First Realisations(3)

Unseen Love

Jiyong made his way back to the lecture room, to see the familiar figure sitting there, waiting for his return. He shifted his gaze as he calmly said " Let's get lunch." Jiyong proceeded to retrieve his bag from his seat as he saw Vick's rare smile which meant an okay.

They walked across the street to the usual eating spot, an Italian cafe. The both of them sat down quietly, the silence between them almost oversomeonewhelming. Seunghyun flipped through the menu and ogled at all the delicious food sprawled all over the pages. By the time he finally decided on his lunch, Jiyong had already taken his order. Seunghyun ordered a seafood aglio olio.

Seafood Aglio Olio? But he doesn't like seafood! Jiyong could clearly remember Vick saying that he would always place seafood as his last choice for a meal. He watched as his buddy slurped down his pasta happily, leaving bits of sauce at the edge of his mouth. "You have sauce near your mouth." Jiyong pointed out, his first sentence ever since leaving the lecture room. A sudden thought hit him. Why did he care about such little details? Why could he remember such trivial stuff? Jiyong kept quiet throughout the rest of the meal. The tensed silence seemed to last long until night came.

It was when Jiyong received a phonecall. Seunghyun was sitting on the couch, watching television when the call came. A loud "REALLY?!" from Jiyong startled him, causing him to stand up to check on Jiyong.

"We got through the competition?" Jiyong exclaimed in disbelief. Was it the singing competition Vick talked about the other time? Seunghyun tried to recall the competition Vick talked about before, but his mind was blank.

"Thank you very much! Thank you!" Jiyong jumped in excitement and bowed in gratitude although the other party was over the phone. Jiyong ended the call and turned to Seunghyun grinning widely.

"We did it! We did it!" Jiyong's face brimmed with pride as he placed his arms round Seunghyun, giving him a tight hug. Seunghyun took a step back, in shock from the sudden affection. He felt himself tense up and wanted to pull away but as he looked down upon Jiyong's face, he saw that it was filled with utter happiness. It was the kind of expression which would not appear on his face, for he had never been much satisfied with his life before. However, it was heartwarming seeing it and Jiyong looked much more loveable. Seunghyun chuckled, as he bent down slightly, wrapping his arms round Jiyong, receiving the embrace. He rested his head on Jiyong's shoulder and whispered into his ear, "You've done well, Jiyong."

Jiyong blushed as he broke away from the embrace, taking in what Seunghyun had just said. "You too." Jiyong managed to bring the words out of his mouth as he walked towards his bed, thinking how awkward that had been. "We will be going to the agency next week, they want to see how good we are." Jiyong tried to change the subject as he made himself comfy in bed. He closed his eyes as he heard a reply, "Ok,cool." He finally slept with the hope that in the following days, the awkwardness, the tension he felt would disappear... 

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Chapter 5: I saw what you did there. XD
Chapter 3: Switching souls...say whut? definitely staying around for this. XD
bohyemi #3
Chapter 3: Woow that's so wow gee I'd never thought that this would occur
awkwardphrase #4
Chapter 3: I think the soul switching part is fascinating. And your story is very interesting so far. Please continue. :)
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh! I don't know that they'll switched soul instead! But, they're twins--aren't they?-- what's the problem? just change their usual style, and the problem solved! but this is interesting.. :D
Chapter 2: Wow, so seunghyun gonna be our little conan? This is interesting and extraordinary! Please keep writing author ^^