
Moving Forward

"When you said let's go eat lunch, I didn't think this was your definition of it."

"Well, it's more fun this way, don't you think? Sitting in a cafeteria it's too boring. Here we have a perfect view of the school campus!" 

So, right now we're sitting on a tree branch. When I said yes to her proposal she just grabbed me by my wrist and started running like a mad woman. How I could keep up to her pace, I have no idea. And how I got up here, I also have no idea. Right now I'm trying to not look down, cause I'm a little scared of heights. But well, who isn't? If there's the possibility to fall and break your neck and die, I think everyone should be afraid. At least just a little bit.

"You've gone quiet all of a sudden. What are you thinking about?" She said as she waved her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, it's nothing. Hey, I think we forgot something important. Like, food maybe?"

"Never subestimate the great Taeyeon!" She was grinning widely, getting two granola bars from her pockets, handing me one.

"That's what you call lunch?" I couldn't help but laugh. I could see how her big smile turned to a pout.

"Well, when you said yes I got so excited that I forgot to buy us some lunch. And I really wanted to show you this beautiful view." 

She's right, it is a very beautiful view. You can see the whole campus from here, the students passing by, going to whatever their destinations are. You can hear the birds sing and feel the gentle breeze brushing against you. The sky completely blue, not a single cloud in it. And yet, it didn't feel hot at all, more like refresing. It was a refresing scenery. As I stopped admiring everything, I turned to my right, seeing Taeyeon stll pouting at me.

"Stop pouting, you look so cute while doing it!" I said while smiling big, pinching her cheek.

"Then I shall keep doing so." She tried to imitate a british accent, but failed completely. 

"You're so dorky" I said while we laugh together.

As the laughter died, I grabbed my granola bar and opened it, taking a bite. 

"So, Taeyeon-ssi, how did you find about this place?"

"Well, this might sound kind of weird, but trees have a special place in my heart. I have lots of memories with them.. One tree specifically. I might take you there one day, maybe" She winked at me.

I could feel my cheeks burning a little bit. Was I blushing? There's no reason for it. Stop it, Tiffany.

I tried to compose myself, but it seems she noticed it, cause she smirked at me. Then I could see how she turned her view from me to the open sky. I did it as well.

"Say Tiffany-ssi, do you mind if I call you Fany?"

"Sure, I don't see why not. Do you mind if I drop the -ssi?"

"Of course not. You can call me whatever you want. I have to go now, ok? Take care Fany-ah" She smiled showing her dimple, getting of the tree.

Just then I remembered why I came here with her. The question. I was about to ask her, but she was out of view.

'Sigh..' Oh well, maybe some other time.




How am I supposed to get off from this tree?!



Hello readers. I'm sorry I took so long to write this, but I had kind of a hard time figuring where I wanted the story to go. I still have it, so I'm also sorry if the chapter .

Anywaaaaays, I've been watching the I Got A Boy mv so many times I lost count. But my favorite song from the album most definetely would have to be Romantic Street. Though I love the whole album!

Thanks for reading, and feedback is always appreciated. Till next time! (:

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Chapter 6: omo! after 10 freakin' years.. you've finally updated.. LOL
thought i'm gonna die waiting. kekeke..
author.. when are gonna update?? huhuhuh TT.TT its been a month..:(( please update sooner.. author hwaitaeng..♥♥♥
author..:((( when are you gonna update??:"(((
please upfate faster.. huhuhuhu..TT__TT it's been more than two weeks since you last updated.. please update soon..
author.. update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! hahaha! when are yuo gonna update??:3 i hope sooner.. i'm always thrilled by your story.. ahaha! i'm your number1 Fan... author Hwaitaeng!!♥♥♥
aish.. i hope taengoo will save her from her cruel mother..:((
Chapter 4: hey author..:(( please!! i'm begging you.. update faster.. i find your story really interesting and unique and it always makes me look forward om another chapter.. so pretty please.. at least update once a week.. please!!:(((((

Author Fighting!!!♥♥♥
hey author..:(( please!! i'm begging you.. update faster.. i find your story really interesting and unique and it always makes me look forward om another chapter.. so pretty please.. at least update once a week.. please!!:(((((

Author Fighting!!!♥♥♥
Chapter 4: UPdate faster author. your readers are reeaaaallly waiting everyday ^^