First Contact

Unseen Love

Seunghyun opened his eyes, gasping for air, to find himself in a brightly lit room. Urgh... Where am I? Seunghyun looked around to find himself in an unfamiliar environment. He clutched his chest which still had some tingling pain.

"You're finally awake." An unfamiliar voice could be heard.

Seunghyun set himself upright to find himself facing a small-build man sitting right in front of him. The man had glorious blonde hair and flawless skin which greatly surprised Seunghyun.

"Are you alright? You were dead drunk Vick!" The skinny man chuckled and had on the most radiant smile Seunghyun had ever seen. Seunghyun was momentarily awestruck by the gummy smile but something was terribly wrong.  

"V-vick?" Seunghyun blurted out. It was then did he realise that he had on a short-sleeved shirt and shorts contrary to the long coat and pants he had in the amusement park. Something had happened. Why the hell am I called Vick?

"God, Vick, you are still drunk. I will make you some hangover soup." The other man stood up and walked to the other end of the room, out of Seunghyun's line of sight, leaving behind an extremely confused Seunghyun.


Vick woke up with a groan and an immense headache which he felt was an aftereffect of too much drinking.

"Sir, are you all right?" Vick looked up to see two security guards.shining their torchlights at him. One was holding onto a wallet.

"Mr Choi Seunghyun, you have been attacked. We would bring you to the hospital to get treatment."

What? Vick looked around and realised he was in a dark alley. He could barely make out fancy lights in the background.

"I think these are your possessions sir." Vick took from the guard's hands a few items: a phone, a wallet and a card. The card only had 4 big letters on it : IRIS. Vick pondered about it and everything clicked. Damn that Seunghyun. Vick grunted and ran away as fast as he could leaving behind the two security guards shocked and frantically calling after him.

Once Vick found seclusion, he whipped out the phone and dialled his own number.

"H-hello?" A shaky voice answered.

"Damn you Seunghyun! You ing screwed up the trade didn't you?" Vick yelled into the phone.

"Brother, what happened? I don't know what's going on..."

"You swallowed a pill didn't you! It's my greatest invention which causes one to switch souls. And now it's in your stomach!" Vick spoke angrily.

"What! You actually invented something like that? But why switch the both of us? Why?"

"Blame God. Ok listen, you will be me for the time being till I create the antidote. I just need time in the lab and we will be back to normal. The guy I stay with is Kwon Jiyong whom I had always told you about. The one who's good in music. Just act like a normal university student while I will get back at those people. Contact you later." Vick cut off the line as he flagged a taxi to head to his lab.

Seunghyun was flabbergasted-either about the fact that their souls had seemingly switched or the fact that an antidote was not yet created or probably both. He looked up to see Jiyong bringing a bowl of soup towards him and stared at his new companion intently, whom he had found rather interesting -the stranger who should be his friend.

I wonder how the story would go on lol my brain is lacking inspiration and my writing is not very good. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this. ^^


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Chapter 5: I saw what you did there. XD
Chapter 3: Switching souls...say whut? definitely staying around for this. XD
bohyemi #3
Chapter 3: Woow that's so wow gee I'd never thought that this would occur
awkwardphrase #4
Chapter 3: I think the soul switching part is fascinating. And your story is very interesting so far. Please continue. :)
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh! I don't know that they'll switched soul instead! But, they're twins--aren't they?-- what's the problem? just change their usual style, and the problem solved! but this is interesting.. :D
Chapter 2: Wow, so seunghyun gonna be our little conan? This is interesting and extraordinary! Please keep writing author ^^