
Pumpkin Spice

“You don't want to talk about it...” The interviewer finally sighed, no longer sitting down, walking to stretch his legs and ease the cramping in his limbs.

Jongin looked up from beneath his lashes, his head lolling to the side as he pressed his plump lips together. It took him a long while to respond, a good few minutes before he murmured “He had severe seizures... Like epilepsy but worse” Nodding a bit, his words a bit slurred as they left his lips, though crystal clear in his head.

He continued, “He was walking home and on the sidewalk...” he paused, choking on his words, his mind becoming a jumbled mess in that instant as tears stung in his eyes. They met the interviewers though as the interviewer understood, looking Jongin right in the eyes, a deep frown on his lips. Moving over, he sat his fragile looking figure down into the seat, reached a hand over and took Jongin’s for the hope of moral support.

“He died on his way home-” Thinking that was it... His seizure was so intense that it killed him perhaps... But Jongin was shaking his head, his hand gripping onto the interviewers and leaned forward on the table, his eyes detached for a split second before they were on the interviewers wide ones again.

“No!” He boomed as he shook the interviewer's hand, in result jerking his arm and making confusion rise in the interviewer's eyes.

“H-He fell and hit his head! The ambulance came!” By this point Jongin was constantly yelling, his eyes attaching and detaching from reality as his words melted themselves together here and there. “And they took him away... He went to the hospital, and I was there but they wouldn't let me see him..” he was speaking fast now, words molding into one fluid word as he carried on quickly through the closing of his melancholic story.

“The doctor came out from surgery and... they had to remove the part that was making him seize... I thought it was okay, everything was okay, why wasn’t it okay?” Jongin’s eyes went wide to the interviewers, his breathing ragged, their faces close as he tilted his head.

The interviewer's eyes were filled now, shining with the same substance that now littered Jongin’s tanned cheeks...

Jongin took deep breaths as he searched the interviewer's face, shaking his head before he moved his hand onto his cheek, though the simple movement made the iv in his arm jolt and the stand lean forward, threatening to fall onto the table. Removing his arm and putting his hand onto the stand, his eyes lowered and he shook his head.

Taps from both of their tears hit the hardwood of the table top.

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Chapter 10: jongin ... @__@
meemow123 #2
Chapter 10: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
Jonginie dies?
And the interviewer is Kyungsoo?
Waaa i don't understand ...
But this is so cool
I've never seen anything like this before... This type of writing is soo cool ...
Chapter 10: That means, the interviewer was Kyungsoo himself?
Chapter 10: I'm crying so hard right now. I can barely see the keyboard keys. My throat, heart and eyes hurt. Why did he have to go through all that pain? Why? It was pure torture, Jongin. How could you let go of life like that? Kyungsoo, how could you forget him, the person you loved? Even with illnesses, your heart should have remembered him. Shoot, my eyes...
Chapter 10: that was really good. my kaisoo feels :(
jonghyunie143 #6
this seems nice..
Seems interesting! I'll be looking forward to your update.