
Not What I Expected


After eating Sofia and Chanyeol went for a walk. He was quiet. There's something wrong with him. He's usually not this quiet.

They sat down on swings at a park. And once again it was quiet.

Chanyeol was too busy thinking about his parents that he didn't even notice Sofia was standing in front of him.

"What's wrong?" she asks him.

Immediately his head jerks up in surprise.

"Nothing." he mumbles and looks down.

"I know there's something bothering you."

"No, don't worry about it." he gets up and starts walking.

After a while, they sit down on a bench.

"By telling me not to worry about, I'm going to worry even more. Come on, tell me." she tries to convince him.

He breathes in and sighs. "It's my parents." he starts off. "They don't want me to like you." Sofia felt something hit her heart painfully. His parents don't like me? This is going to be hard.

"Is it because I'm Mexican?" She knew the answer but still asked.

He replied with a nod. "They actually don't know we're dating." he confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I thought you would get mad and leave." his voice trailed off. A tear rolled down his cheek. This was the first time she's seen Chanyeol cry and it was heartbreaking.

Sofia's arms wrapped around his body to comfort him.

"Don't worry." she said, "I'll never leave you." she wiped away his tear. "Ok?" he nodded. Sofia rested her head on his shoulder.

"They sent me on a date with a childhood friend." Sofia's head shoots up to look at him. "I had to go on a date with her today. I went to your house right after. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's ok." her head goes back to his shoulder.

"You're not mad?"

"No, I'm glad you told me." she lays her head on his shoulder once again... but, of course, she felt a little jealous. Right after, Chanyeol rests his head on top of hers.

The two stayed liked that for a while.

Soon enough Sofia fell asleep without realizing. Chanyeol calls her name but she didn't respond so he looks at her and notices she's asleep. Aigoo~ She's asleep! She's adorable.

Chanyeol stares at her sleeping face. She's looks amazing even when she's asleep. After a few minutes, Sofia's eyes open lazily. Sofia wakes up to see Chanyeol's face really close to hers. She immediately covers her face.

Chanyeol starts laughing. "What's wrong?" he tries to take her hands away from her face.

But she wouldn't give in. "Let go." he commanded while laughing.


"Why?" he laughs.

"You're making fun of me."  she still didn't move her hands.

"You made fun of me when I got hit in the eye."

Her hands quickly move away from her face. "No, I didn't."

"I know." he pinches her cheeks. "Let's go. ^^" he gets up and starts walking.

"I'm so lazy." she lets her head hang.

Chanyeol knows Sofia's weakness: being tickled. As soon as his hands touch her body, she starts laughing.

"Stop!" she pleaded. "Chanyeol! St-stop!" she wiggled all over the place. Sofia tried to get a hold of his hands but he kept moving them around. "Ple-please!" she kept laughing. Seeing her laugh made him laugh even more. Sofia saw no way out of it so she started tickling him, too.

"What are you doing?" he asked while laughing.

"Stop then I'll st-stop."


"Chanyeol~" her stomach was starting to hurt.

"Fine." he stopped and so did she.

"Owww~" Sofia put her hands to her stomach while panting.

Chanyeol caught his breath. "Ok, now let's go."

"Yes, let's go." She didn't want him to tickle her again.

He laughed and put his arm around her shoulders as they started walking.



"So,  I know you're short but how tall are you exactly?" he looks down at her.

"haha 5'2 (about 157 cm)."

"No wonder." he compares her height to his. She only reaches his shoulder.

"How tall are you?" 

"6'1 (185 cm)" he proudly says.

"You like your height now?" she smiles.

He slightly sticks his toungue out and nods.

"Let's go get ice cream."

"What's with you and ice cream?" he stops walking.

"Fine. Wait for me. I'll back." she walks ahead.

"Aigoo~" he catches up to her and grabs her hand.


As the two walk hand in hand into the ice cream shop they meet Chanyeol's mother, again.

Sofia stopped. Worried. She tried to let go of his hand but his grip only gets tighter.

"Hello." Sofia bows. The woman only stares at her and then at their hands then at Chanyeol.

"I'll see you at home." she says to Chanyeol and then leaves with Hanna.

Those simple words sounded so intimidating. What is she going to do??

"What are you going to do?" Sofia looks at Chanyeol.

"I'm going to eat ice cream, walk you home, and then go home." he said like everything was ok.

"What is she going to do?"

He shrugs, "I don't know."

Sofia leans against the window and sighs.

"Don't worry, ok? Everything will be fine." he reassured her. Sofia nods and goes to the counter to order.


Chanyeol's House

After walking Sofia home, Chanyeol went home. Of course he was scared and nervous but he didn't want her to worry.

"Why were you holding hands with her?" the first thing his mom asks as he walks through the door.

"Because she's... my girlfriend."

Both of his parents eyes widen. "She's your what?!"

"I like her... I really like her. Can't you please let me be with her? Please?" Chanyeol begged.


"Why not?"

"Because I said so." his father snapped.

"You should've been on a date with Soo Seul but instead you were with her!!" his mother yelled.

"I don't like Soo Seul."

"You will eventually."

"Can't you just leave me be?"


After arguing for a few minutes, Chanyeol went to his room.

Sofia called him to make sure he was ok.

"Chanyeol, are you ok?" she asks.

"No I'm not ."

"What happened?"

"I got into a fight with my parents."

"Chanyeol, I'm sorry." she felt like this was her fault.

"No, don't be sorry. It's my choice. I want to be with you." those words made Sofia want to be with him even more.



"What are we going to do about Chanyeol? He's clearly not going to give up on her."

"We have no choice but to send him to the army. We'll enlist him tomorrow." his dad says and his mom nods in agreement.





Sorry for not updating!! I've been pretty busy and plus I was working on my other story, Friendzoned , I finished it already. Y'all should read it. =P

Please comment.

Thank you.

-TaquitosNOMNOM 2/2/13 




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I'm having trouble with my internet, I'll update soon. 1/10/13


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Chapter 61: Eh? I thought Sofia would end up with Sehun :v
Joockie #2
Finished this and absolutely loved it
Joockie #3
Chapter 7: Excuse my language c: I love this
Joockie #4
Chapter 61: Omg I reread your whole story all over again all in a day~❤
I'm so weird xD Okay I believe two comments is enough right? :3
I didn't read it yet but just by looking at the foreword and description, I can tell I'll just end up loving it xD
Raquel15 #8
Chapter 61: omgggg . this story was amazing xD . I loved the part when she had a flashback to when her sister , her , and her mlm went shopping and her sister saw the movie and her mom went "Otra vez con tus chinos?" that my family soooo much and then I get all defensive xD
jzdykitty23 #9
Chapter 12: Lol i saw my name pero mines with a k - karla lol i love this story so far
Buen trabajo ^^