First Realisations(2)

Unseen Love

Seunghyun looked around as he took in every detail he could see of the university. The university was beautifully structured and had intricate designs which greatly amazed him. The students walking to and fro looked bright and happy. It was a refreshing change from the dark people he had been used to. For once, he actually felt happy for the soul change which showed him the more vibrant and colourful side of the world. He observed how the students chattered excitedly with their friends and felt a little empty inside. He had always been in solitude, to not get involved with bad company and Vick was not especially good as well. He realised how much he had wanted a friend to lean on and be beside him in any situation.

Seunghyun turned to look at Jiyong. At least I can experience being friends with someone. Seunghyun looked to only find Jiyong pouting out of boredom. Jiyong's pout was absolutely adorable and Seunghyun could feel that he was mesmerised by it. He had a sudden urge to poke Jiyong's cheeks and see how it would feel like. He was even imagining what kind of reaction Jiyong would have. An embarrassed smile? Seunghyun realised what he had been thinking and felt ashamed. He's a nice friend of Vick. I should not do anything which would change his perception of Vick. Before Seunghyun could think more about it, Jiyong and him arrived at the lecture room.

Seunghyun sat beside Jiyong and the class started not much later. The lecturer, Mr Dong, actually had a short mohawk which did not really suit what Seunghyun had thought about of lecturers. Mr Dong also had a nice smile which he showed from time to time. However, Seunghyun was pre-occupied with his own thoughts and the lecture did not appeal much to him at all. Even a couple of students could be seen dozing off from time to time. He hoped that something interesting would happen to put away his thoughts about Jiyong, about Vick, about the soul switch, about everything

"Seungri! Are you sleeping? Repeat what I had just said!" Mr Dong suddenly flared up and shouted across the room. Seunghyun was startled and looked at who the lecturer was pointing to. A young man with quite visible eye bags with a rather cheeky tone in his voice was being targeted by the lecturer.

"Uh... I was not paying attention.. I'm sorry. Please scold me! Please scold me!" Seungri lowered his head and apologised profusely. He was extraordinarily hilarious than what he was trying to imply. Seunghyun found him rather interesting and it kept him away from his thoughts for the moment.

"It's the little troublemaker again." Jiyong whispered, smiling. Seunghyun looked at the guy repeatedly pouring out his apologies which annoyed Mr Dong even more and chuckled slightly, "He's cute." Jiyong paused and gazed at Vick. He had been smiling more than usual and showed a wider range of emotions. It's a different Vick. However, this Vick was more interesting. He had a different vibe but it was more appealing than how he had been before. The air he gave out now made him attractive. Jiyong could not believe he was actually thinking about it. His thoughts were cut short when Seunghyun turned to face him, wanting to say something but stopped.

Seunghyun looked into Jiyong's eyes and felt mixed feelings in his stomach. Those brown eyes seemed to be conveying something in which Seunghyun could not comprehend but one thing was for sure, he liked it. A spark was lit in him during that moment. The dismissal bell soon broke all the tension. Jiyong could feel his face flush for being caught staring and wanted to escape.

"I-I need to go to the toilet."Jiyong bit his lip as he turned to dash out of the room. Watching Jiyong's leaving figure, Seunghyun heaved a sigh of relief. He had almost wanted to touch Jiyong's face and when he bit his lip, he was too adorable for words. Jiyong ran out with all his might, to stop later to catch his breath. He had felt strange inside when Vick returned the gaze. It was a feeling which he was unfamiliar to. What are these I'm feeling right now? Jiyong questioned himself, without knowing the exact answer.

I can't believe I added Seungri lmao.




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Chapter 5: I saw what you did there. XD
Chapter 3: Switching souls...say whut? definitely staying around for this. XD
bohyemi #3
Chapter 3: Woow that's so wow gee I'd never thought that this would occur
awkwardphrase #4
Chapter 3: I think the soul switching part is fascinating. And your story is very interesting so far. Please continue. :)
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh! I don't know that they'll switched soul instead! But, they're twins--aren't they?-- what's the problem? just change their usual style, and the problem solved! but this is interesting.. :D
Chapter 2: Wow, so seunghyun gonna be our little conan? This is interesting and extraordinary! Please keep writing author ^^