Summer is a Bliss

Academy for the 'Gifted' [Hiatus]

☆Soojung's POV☆


- - - - 2 Weeks Before Summer Ends - - - -

"SOOJUNG! Wake up!!!" An oh-so-familiar voice shouted right next to my ear.  I jolted awake and almost smacked foreheads with him.  "Yah, what are you doing?! Shouting so early in the morning..." I asked while rubbing my eyes.  "F.Y.I, Soojung, it's already 11.  We agreed to each lunch with the guys today, remember?" Sungjong asked, he walked over to my closet and started looking through my clothes.  "When did we agree to that?" I asked, not remembering a single thing.  "Yesterday." He said.  He tossed me a striped white and black sweater and my favorite pair of black jeans.  "Oh..." I said.  "Get ready, they're gonna be here in half an hour." He said.  "Gotcha, I'll be ready by then."  I said.  He then did a little wave and walked out of my room.  I sighed.  My brother is definitely something different. 

I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.  I changed into the clothes that Sungjong had picked for me and I dried my hair.  Once I finished, I headed back to my room and found my black Converse high tops.  I slipped them on and grabbed a knit black cardigan that was on a hangar.  I looked in the mirror and applied a thin line of eyeliner and I was done.  Huh, that's quicker than usual.  I finished in less than twenty minutes.  I heard my ringtone go off and I hummed along as I looked for my phone which was under a pile of books on my desk.  "Yo Soojung!" Dongwoo shouted from the other end.  "Yo Dongwoo!" I shouted back.  I could hear him and the other guys laugh in the background.  "Is Sungjong ready yet?" He asked.  Just then, Sungjong knocked on my door.  "Yup, we'll be outside in a minute." I said.  We hung up and I followed Sungjong out of the house.

"It's meat time!!" I shouted.  We were walking down the block of our neighborhood towards the local Korean BBQ restaurant.  "That's the way to spend the last day of summer vacation, BBQ with friends." Sunggyu said.  "Definitely."  We reached the restaurant and sat at our usual table by the window.  We ordered the all you can eat menu and soon the side dishes were being placed on the table.  "I call potato salad!" I said, grabbing the small serving plate of potato salad.  "Not fair!" Sungyeol shouted from across the table.  "Well you should've sat over here knowing I would take it first." I said.  I picked up some and ate it.  "Mmmm, so yummy." I bragged.  He glared at me while the others laughed. 

The guys started grilling the meat when it arrived while I sat and played on my phone.  "You guys ready for school?" I asked.  "It's only going to be us eight in the class again." Woohyun said.  "Really? Well that's boring..." I said.  "That means skill training is going to be extra hard for me again." I added.  "Skill training isn't that hard Soojung." Sungjong said.  "Shut up, you know I have a hard time controlling my powers." I said.  "Well you should've gotten better by now..." He mumbled.  "Mwoya?? Say that again!" I said, giving him the 'evil eye'.  "You know its true." He said, then casually taking a bite of rice.  "I work at a different pace than you guys." I said.  "And that matters because?" He countered.  "It just does!" I exclaimed.  

We bickered on, back and forth and back and forth, until Sunggyu shoved a piece of meat into my mouth while L did the same to Sungjong.  "Yah! You could've killed me like that!" I said after I coughed and then ate the meat.  "Well we were dying from just listening to you guys." Hoya said.  I glared at them and ate my food.  We spent the rest of the day hanging out at the mall and I went on a mini shopping spree since we were there.  At around dinner time, we all went home so we could finish packing for school.  After I finished packing, I made some dinner for Sungjong and I since our dad was out of town for the weekend and he was coming home tomorrow night.  We wouldn't be here to see him though since we're going to be at school by then.  

"Neh oppa, what are we going to do about appa? I feel like he needs someone here with him... You know how utterly hopeless he can be sometimes." I said.  We were sitting in the living room, eating japanese curry that I had made, while watching TV.  "Who knows, maybe Taejun and Hyunseok will come over once in a while to check up on him." He said.  "I hope so..." I said.  Taejun and Hyunseok were our cousins who loved to visit our dad since they helped them with their shopping mall every so often.  "Oh, I just remembered, we should stock up on junk food.  I'll go to the market." I said.  I was already finished eating so I put my dishes in the sink and grabbed our food money wallet.  "Any requests?" I asked as I was putting my shoes on at the entrance way of the house.  "Noodles? Chips? Peppero? Hello Panda? The usual." He said.  "Got it." I said.  I went outside and hurried to the market since it didn't stay open for very long on the weekends. 

Once I finished, I carried the four bags full of junk food with me.  Why are we stocking up on so much junk food you ask?  Well lets just say that the dining hall at school doesn't offer the most normal food...  Its like American cafeteria food, but on what they call a 'gourmet' level.  But to tell you the truth, it tastes horrible.  As I walked through the streets, I bumped into someone and one of the bags fell out of my hands and onto the floor.  "Ahhh... My lovely junk food..." I mumbled.  "Sorry about that!" The person said.  The voice sounded oddly familiar.  I looked up at the person's face while we picked up the scattered packages.  "Oh, fancy meeting you here.  You haven't left for school yet?" I asked.  The person looked up at me and looked confused for a second.  "Soojung?" She asked.  I smiled.  "Dongseanggie~~" She said happily.  It was one of my room mates from last year, Hyorin unnie. 

We decided to stop by a little coffee shop that was on my way home.  "I thought you would've left for school like last week or something." I said.  We were both sipping some hot chocolate while sitting at a window booth.  "The girls are there already, but I came down here to visit some family the last couple of days, I'll be heading back to school on Thursday." She said.  School doesn't officially start for another two weeks, but all of the 'Gifted' students are required to come one week in advance to be tested again.  "The guys and I are heading out tomorrow morning." I said.  "Sounds good, I actually kind of miss school..." She said with a giggle.  "Haha, I guess I kind of do too.  I just feel like this year might be different somehow." I said.  I looked out the window and into the dark sky.  "Maybe it will be..." She agreed, and sipped her hot coco. 

- - - - 



Annyeonghaseyo~~ Patbingsoojung ibnida >.<
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