
Not What I Expected



Let's not worry about Sehun or his parents for now. ;)  Just enjoy.




Chanyeol's POV

We're going to spend the day together. Just us two. I'm so excited. I've waited a whole year to go on a date with her. I want this to be special.



"Where do you want to go?"

"What if we watch a movie?" I suggest.



We decided to watch a comedy.

As we watch the movie Sofia starts laughing.

All this takes me back. I remember that day clearly; from her laugh to what she was wearing. And how I got hit. That really hurt but nurse Sofia made me feel better.


"What did you think of the movie?" I ask her once we walk out.

"It was hilarious! Especially the part when he trips and everybody sees him." she starts laughing. I laugh not only because of the funny scene but because of her. She's so silly.



"Let's go eat some ice cream." she says.

"What about that gelato place?"

"Ok." she smiles.


"Remember when you got hit?" she reminds me and starts laughing.

"Yes. It's not funny. It hurt."

"Poor little Chanyeol~~." she coos. "Let's get ice cream so you can feel better."

"I'm not a little kid."

"Fine. You won't get ice cream then."




Nobody's POV


After an hour they started walking around and ended up going to a mall. As they were walking they stopped right in front of the arcade.

Sofia reads Chanyeol's mind and they both enter the room.



"Press, press, press the button!! Just press it." they both start screaming as they get into the game.


"We're all going to die~!"


Then they hear a familiar ring indicating they lost.


"We were so close this time."

"We spent so much!"


"Excuse me? Are you almost done?" they turn around and see 3 kids around the age of 10 looking tired and bored.

"Oh sorry. We're done." Chanyeol smiles.

Sofia and Chanyeol look at each other and laugh.

"You're so childish Sofia." Chanyeol says and walks past her.






Stand By Me- Prince Royce


As they were standing in her backyard, Chanyeol plays the song. "Do you remember this song?" he asks. They had just gotten to her house when he decided to go outside. She wondered why but once he played the song, she smiled remembering that night.

She nods, "Of course."  Chanyeol grabs onto her cold hands and starts dancing with her, just like they did that night. "Do you remember this?" he warms her hands with his.

She chuckles, "Yes I do."

"You didn't want to dance." he reminds her.

"I don't like people looking at me when I dance. It's embarassing~."

"If you're good then you shouldn't be embarassed."

"I'm not even that good."

"That's what you think." he lightly kisses her forehead. She looks up at him and smiles. "You're blushing." he points out.

"No I'm not." she looks down. "Well, now I am."

"Aigoo." he laughs and puts her head against his chest.


"I still have the shoes you gave me." she mentions. She feels his chest vibrate as he chuckles.

"So you liked them?"

"Yes. I wear them almost every day."

"I'll buy you new ones soon."

"I like those though. I don't need new ones."

"Still. I'll buy you new ones."




After a few seconds of silence he asks her another question as they keep dancing. "Do you remember what you told me that night?"


She stops dancing as her round cheeks turn pink. She doesn't say anything but nods instead. 

They are just standing still, not moving at all. "What did you say?" he asks her again, getting closer. She shrugs. "You know what you said. Don't act like you don't know." he pokes her cheek.

"Chanyeol~~." she whines.

"What?" he laughs. "Is it that hard to say?"


"I said that I liked you!" she finally says. 

Chanyeol smiles in satisfaction. "And do you remember what I did after that?"

Her eyes widen. Is he going to...?  He laughs again and pulls her closer to him. "Are you shy?" he his head to the side in a teasing manner.

She doesn't say anything. "Are you?" Chanyeol puts his forehead against hers. And still nothing. "I'm going to tickle you." he threatens.

"Yes, I am."

He smiles. "Don't be." he kisses her nose and they both look into each others eyes.

Sofia closes her eyes to feel his  soothing warmth.

"Sofia I want to tell you something." she slowly opens her eyes. "I know our time is limited so I want to make a promise.

I promise we will get through all this together. Don't worry about my parents and don't worry about Sehun. I will straighten things out. Please don't worry about them. Now..." he pauses. "Can you promise to wait for me?" he searches her eyes.

"Yes, I will."  

His lips curve into a small smile. "I promise to always take care of you, just wait for me."










I decided to make this chapter sweet although I at writing scenes like this because I think they deserve one like this. ^^

So, I gave her the name Sofia. It's cute. Thank you choco-cat.

And, just in case you don't know what I'm talking about in this chapter, they're chapters 23 and 32.

I tried to make it long enough for the song but I just couldn't~.

Sorry if there are any mistakes.

Thank you for reading.


-TaquitosNOMNOM 7/7/13




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I'm having trouble with my internet, I'll update soon. 1/10/13


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Chapter 61: Eh? I thought Sofia would end up with Sehun :v
Joockie #2
Finished this and absolutely loved it
Joockie #3
Chapter 7: Excuse my language c: I love this
Joockie #4
Chapter 61: Omg I reread your whole story all over again all in a day~❤
I'm so weird xD Okay I believe two comments is enough right? :3
I didn't read it yet but just by looking at the foreword and description, I can tell I'll just end up loving it xD
Raquel15 #8
Chapter 61: omgggg . this story was amazing xD . I loved the part when she had a flashback to when her sister , her , and her mlm went shopping and her sister saw the movie and her mom went "Otra vez con tus chinos?" that my family soooo much and then I get all defensive xD
jzdykitty23 #9
Chapter 12: Lol i saw my name pero mines with a k - karla lol i love this story so far
Buen trabajo ^^