Chapter 3

Love Comes Softly


Haneul nervously stood in front of the mirror examining her white dress that she had chosen with her aunt and mother. The dress had a beautiful empire waist and sweet heart neckline; which the sales lady said made her look both elegant and innocent. To add to the look, her hair had been curled and pined back in a low messy bun,and her makeup was left simple with a light pink blush and pale pink lips. 
Even though they had been planning the wedding for the last year, Haneul never thought this day would actually come. She had hoped that somewhere along the way her Oppa would back out, or her father would call it off but neither of them had. Haneul hadn't even told her friends what was going on. All they knew was that she was moving to attend a better school in Seoul. If any of her classmates found out she was getting married they would think her and Yoochun had had an accident and that they were having a shotgun wedding. She could not bare being humiliated from such rumors, so she had decided to keep it from everyone. 
The only thing that truely made her happy today was that she would finally be able to see her Oppa. It had been seven years since he had left Busan and never came back. 
"Omma when is Oppa coming over today?" She had not seen him since the day before when the families had had there discussion. He had promised her that he would take her to the mall today, but it was noon now and he hadn't shown up. 
"I don't know honey."
Haneul turned around and began to sulk as she left the living room.
As She neared her room she heard the phone ring.
"Haneul-ah it's your oppa"
Haneul immediately ran the kitchen to take the phone out of her mother's hand. "Oppa when are you coming over? I'm already dressed and ready to go."
"Mianhae Haneul-ah something came up and I had to go back to Seoul," He lied. "I'll be back in time for Christmas ok?"
"Ok Oppa but you better make it up to me?"
"Arasso," he chuckled " well oppa's got to go saranghae."
"Nado oppa"
That was the last conversation she had with him. He had never come back like he promised, but on Christmas Day that year and every year after she found a gift from him waiting for her. The gifts were always snow globes that reminded  her that even though he was not there, he was always thinking of her.
"Haneul-ah are you ready" asked her father from the doorway pulling her out of her thoughts. By the look on his face she could tell he wasn't ready for this. He had stayed out of all the planning and refused to acknowledge it, but like everyone else, he had to follow his elders' wishes. 
"As ready as I'll ever be"
"Let's go then it's about to started," he said holding out his arm for her to grab onto with her free hand. "You look really beautiful today." He finished before leading her out of the door. 
Yoochun stood nervously at the front of the venue awaiting the beginning of the ceremony. As he looked out at the crowd of faces, he did not recognize anyone. He had decided against invited any of his colleagues or friends beside Jaejong and from the looks of things, Haneul had not invited any of her friends either. 
As Yoochun looked down at his watch the music began announcing the entrance of the bride. When he looked up, he saw coming towards him a beautiful young lady that he could not believe was Haneul. 
From beside him he heard a gasp and then Jaejong whispered "You lucked out man she is absolutely beautiful."
As Haneul made her way down the isle she was focused on only one person. Her Oppa. She hadn't seen him in seven years, but he was just how she remembered him. As for yoochun, for some reason he had always imagined marrying the ten year old Haneul not the 17 year old. Before he knew it she was right in front of him  and her father was handing her off.
From behind him he heard the officiator speak "who gives this young lady to be wed in holy matrimony?"
"Her grandfather, mother, and I do" replied her father. 
After that, the wedding went by in a blur for the pair and before they knew it, they were down to the grand finale. 
"By the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Haneul was nervous as her Oppa leaned toward her. She didn't know whether he would be taking her as a real wife or not. As so closed her eyes, she felt a soft peck on her cheek. The kiss was so innocent that she couldn't help but remember the times growing up when he would kiss her oo to make it feel better.  This was the Yoochun she remember, this was still her Oppa. 



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nar12345 #1
Chapter 10: This chapter is good, hope you find the missing pieces soon Dewar authornim :)
Coz if you wait too long they might going too far for you to reach...
Hope to see haneul to fill up her role more too, she is too dependent on yoochun for this marriage matters
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha "Yoochun now knew of the completely childish and girly underwear she wore"
roughmetal2 #3
Chapter 9: oh i miss this so this is such a treat to me after a busy day :). i'm happy that haneul is enjoying her high school life though of course i don't want her and jong in to fall for each other. and thank goodness for ms sun for saving yoochun from trouble. i'm excited too over the visit of yoochun's mom. let's see how those two will act :)
Samantha24 #4
Chapter 8: i have a thing for arranged marriage and s and I came across your story.. i like it, pls update soon :)
roughmetal2 #5
Chapter 8: glad you updated. now for more... :)
nar12345 #6
Chapter 8: nothing much going on here..
Chapter 8: i hate so hyang>.< can i kicked her?*puppy eyes
update soon^^
roughmetal2 #8
Chapter 6: this is getting more and more interesting with "love interests" popping up
nar12345 #9
Chapter 6: wow..battle of ex-es..yummy!!
Chapter 6: yah so hyang you hear that chunnie said he's over you!!