Chapter 2

It doesn't feel like christmas

I was woken by the loud sound of a crashing outside. I run over to the window and see what it is. Oh thank god, it was just a bird crashing against the window. I hop back into bed ready to fall asleep. I look at the clock 2:30pm!?! Crap!!! I am supposed to meet the others at three!!! How am i going to get ready in time?

No time for a shower! I run into my closet and pick out some jeans and a hoodie. There's no time to pick something else out!! -knock knock- Dammit this is no time for visitors!!! I run to the door....

"Seunghyun? What are you doing here?" Oh god why? Anybody but him!

"Well, I came to pick you up. I thought we could go meet the others together. Are you ready to go?"

"Er....." I look down at my simple hoodie and shirt. "yeah, I guess so. Let's go"

We walk out to the car. Typical. He bought the BMW. That is so Seunghyun. I hop into the car and was suddenly blasted with the smell of his aftershave. Damn he smelled so good. 

"Hey Jiyong, It's christmas tomorrow aren't you excited? I got you an awesome present!"

"Really? You didn't have to do that" He is so cute.

Crap!! I didn't get him anything! How could I forget? I'm not going to get time to get him a present before tomorrow. Dammit! I shouldn't have slept in.

"Well, I did're just going to have to suffer and like the present." 

"Wow! That's such a terrible punishment!" 

He playfully punched me "Ow, Seunghyun! That hurt!" I pouted

"Aww....I'm sorry. Does baby jiyong want some more milk?" He said as he pinched my cheeks.

"Stop it! I hate it when you do that! I am your leader!"

"And I am older than you so therefore I more power" He poked his tounge out.

"Whatever Seunghyun!"

"Are you mad at me now?"


"I'm sorry Jiyong."

"It's okay..." Oh god, I forgive him so easily. Why does he have to be so cute? 

"Seunghyun, I have to tell you something."

"Yes, what is it? You can tell me anything. You know that"

"Well, Seunghyun see it's...."

"We're here!" He parked the car. "So what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Well, er....for a while I..."

"Haaaay Guys!!!" I turned around, only to be greeted by Seungri's face pressed up against the window.

"Dammit Seungri! You scared me!!" Seunghyun started laughing "This isn't funny!"

"Oh come on Ji, have a sense of humour. Why so serious?"

"Wow clever, using a line from one of my songs."

"Come on don't be such a party pooper. Come on Ji let's go" 

We both goft out of the car to meet the others. 

"You're late guys." Youngbae said in his most serious tone.

"Sorry, the traffic was terrible." Did seunghyun just lie? for me?

"Sure it was." Daesung yelled. "I'm pretty sure Jiyong just slept in, again!"

"Shut up! I no i didn't!"

"Come on guys stop bickering let's go!" Seunghyun was so cute when he was demanding. Oh god! I'm turning into a teenage girl.

We walked into the building and went over to the YG cafe. We sat down at the nearest table. I spotted CL and Minzy sitting at the table nearest us.

"Hey Guys!" I waved.

"Hey Ji!" Minzy and CL waved back. "Ooh Minzy look at the time!! we got to go! See you tomorrow guys at the christmas party!" 

They left. "Christmas party? How am I the leader and I don't know about the christmas party."

"Dude, didn't Daesung tell you?" Seungri asked. 

"No, he only talked about the one that was tonight. Dammit Daesung." I pouted away in my chair for the next few minutes. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I am their leader and they don't tell me this stuff!? 

"Hey Ji, can I talk to you for a second?" I looked up. Daesung was standing over me with a worried look on his face.

"Uh...yeah sure." The others looked at us curiously. Daesung dragged me into the bathroom. Suddenly he hit me over the head.

"What the hell was that for?"

"Why are you acting so weird? You're never happy anymore. Whenever you're around us, you act so distant and secluded. What is going on Ji? Tell me!!" I've never seen him this mad and worried at the same time.

"I'm fine"

"Don't give me that Ji!! I know you. Tell me what's wrong now!!!"

Without even thinking the words came out of my mouth. Those words that had the potential to ruin everything...

"I'm in love with Seunghyun!"




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nightempress #1
Chapter 5: I thought it was an update.. (ahahaha) Please write more GTOP! Thanks!!!
SohAnna #2
Chapter 4: Gtop so....
imoneofakind #3
Chapter 3: Great story loved every chapter please write some more!!!
Chapter 4: OMG I DIED ALITTLE! LOVED THIS! lol its funny, it hasnt hit me that christmas is a week away, that is until i read this story. it just now hit me! omg! :D this story really made my day!
Chapter 1: this very sophisticated and complex and indepth with the right wording
Chapter 4: I love Happy Endings
Chapter 4: Aww! It was a happy ending! ^^ This is really awesome. Hope to read more gtop stories from you!!