Wǒ Hěn Gāoxìng

Just a Library

It was a quiet day in the school library. Well, it always is when the librarians take their jobs way too seriously.

"Can you boys please keep it down? Your fellow students are trying to study."
"But Gege's voice is naturally loud and manly, Miss. He can't control it."
"My voice is not loud," Wufan cut in.
The librarian gave them a stern look. "This is your second warning. If I have to come over here one more time, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave my library."
Zitao rolled his eyes but Wufan nodded toward the woman. She walked away, revealing Luhan snickering at a table across from them.
" 'But Gege's voice is naturally loud and manly~' " Luhan imitated. "What a stupid excuse to inflate his ego even more."
Zitao suddenly sat up straighter in his chair while his cheeks flushed slightly. "O-oh yeah? Well what stupid excuse do you have flirting with that Korean kid?" Zitao shot back in Chinese.
Luhan glanced anxiously to Sehun sitting next to him. His pencil stopped moving across the page at the word "Korean," but then continued writing shortly after.
"I told you," Luhan hissed. "I'm tutoring him in Mandarin. Now shut up. He might know more than I think."
"Oh is that it?" Zitao smiled evilly. " 'Tutoring.' Do you 'tutor' him at his house too? How about on the bed? Wait wait, does he get punished if his answers are incorrect?"
Wufan folded his arms and hid his mouth behind his hand. They both tried so hard to stay quiet while laughing at their own stupid jokes, but the librarian came back once again to the two outside.
Luhan smirked at them, until Zitao turned around to make a off gesture with his hands and mouth. Luhan's eyes widened and quickly fell back to Sehun's paper.
"Okay. Uh, sorry about that. So how far did you get on the homework?"
"Hyung?" Sehun asked, not lifting his head. "Were you guys talking about me?"
"What??" Luhan said a little too loudly. He looked over to see the same librarian glaring at him. "I-I mean," he leaned over and whispered into Sehun's ear. "No. No of course not. Why would you think that?"
Sehun sat up and did the same. "He said 'hánguórén'."
Damn, I knew he would understand that. Such a blunt kid though.
"We were talking about this girl in my class who's Korean." He whispered again, leaning in.
"Oh..." Sehun started tapping his pencil against the table. Luhan melted at his cuteness and naivety. He felt bad knowing that Sehun would believe anything he said. Really, Sehun was in the palm of Luhan's hands... or maybe it was the other way around.
"Nǐhǎo," he said, gently smiling into the younger boy's ear. 
"Nǐhǎo," he replied shyly. (Hello.) 
"Wǒ jiào Lu Han." (My name is Lu Han.)
"Wǒ jiào Wu Shi Xun." (My name is Wu Shi Xun.)
"Nǐhǎo ma?" (How are you?)
"Wǒ hěnhǎo. Xièxiè. Nǐ ne?" (I'm fine. Thank you. And you?)
That last one made Luhan shut his eyes. Sehun had dipped his head ever so slightly, so although he was still whispering into Luhan's ear, his warm breath hit the older boy's neck in just the right spot.
"...Wǒ hěn gāoxìng," he murmured without leaning in.
Sehun tilted his head and blinked. "...'Happy'? Does that mean 'I'm happy'?"
Luhan raised his eyebrows. "Yes. Did you peek at the next chapter?"
"Ahaha," he laughed, making his eyes form cute little crescents. "Yeah. I was kinda hoping to impress you actually." He looked down at his pencil and started tapping it again.
Luhan put his hand over Sehun's to stop him. He came in even closer this time, barely touching the boy's ear with his lips.
"Why are you trying to impress me?"
When he leaned back, Sehun looked startled from such close contact. Luhan immediately took his hand off his.
"Because... um... I-I just... I just want to... you're so... uhh..." He was obviously flustered and Luhan felt a little guilty for putting him in this situation.
"Ah never mind. You don't have to-"
"I don't want you to think I'm stupid," Sehun blurted out. He stared at the table, almost burning a hole right through the wood with his gaze. Luhan was stared incredulously at him.
"What are you talking about? I don't think you're stupid." Luhan waited for a response. "Sehun, look at me." He moved in and tilted his head in front of the table so Sehun could only see him. A smile found its way to the younger boy's lips at his hyung's childish actions. "Why would I think you're stupid?"
"Because I am. That's how I got you in the first place. I was so stupid in my Mandarin class that I needed a tutor."
"But you've been doing so well, I don't understand why you needed help in the first place."
"I guess I just... I learn very well from you."
Sehun peeked at the older boy from beneath his bangs and gave a small smile. Luhan felt at a loss for words.
"Oh... well, thank you... I'm happy. Wǒ hěn gāoxìng."
Sehun smiled wider and whispered into Luhan's ear again.
"Wǒ yě shì." (Me too.)



A/N: I  don't know Chinese and I'm not gonna pretend like I do *rolls away into the abyss*

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kikinana #1
are you going to continue this story?
Hollywood1999 #2
Chapter 2: ODG THE FEELS
WhatOnceWas #3
This story is amazing... please update ♡
azeli_ouo #4
Chapter 2: Omg omg fluffyness and i fele fuzzy and happy~
gahd i need to know about KaiSoo
pleaseplease whats happening, hes crying and wijdieirjd KYUNGIE LET ME HUG YOU. well i would rather jongin would, but still.

love the way the second chappie ended... electrical sparks huh~ first kisses sound so magical...
Hunhannie813 #5
Chapter 2: Finally reading this, hehe. Don't kill me unnie ^^

Hunhan: I would die of embarrassment if I had to deal with Taoris' teasing omg. Tao is the number 1 troll here. YOU GO ZITAO. EEEEEEP. YOU CAN WHISPER IN MY EAR SEHUN, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR LISP YOU Y MAKNAE YOU. /cries it's so cute and fluffy, I'm gonna dieeeee~

Baekyeol: Omg Xiuchen is adorable here - can I keep them? XD And I can totally see our tall Yeollie following Baekkie around like a puppy, dcvkhjbl;'['p[upjb, IT'S THE CUTEST THING EVAR. CHANYEOL IS CO CUTE HERE I CAN'T EVEN. JUST. I MUST KEEP MY SQUEALS IN. MY MOTHER IS SLEEPING AND SHE DOESN'T NEED TO HEAR MY SQUEAKY VOICE...or dying whale noises EEEEEP. HE SAID "DO YOU TRUST ME?" I TRUST YOU BAEKKIE, KISS ME, I'M HERE. I'M OVER HERE. You do not at writing fluff. That was so cute on so many levels. Man, I wish my first kiss was as cute as that .__.

and what's going on with Kaisoo?
Chapter 2: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so fluff ><
so cute^^
i like both of the chapters ><
very excited for the rest of them~