchen. He cam back over to me and sat down next to me. 

He took out a beautiful blue box with a ribbon on it. "Merry Christmas Ji." He place the box in my hand and pecked me on the cheek.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open it." 

I was taken aback. I opened the box and inside was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. A plain silver ring with the words "Be mine?" on it. I started to tear up again. Why do I cry so much? 

"Seunghyun I love it so much!!" 

"I thought you might." He pecked me lightly on the lips again.

"Seunghyun, I am really sorry. I didn't get you anything." I looked down. I felt so bad. He got me this beautiful ring and I got him some tear soaked tissues. 

He cupped his hand on my chin and lifted my head up. He started into my eyes again. "Ji, you got me the most wonderful gift of all."

"And what is that?" 

"You." He smiled. He placed the ring on my finger and kissed me again. I smiled through the kiss.

Now it feels like Christmas.

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nightempress #1
Chapter 5: I thought it was an update.. (ahahaha) Please write more GTOP! Thanks!!!
SohAnna #2
Chapter 4: Gtop so....
imoneofakind #3
Chapter 3: Great story loved every chapter please write some more!!!
Chapter 4: OMG I DIED ALITTLE! LOVED THIS! lol its funny, it hasnt hit me that christmas is a week away, that is until i read this story. it just now hit me! omg! :D this story really made my day!
Chapter 1: this very sophisticated and complex and indepth with the right wording
Chapter 4: I love Happy Endings
Chapter 4: Aww! It was a happy ending! ^^ This is really awesome. Hope to read more gtop stories from you!!