
Not What I Expected





It's been a week since Chanyeol left. Sofia misses him more and more every day. The only thing that keeps her going is knowing he will come back since he promised.



"Hey Sofia." Sehun greets her as she walks into school.

"Oh, hi." she was a little startled.

"I uh... want to talk to you. Is that ok?" he asks nervously. He's not sure whether she'll say no or yes. Though, he's hoping for a yes.

"Yeah sure." She unwillingly agrees, not knowing if this will lead to anything bad but still agrees to talk to him.

You will be mine Sofia.

"Great." he smiles. "I'll see you after class."

"Ok." she continues walking.




"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Let's go in there first." he points to an empty classroom.

She looks at the classroom and then back at Sehun. "Why can't we talk out here?"

"I don't want everybody else listening to our conversation."

She's still not sure if she should go in there with him but decides to go anyway. "You better not try anyth-"

"I won't."




As soon as they step into the classroom Sehun pushes Sofia against the wall.

"Sehun!" she angrily screams.

"Be quiet." he says calmly.

"You said you wouldn't-" she's cut off by the closeness of his face. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to kiss you."

Her eyes widen.

"Let's see if you still don't like me."

She struggles to get out of his grip but he's too strong.

"Please Sehun, don't do this." She fights but he won't give in.

Finally, she begins crying, seeing no way out of this scary situation.


He sees her tears and backs away. She slides down to the floor and continues sobbing. His heart brakes at the scene before him. Sofia crying because of him. He remembered how she cried when Chanyeol went to the army. He said if she was with him then she wouldn't cry but he's already made her cry twice in his "mission" to get her to like him. Sehun has made her suffer and they're not even a couple. His eyes finally open and he sees all the foolishness he's done. They just aren't meant to be.


He worriedly bends down and says, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing."

Sofia looks up and feels sorry for her friend but still doesn't say anything to comfort him.

"Oh god. I'm so dumb." he comes to the realization and starts crying. He sits down next to her.


After a few minutes, they both stop crying and sit there. Both trying to figure out what to say.

"I'm sorry for making things hard on you." he thinks about the things he's done.

Sofia still doesn't say anything, not to ignore him but because she doesn't know what to say.

"I know you're mad and sad about this but I hope you can forgive me one day." he gets up.

"Sehun." she stops him from leaving. "You forgot your backpack." she hands it to him.

"Thanks." he smiles. "Should I give you a ride home?" he offers; trying to forget everything.

"Not today." she gives him a friendly smile.

"Ok. I understand."












About time, right? XD


So, I have finally finished changing all the 'you's to 'Sofia'. If there's a chapter or sentence that isn't fixed please tell me. ^^

Check this song out:

Awesome! The song just grew on me. My sister totally loves the Bruno Mars looking one. XD

Thank you!


-TaquitosNOMNOM 7/31/13









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I'm having trouble with my internet, I'll update soon. 1/10/13


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Chapter 61: Eh? I thought Sofia would end up with Sehun :v
Joockie #2
Finished this and absolutely loved it
Joockie #3
Chapter 7: Excuse my language c: I love this
Joockie #4
Chapter 61: Omg I reread your whole story all over again all in a day~❤
I'm so weird xD Okay I believe two comments is enough right? :3
I didn't read it yet but just by looking at the foreword and description, I can tell I'll just end up loving it xD
Raquel15 #8
Chapter 61: omgggg . this story was amazing xD . I loved the part when she had a flashback to when her sister , her , and her mlm went shopping and her sister saw the movie and her mom went "Otra vez con tus chinos?" that my family soooo much and then I get all defensive xD
jzdykitty23 #9
Chapter 12: Lol i saw my name pero mines with a k - karla lol i love this story so far
Buen trabajo ^^