Time To Move In

Academy for the 'Gifted' [Hiatus]


"Haha, I guess I kind of do too.  I just feel like this year might be different somehow." I said.  I looked out the window and into the dark sky.  "Maybe it will be..." She agreed, and sipped her hot coco.

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~ The next morning ~

"Woohyun! Help me bring these boxes to the truck." I said.  I could hear him walking down the hallway in the slippers that we have everyone wear when they visit since we like to keep the floors clean.  "Whoa, that's a lot of boxes..." He said when he looked at the pile near the left wall of my room.  "Nam tree, you're strong, just help me." I said as I walked past him carrying one of the lighter boxes.  Woohyun, Sungjong, and I were putting boxes into the truck that we had rented and we were going to pick up Sunggyu after we finished with our stuff.  Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, and L had their own truck that they had also rented, so we would meet them at school.  Once we had finished putting the boxes in then truck, we piled into the truck.  I called Sunggyu and waited for him to pick up.  "Gyu grandpa!  Are you ready yet?" I asked.  "Yah... I'm not a grandpa! And yes I am almost ready, you guys can leave." He scolded and answered me. 

"Okay! We'll be there in half an hour grandpa!" I teased.  "Yah!!" He shouted.  I hung up and the three of us were cracking up.  "Have a safe trip kids!" Appa had walked over to the truck doors and hugged Sungjong and I goodbye.  "See you Mr. Lee!" Woohyun said.  Appa waved as Woohyun drove the truck away from our house.  We got to Sunggyu's apartment that he rented out every summer and we loaded his stuff into the truck.  Once all his stuff was packed in the truck, we officially headed off to school.  It takes a pretty long time to get to school since the campus is near the ocean and the rural areas. 

The campus is actually really beautiful; mountains surrounding one side of the school; the grass and mud plains on the other.  There were also fruit orchards, vegetable and rice farms, animal barns and even a lake.  We stopped at some rest stops to eat and grab snacks, and we finally reached school at 4:30 pm.  We drove through the student parking lot entrance that forked into two paths, one to the school, the other to the dorms.  We went down the dorm road and parked behind the other two trucks that were parked in front of the dorms.  We went inside first to get our dorm assignments.  "Yoona!" I said excitedly.  Yoona Im was one of my really good older friends who I'd known for a while. 

"Hey Soojung!" She said with a wave.  She was holding a clip board full of papers that had a bunch of small font information.  "What's all that for?" I asked.  "I'm dorm head this year for the high school section of the academy!" She said with a bright smile.  "Really?" I asked.  We were currently standing in the lobby area of the high school sector of the dorms.  I saw the guys talking with Taecyeon, a popular guy senior of the high school with another full clipboard.  "Oooooo, I bet you're extremely happy that you have to work with him~." I .  I could see the slightest blush on her face and I giggled.  "So who am I rooming with this year?" I asked.  "You're on the top floor, room 512.  I think it's all the way at the end of the hallway, but I'm not completely sure.  You're rooming with... Jimin, Ara, Lizzy, Suzy, and Wooram." She said.  "Yess! Top floor this year!" I shouted.  "Thanks Yoona! I'll see you later then!" I added with a wave.  

I got help from Sungjong and we too my boxes upstairs to room 512 and I was instantly greeted by Jimin.  "Jimin!!" I shouted.  I'd taken a few classes with her last year and we were pretty close believe it or not.  She was probably one of the few girls that I was really close with throughout the entire school.  "Soojunggggg!" She said.  We hugged and Sungjong moved past us to put the boxes in the room.  Our new dorm was amazing.  The top floor had the best rooms of all the floors.  There were two beds built into the left and right walls.  At the wall straight in front of the door, there were four bun beds that were also built into the walls.  Hanging from the ceiling, there were star-shaped lanterns and a sky roof.  "This is definitely the coolest room in the whole dorm..." I said. 

We walked inside and only two other beds were taken up.  "Who isn't here yet?" I asked as I threw my bag onto one of the untaken top bunks.  "Suzy, Lizzy, and Wooram aren't here yet, it's only you, Ara, and I." Jimin said as she sat on her bed which was the bed in the left wall.  There were windows next to each of our beds so we could lie down and look out the window at night if we wanted to.  "I'm going now!  Make sure to drop by and leave me some snacks once I get settled in my dorm." Sungjong said.  "Got it." I said.  He left and closed the door softly behind him.  "Where's Ara?" I asked.  "She's hanging with Baekho and JR I think, she left a little while ago." Jimin said.  "I'm heading out for a little while too.  So I'll see you after dinner!" She said. 

