
Pumpkin Spice

Three hours were gone and it felt like forever. Jongin was taking his time, treading over the thoughts of his decision that he would never be able to take back. The interviewer checked the camera a few times, thanking that he had it plugged in and used a 16 mg chip to hold all of the footage. He stayed patient though, listening, wanting more and more that he could stop this man from following through with his decision, for he felt extreme pain and sorrow for him... Though tried his hardest not to show it, for that was in his job description, he couldn't impair one's thoughts... Which was silly. That was for the therapist though. And Jongin had already seen her.

Looking down at his pad of notes he had taken down at the case before he had come, the interviewer frowned, forgetting the last hint of the story that put Jongin where he was today. He didn't know how to approach the topic, he didn't know how to ask, so he just said exactly what was on paper, “He was in an accident...?” His eyes slowly looking up at Jongin from his pad, one hand lifting his cup of tea to his lips.

There was a deep breath being drawn in from across the table. Eyes moving to the chrysanthemum and finger rising to run over one of its petals... Though the death of the flower was too late and the petal fell on contact with the pad of Jongin’s finger.

It took him what felt like eternity to answer, a half smile coming onto his lips before he bowed his head and closed his eyes tightly. The finger that touched the petal rose to press to his eyes along with his thumb. Rubbing his dull orbs, he drew in a tight breath before letting off almost a sob and then said, “He had Rasmussen’s Syndrome...” but that was all that he could manage before he tilted his head all the way back and looked up at the ceiling though no tears came - He didn't let them.

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Chapter 10: jongin ... @__@
meemow123 #2
Chapter 10: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
Jonginie dies?
And the interviewer is Kyungsoo?
Waaa i don't understand ...
But this is so cool
I've never seen anything like this before... This type of writing is soo cool ...
Chapter 10: That means, the interviewer was Kyungsoo himself?
Chapter 10: I'm crying so hard right now. I can barely see the keyboard keys. My throat, heart and eyes hurt. Why did he have to go through all that pain? Why? It was pure torture, Jongin. How could you let go of life like that? Kyungsoo, how could you forget him, the person you loved? Even with illnesses, your heart should have remembered him. Shoot, my eyes...
Chapter 10: that was really good. my kaisoo feels :(
jonghyunie143 #6
this seems nice..
Seems interesting! I'll be looking forward to your update.