▪ Seoul ● Trials ▪ (ABOUT THE TEAMS)

▪ Seoul ● Trials ▪ (Tumblr Based Roleplay)




Apus || Flexible & silent.


Birds are flexible and silent as they come up from behind. This team has all the advantage of sneaking up on you without being noticed and masters at getting out from trouble

Lupus || Strong & fast.


Wolves are pack animals. This team sticks together through thick and thin. By being strong they can easily climb higher up and they can run for a long time without getting too tired.

Hydrus || Quick & level-headed.


Snakes strike quickly when threatened and can cope impressively with whatever environments they’re thrown into. This team usually strategizes by attacking only when provoked, but be careful and don’t let their calm demeanor fool you. Their reflexes are out-of-this-world fast and quite deadly if one isn’t careful.


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