I walked out of the dorms by myself.  The school was pretty empty considering how much time we still had until we had to start school again.  I decided to head to the practice rooms.  The practice rooms were pretty much large barn rooms filled with hay dummies, weapons, energy training systems, and some more.  A little practice today won't hurt...  I thought.  I jogged down to the practice rooms and went into the first empty one available.  I went into the middle of the room to set up a dummy.  Once it was set up correctly, it took me few times to get it up right, I stepped back a bit.  I concentrated on my powers and I focused on sending the energy to my hands.  

The reason I haven't mastered my powers yet is because, well I'm special.  I have all 8 of the powers to master so it's taking me much longer to control them since I've only been here for two years.  I've got Fire, Water, Ice, and Wind down but the others are far from controlled.  I let the fire dance over my skin and I somersaulted closer to one of the dummies.  When I was about five feet away, I shot my formed fire wheel at it.  I watched as the hay dummy burned and crackled with satisfaction.  Then I formed a water ball in my right hand and motioned it into a twister like form.  Motioning for it to surround the dummy, I used a pushing motion and then the flames went out and steam flowed up to the ceiling.  The dummy was now a skinny, wet, charred stick and I immediately froze it.  It soon was covered in a layer of smooth ice.  I twirled my finger around a couple times and lifted myself up under a small vortex of wind.  

I laid down on my back in the air and I closed my eyes for a short rest.  After around ten minutes of resting, I lowered myself to the floor and looked up at the ceiling.  "Bored?" A familiar face loomed over mine.  "Kris!" I shouted.  "Hey lazy-." He said.  "When are you going to stop calling me that?" I asked with an annoyed face.  "Never." He said.  "I had a feeling you'd say that..." I said.  "I thought you weren't here yet, knowing you EXO boys." I said.  "EXO-M is here, EXO-K is coming sometime later this week." He said.  I sat up and then stood up.  "Did I grow?" I asked anxiously.  "Probably like half a centimeter or something..." He said.  I smacked his arm playfully.  "Come on, I think dinner is being served." He said.  We walked in silence and then we both stopped at the same moment and looked at each other.  We had a little mind exchange and both laughed out loud.  "If only someone else was there to witness that.  There's no way in hell I'm going to that cafeteria when we can travel off campus." He said.

He walked me back to the dorm area and I went inside to grab my bag that had my wallet, phone, etc. in it and a jacket.  We met up with the rest of EXO-M and walked out of the school gates.  "How was everyone's summer?" I asked as we walked along the peaceful sidewalks.  "We missed our little Soojung." Luhan said.  "Aww." I said.  "I didn't." Kris said.  "Yah." I snapped.  "You wanna die?" I asked.  "Kill me." He said.  "You asked for it." I said.  He started running ahead and I followed in pursuit.  "Aish, here they go again..." Chen said.  "They'll always stay the same." Lay said.  "Yah!!! Curse you and your long legs!" I shouted.  "Midget!!!!" He shouted back.  "What did you call me??!!" I sprinted and almost caught up with him.  "Oh no, the lazy- is mad." He picked up his pace again, leaving me.  "Efffff you." I panted and caught my breath, knowing I would never catch up to the giant.  The rest of EXO-M jogged over to us where we were waiting.  "Is this going to happen every year?" Xiumin asked.  "Probably." I said.  I skipped along, linking arms with Tao and we headed to the restaurant.

We ate to our hearts content at the restaurant and it was dark outside by the time we finished.  "I'm glad we don't have a curfew yet." Chen said as we slowly walked through the city streets.  I walked on the street railing like it was a balance beam and I kept perfect balance even as cars whizzed by.  My phone vibrated and I took it out of my pocket.  "Hello?"

"Yah, where are you?" I heard Sungjong's nagging voice on the other end.
"I'm out with EXO-M."
"Kris, Xiumin, Luhan, Lay, Chen, and Tao."
"Ohhhhhh. I couldn't hear EXO right over the phone."
"Yeah... What do you want?"
"I just couldn't find you anywhere."
"Sorry, I forgot to tell you oppa."
"Just tell me next time!!"
"See ya."
"He's such a worry bug." I said.  "Sungjong?" Kris asked.  I nodded.  "Well you are his sister." Lay said.  "Yeah, but he's always worried." I said.

We arrived back at the school and I went back to the girls dorms.  "How was dinner?" I asked the girls when I walked into the room.  "Steak and potatoes isn't that bad you know." Jimin said.  "That is actually one of the only meals I can tolerate here..." I said.  I changed into pajamas and laid down on my bed.  The others did the same and we just rested.  At around 11 pm, we turned the lights out and went to sleep.


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Hi guyss! Thanks for subscribing and reading~ Just waiting for a couple feedback comments :)
Next chapter will be up soon hopefully, I've been busy with finals this week and last week so I couldn't really update, but my last one is tomorrow and I'm free for few weeks!!

- patbingsoojung


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chapter one will be up soon!


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