Chapter 5

Love Comes Softly


The first week living in Seoul had flown by for Haneul. During that week Haneul had learned as much as she could from Yoochun about the city. Yoochun also did eveything he could to help haneul learn her way around by purchasing a bus pass for her, given her a bus schedule, and taking the bus as much as possible. 
 Since she had always placed at the top of her class, it was easy for Haneul to to memorize the bus schedule and stops. 
They had also spent the week getting to know each other again. Some nights they would stay up late talking about any and everything. They had become so comfortable it was like they had never been apart. 
It was the day before school and Haneul had forgotten to pick up a few things so she decided now was the time to test what she had learned "Oppa, I need to pick up a few things."
"Ok, I am almost done with this," he said looking up from the computer. "It should only take me five minutes than we can go.
"Actually, I was going to go by myself."
"Are you sure? I don't mind going."
"I'm sure. I think I understand how to get around."
"Ok. Call me if you get lost and I will come and get you."
"Ok Oppa. I'll be back early."
Haneul made her way out of the apartment and to the bus stop right down the street. As she waited on the bus she checked her list to see what she should do first. She knew she needed to buy new shoes, school supplies, and pick up her uniform from the tailor. 
She figured she should start from the farthest place and work her way back toward home. She also wanted to check out a few places she had read about on the Internet. One being a street market. 
Picking up the items she needed ended up taking longer then she expected but she  was still able to make it too the market with hours to spare. It had been an hour since she had walked into the street market and started looking around.  There were so many things that had caught her attention. She was currently standing in front of a vendors table checking out all of the phone charms they had to offer. While scanning the selection she saw a two beautiful gold charms that had the letters HY, her and yoochun's intials, hanging from a heart, but before she could reach to pick it up, she was knock down straight onto her . 
"Mianhaeyo" said a tall guy with full lips and a sweet baby face wearing a baseball cap. He seemed to be in quite a hurry as he helped her back up and picked up the bags she had dropped. 
"It's okay," she replied dusting off her . He looked so familiar to her but she just could not place his face at the moment. 
"I'm really sorry" he said one final time before giving a bow and running off.  Not even a minute after he left, a swarm of girls came running toward her with cellphones and cameras out, trying to catch the guy who had just run off. 
From the looks of it, he must have been an idol. Haneul never really got caught up in the whole kpop madness. Of course she loved music and listen to many groups, but she had never become one of those fangirls  who had a bias in every group and track their every move. She preferred to spend her time reading, studying and preparing herself for college. 
Pulling herself out of her thoughts, haneul picked up both charms and payed for them. For the next few hours she roamed around tasting various foods and spotting items she had never seen before. Before she knew it, the sun was beginning to set and Haneul decided it was time for her to head home.
"You're back. I was just about to call a swat team to come find you," Yoochun joked as she walked in the door carrying her many bags. He moved toward her and  grabbed a few of her bags to take to her room.
"Did you buy anything interesting today?" He asked taking a peek into the bags. 
"Yea, a few things. I went to the market and they had so many cool things."
"Really, I've heard good things about the street markets, but I haven't had a chance to go to one." He said as he dropped off her bags in the room. 
"Dinner is ready so come out when your done unpacking."
Haneul began rummaging through her bag to find the phone charms. She attached one to her phone and slipped the other in her pocket before following after Yoochun. 
Haneul walked in to find Yoochun putting out the last few side dishes he had cooked before sitting down. 
"You finished unpacking your bags already?"
"No i'll do it later."
"Ok then lets eat," he said sitting down and motioning for her to sit across from him.
"So how was it getting around today?"
"It was really easy actually. Before I moved here I thought getting around would be the hardest part but it's not."
"Yea, and you're smart so you caught on quick. Oh, I almost forgot, tomorrow I'll have to leave early for school. One of the teachers abruptly left and they had to hire a new one. We're having a special meeting for it before school."
"Ok Oppa."
"Do you remember how to get there," he asked as he sat some kimchi on top of her rice. 
