Finding A Little Sympathy

Love Lost?

Sandara was looking at me with a face of pure surprise. I did an embarassed laugh. She probably thought I was a psycho. A pyshco jerk too since now I realized I had yet to call her since the party which is pretty rude. I chuckled nervously again as Sandara approached me. 

"Hey...," I said to her.

"Um... Hey Minho... doesn't that hurt?" she asked, looking at my hand which was bleeding at the knuckles. I watched as Sandara took my hand in hers. Man, were her hands soft. 

"You're bleeding," she said. 

"I know. It's alright. It doesn't even hurt."

"Ha! Just like a typical man," said Sandara, smirking up at me. Her voice wasn't angry though, so I guess she wasn't mad at me. 

"Hey, sit right here so I can take care of this." 

Sandara pulled me to the table Jonghyun and Key were just sitting at. She took out a small first-aid kit. 

"Wow, I didn't know you were a nurse," I said to her. She smiled up at me. It was the same dazzling smile from Chaerin's party. 

"You gotta be prepared for anything, you know?" She stayed smiling at me. I smiled back. 

"Yah! Dara!" A girl with long red hair and puffy(big) eyes was marching up the slope towards us. 

"Uh oh...," Dara said. "Like also being prepared for crazy gal pals." She directed her attention to the girl now in front of us. 

"Hey Bommie...," she said nervously.

"Dara! Where did you go? I told you I wanted to go get some corn!"

"I'm sorry, unnie. You see my friend here got hurt and I wanted to help him." Bommie glanced around Sandara and looked at me. Her eyes got even wider. 

"Oh no! Is that Choi Minho?" she stomped up to me and got right in my face. "I should kick your ! You had my best friend running around wondering if you were ever gonna call her back! Do you even know who she is? She is Park Sandara the F-Ing Beautiful! She does not deserved to be tricked by the likes of some Frog Prince! You got that pretty boy?!" 

"I was rendered completely speechless by Bom going off on me. 

"Bom...," Sandara said, covering her eyes in embarassment. 

"What?" she snapped. 

"I got this alright," said Dara.

"You go this? You sure?" 

"Yes, Unnie, yes. Why don't you go get some corn like you said?"

"Fine," Bom said to Dara, then Bom turned to me.

"You're so lucky you're already injured Flaming Charisma," she said in a scary voice. She turned to leave and I swear I saw a discreet wink.

"Yah! Chaerin-Roo! Let's go get some corn!" I saw Chaerin standing at the bottom of the slope. Bom joined her and they linked arms. I swear I saw a pointed tail swing behind Bom and a halo glow above Chaerin's head. What the...? I didn't want to think about it too hard.

"I'm so sorry about Bom," said Sandara after they had left. "She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and is mega protective of me."

"It's alright. What she said was well deserved. I should have called you back sooner. I was really expecting you to be the one to go off on me," I told her. 

Sandara laughed. She pulled out some disinfectant, cotton balls, and guaze to wrap my hand up. 

"Well to be honest, I really wanted to," She began as she dabbed disinfectant on my scraps. I cringed at the stings.

"Sorry," she said, seeing my grimance. She put some clean cotton balls over the wound to catch any blood. 

"I really wanted to give you a peice of my mind," she continued. "But then Minzy told me that you were going through some things obvisiously so I thought against it." She bandaged the wound. 

"That's very nice of you. Thank you," I said to her. She flashed that beautiful smile again. 

"You're welcome, Minho, but you know, I think I deserve an explanation for why you're punching trees and not calling a certain girl back." She cleaned up her stuff and looked at me with a slightly amused look. However, I could not amuse her.

"I'm sorry, Dara," I said, looking down at my now bandaged hand. I made a fist and only felt a little pain. I looked back at her. "But I can't tell you." Her face fell. 

"What? Why?"

"It's a long story." I shoved my hands in my pockets. 

"Wow. What a non-cliche response," she said crossing her arms. 

"I'm sorry, but I just can't, okay?"

"Honestly, Minho? I let you run me crazy this week, helped you not bleed to death, save you from a mega, well-deserved -kicking from my best friend, and you don't even have the decenticy to tell me what is going on with you? Damn Minho, you sure are a peice of work, you jerk." Dara said with a deep scowl that didn't diminish the beauty of her face. She got up from the table and began to walk away. 

"Go after her, punk!" said Jonghyun in my head. Heck they're back. 

Why Jonghyun? Do you think it's a good thing to tell her?

"Just listen to the dino!" shouted Key. 

"Jin Sang wait!" I grabbed Sandara's hand to stop her from leaving. She spun around.

"Jin Sang? Who is Jin Sang?" Sandara said, she looked mad. She was really starting to look adorable when she was angry. I mentally slapped myself for calling her the wrong name. 

"Minho...," Sandara said, slipping away from me. 

What should I tell her?

"Hmm... I don't know... how about the truth!?! 

