
Pumpkin Spice

15 minutes ticked by of regaining self control and center - of silence... Jongin finally spoke again, randomly in context to 15 minutes previous, though relevant to 20 minutes. 

“He doesn't remember me... He walks through life... every day passing me though he doesn't know who I am... He goes to the coffee shop, picks up Pumpkin Spice lattes though I bet he doesn't know why... Even with one immobile arm he manages to do everything without me” Jongin didn’t elaborate why his arm was immobile.. The surgery on his brain inflicted his motor skills of his entire left upper half of his body.

The interviewer was shaken now, watching Jongin like he was a ticking time bomb... and in a way... he was. He just watched as Jongin sat on the other side of the table, his head bowed, eyes closed, his words mixing together rapidly. 

“Can you speak his name...?” The interviewer asked softly though Jongin only chuckled. 

Looking up, his head heavy and eyes slowly closing as warmth took over his body, he whispered, “Why should I...?” in a soft murmur. 

The interviewer frowned and said, “its good for healing... for letting go..” nodding the slightest though a sob was emitted into the air as Jongin’s head woozed for a moment. 

“It won't do any good...” He tried to shake his head... but he couldn't. 

“I think it will.. what’s his name Jongin?” The interviewer implored, leaning forward and putting his right arm on the table, reaching a hand out to touch Jongin’s, but it slid from  the table before he could...

“Why do you ask me these questions...” His voice was just a whisper now as his head lolled to the side but he picked it up with great effort, struggling to keep his eyes open, lips quivering and the tears pouring. 

The interviewer was getting desperate as he got up from his seat and moved to Jongin’s eyes. wanting him to say the name just once before he let go... “Jongin please.. just try and let it out” He whispered, his own plump lips starting to quiver at Jongin's state.. how close he was - how close the aspirin was to damaging him completely on the inside.

“You know it Hyung...” he whispered softly, his words getting choked at the end of the honorific ‘Hyung...’ 

His head finally lolled back, ending three years of consistent pain - preventing 70 more.

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Chapter 10: jongin ... @__@
meemow123 #2
Chapter 10: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
Jonginie dies?
And the interviewer is Kyungsoo?
Waaa i don't understand ...
But this is so cool
I've never seen anything like this before... This type of writing is soo cool ...
Chapter 10: That means, the interviewer was Kyungsoo himself?
Chapter 10: I'm crying so hard right now. I can barely see the keyboard keys. My throat, heart and eyes hurt. Why did he have to go through all that pain? Why? It was pure torture, Jongin. How could you let go of life like that? Kyungsoo, how could you forget him, the person you loved? Even with illnesses, your heart should have remembered him. Shoot, my eyes...
Chapter 10: that was really good. my kaisoo feels :(
jonghyunie143 #6
this seems nice..
Seems interesting! I'll be looking forward to your update.