"Ne Oppa I remember." She said happily enjoying the delicious meal he had prepared. 
"Oppa let me hold your cellphone."
"Why?" he asked reaching into his pocket to get it. 
"Just because," she said as he passed it to her. She pulled the phone down under the table so that he couldn't see what she was doing. It took her a few tries, but she was able to thread the phone charm through the loop to attach it to his phone. 
"Ta Da" she said as she happily showed him his phone with the charm attached. "I saw these at the market and they had our initials so I brought them." She pulled her phone out to show that she also had the same charm. 
"Thanks," Yoochun replied. He thought  it was a little childish but he was glad she was thinking of him.
"You can't take it off," she warned. 
"Of course not. I'll keep it forever and ever he joked." 
The next morning Yoochun woke up early to get ready and head to school. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but the first day of school was always exciting for him. He loved knowing that he had another year to positively impact new students lives. 
When he entered the teachers room, he could see the teacher were huddled up in various groups discussing the teacher that left. 
"I heard she was dating a married man," commented the history teacher. 
"I heard he was actually the father of one of the students," chimed another. 
"If that's true then she needed to leave."
Yoochun just stood there listening to all the gossip. He knew the teacher that had left really well, and he knew she wasn't that type of person. 
"Ah umm" Principal Lee cleared his throat as he walked into the door. 
All of the gossiping teachers scattered and headed to there respective desk to hear the announcement.
 "As you all may have heard, we have lost Ms. Kim the senior math teacher and also the head of teachers. It is unfortunate that she had to leave and she will be greatly missed, but of course life has to go on and we have to put this behind us and think of all the students who will be returning today. First I would like to appoint a new head of teachers." Said the principle "this person has consistently showed growth and a promise of a bright future in the educational system." 
Yoochun could see some of the other teachers preparing themselves for the moment that they would be named Ms. Kim's successor.  He figured the only teacher that the principle could be talking about was Mr. Jo the second year music teacher.
"Everybody give a round of applause for Park Yoochun." Yoochun was pulled out of his thoughts by the mention of his name. He looked around to see other teachers beaming at him and clapping.   
"Me?" he asked.
"The board thought you were the best choice Mr Park. We are all hoping you do well."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome. And for my final announcemt, we have found a replacement for Ms Kim. Come in." he said turning to speak with someone outside of the door.
"Everyone this is Im So Hyang she will be the new math teacher. I hope everyone will be very welcoming".
The world seemed to have stopped when Yoochun looked up the see So Hyang walking in. He hadn't heard from her since they had broken up and now she turned up at his school. 
"Yoochun as your first order of business, I would like you to show So Hyang-ssi around and get her familiar with the school."
"Please take care of me," requested So Hyang as she bowed before a stunned Yoochun.  
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nar12345 #1
Chapter 10: This chapter is good, hope you find the missing pieces soon Dewar authornim :)
Coz if you wait too long they might going too far for you to reach...
Hope to see haneul to fill up her role more too, she is too dependent on yoochun for this marriage matters
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha "Yoochun now knew of the completely childish and girly underwear she wore"
roughmetal2 #3
Chapter 9: oh i miss this so this is such a treat to me after a busy day :). i'm happy that haneul is enjoying her high school life though of course i don't want her and jong in to fall for each other. and thank goodness for ms sun for saving yoochun from trouble. i'm excited too over the visit of yoochun's mom. let's see how those two will act :)
Samantha24 #4
Chapter 8: i have a thing for arranged marriage and s and I came across your story.. i like it, pls update soon :)
roughmetal2 #5
Chapter 8: glad you updated. now for more... :)
nar12345 #6
Chapter 8: nothing much going on here..
Chapter 8: i hate so hyang>.< can i kicked her?*puppy eyes
update soon^^
roughmetal2 #8
Chapter 6: this is getting more and more interesting with "love interests" popping up
nar12345 #9
Chapter 6: wow..battle of ex-es..yummy!!
Chapter 6: yah so hyang you hear that chunnie said he's over you!!