"You really want to know what's wrong?" I asked Dara. She nodded quickly. 

"I want to help you, Minho," she said, I realized her hand was still in mine. I grasped it harder.

"Then I will tell you." 


I was really hungry and Dara had missed dinner with her friends to help me with my hand so I decided to treat her. I told her Jin Sang's story over some Shabu Shabu(beef slices cooked in boiling broth(YUM!)).

"So now Jin Sang's getting married?" asked Sandara, swirling her beef in the soup. 

"Yes...," I said. I couldn't hid the saddness from my voice. 

"I'm so sorry. That must be hard," Sandara said. Her voice was sincere.

"You have no idea...," I said to her.

"Minho, don't act like you all of suddent know me." She stopped eating and stared at me with complete stone seriousiness in her eyes.

"I'm an orphan. I know your personal pain times two. I was adopted by a single 40 year old woman. I never had a true father and spent my young life trying to fill that void with any older guy I could find." She paused and took a small bite of beef, a sip of her bubble tea, daintly dabbed and exhaled. I just stared at her during this whole thing. Who would have known the beautiful Park Sandara could have such a tragic past. I felt even worse now for being such a jerk to her. 

Your mother taught you better than to judge a book by its cover. Please guys not now. 

"I'm so sorry, Dara... I didn't know...," I began, but she just held up her hand to silence me. 

"This isn't about me right, Minho. It's about you. What I am trying to say is even though I have never had an ex to get married, I've had my own experiences of lost love and stuff. You and Jin Sang really had something different, uh?" 

"Yeah, we did...," I said, thinking back to all the times Jin Sang had taken care of me. 

"She must have loved you alot," Dara said, looking down at her plate. Then she raised her head and looked seriously at me. "But did you erally love her?"

I was completely shocked by the question.

"Wh-what?! What do you mean did I love her?! Of course I did, uh-- I mean I do!" I exclaimed. "Why would you ask that?" 

"To be completely honest with you, most loving boyfriends don't leave their loving girlfriends at home while they go party," Sandara said seriously. 

"Hey, I made a mistake! I really loved her, and if she gives me another chance, I would make it up to her!" 

Sandara gave me a quizzel look, but let it fade away. 

"Well, I'm happy you realized your mistake," she said. "Because most girls won't deal with that. If we are to be loved we at least have to know we are, right?" Sandara starting back eating and I just stared at her(again). 

Who knew Park Sandara was so wise? I looked at her across the table. Her skin looked soft in the glow of the setting sun and highlighted her chocolate hair that fell down in curly waves around her shoulders. Beautiful and Smart. I was really starting to like her. Did I really just think that?

I couldn't handle this right now so I focused on my food and we ate the rest of our meal in silence. 

"Hey Minho," Sandara said, pushing her food away to show she was done. 

"Yes?" I asked, pushing my own dishes away. 

"Now I said I have been through my own share of love lost..." 


"Well, I think I've found teh best way to cope with it."

"Really? What?"

"Let it go," Dara said, looking me deep in the eyes. I saw seriousness and and hint of remorse.

"...How do I do that? I mean how do I let go of someone I love? I don't think I can do that..." I told her.

"Well, it's kinda hard I know, but you know how it can be easier?"


"When you take your mind off of it and the best way to do that is to do something fun with someone awesome." She smiled. 

"Haha, I guess I'm lucky you're here with me, uh?" I smiled at her. She actually blushed when I said this and I smiled even broader at her adorableness. 

"Haha, yeah... Come on Minho. Let's go somewhere fun!" Dara held out her hand and I took it. 

"So where are we going?" I asked as we got out of our seats and I paid for our meal.

"You'll see," she winked, and pulled me out into the midweek night. 

Off we were on an adventure to help me let go of the one girl I truly loved. 




A/N: AHHHH! Could this be the beginning of DaraMin? Or MinDara? Or DaraHo? or Hell whatever they call it :P 

OMG guys I'm so sorry I didn't upload like I said I was on Friday, FORGIVE ME! Thank you for the comments though! :D I love it! <3


P.S Did you see Bom and CL? *wink wink*




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I'll be back in 2 weeks and we might be seeing an "end" to this story ;)


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Chapter 8: Whoaa... Minho just make dara being your girlfriend... She is the one for you just let go of Jin Sang...
Chapter 7: Look like boom and caerin as same as key and jonghyun... Hope minho can forget jin sang and just falling in love to dara..
Shiningshawol91 #3
Chapter 6: I thought that it was really funny how MinHo thought that Jjong was the hate cupid HAHAHA that made me laugh really hard because I can totally see JongHyun getting all angry about it c(; DUDE THIS IS REALLY INTENSE!!! I can't wait to see what happens next!!!
Chapter 5: Imma need the next part of this. NOW.

But of course, I'll wait patiently. ^^
Chapter 5: Very Kewl. You do need more people reading this.