Chapter 9

Love Comes Softly


"When I got home my mom was here. She wanted to check up on us to make sure we were doing okay. "  


"What should we do? "Haneul obviously knew that one of their parents would come eventually, but she hadn't figured they would come so soon or unannounced.  


The door to the apartment opened revealing Mrs Park in an apron. "What are you guys doing out here?"  


"Oh,  I was just going to buy some soju to go with dinner when I ran into Haneul." Yoochun knew good and well that his mother was not a drinker and that she would not drink in front of Haneul.  


"There is no need and Haneul isn't old enough to drink anyway, so come back inside." With that she closed the door and walked back inside.


"Just follow my lead okay"


When the pair walked into the apartment,  Mrs Park had already returned back to cooking. "Do you need any help aunty?"  


"Call me mom now.  I have always thought of you as my child, and now that you and Yoochun are married, you are my child. "


"Ok mom." Haneul said awkwardly. "Do you need any help. "


"I'm done cooking.  I just need help putting this food on the plates and taking it to the table. "Mrs Park looked at Haneul and noticed she was still in her school uniform.  "You can change first. It will still be a few minutes before I start plating the side dishes. "  


Before Haneul could answer she heard Yoochun clear his throat.  When she turned to look at him he was shaking his head no.Taking the hint, she declined Mrs parks offer. "It's fine mom.  I usually like to wash up first and since dinner is almost ready I would rather wait. "


"Okay sweetie."


Yoochun had been so flustered by his mother's arrival and by his quest to find Haneul that he had completely forgotten that all of Haneul's things were in the "guestroom" that his mother would be staying in. If his mom saw Haneul go to the guestroom to change, she would become suspicious. Before his mom retired to bed, he would need to find a way to sneak most of Haneul's stuff to his room.  


"Since the stew is almost done Haneul, you can start putting rice in the bowls and the side dishes on plates."  


"Okay."Haneul first went to the cabinets to find the dishes and than began loading them up with food. When she looked over at where Yoochun was suppose to be, he had disappeared somewhere.




Yoochun frantically went through the room trying to gather most of Haneul's personal items that were in sight.  Mrs Park wasn't much of a snoop, so he just had to make sure he cleared the more visible areas and got some clothes for Haneul.   He first started to packup the little items Haneul had lying around such as her pictures that were on the end tables and desk and her small assortment of cosmetic products. With his arms full, he made his way to the door, peeked to see if his mom was looking, which she wasn't, and made a mad dash to his room. He didn't even try to put her things away yet, he just threw them on the bed before going back to get more. After about five minutes and the "guestroom" being stripped of all Haneul's personal items, he was called to dinner.




"So Haneul how is the big fancy new school? Your mom was showing me the brochure and it looked amazing."They had just sat down to enjoy the delicious meal that Mrs park had prepared for them.  The table was full of all of Haneul and Yoochun's favorite side dishes and at the center of the table was Yoochun's favorite pork kimchi jjigae (spicy stew).  


"It's been good.  The curriculum is very fast paced. I feel like I have learned more these past two months then what I have learned in whole semester at my old school."


"That's good. You were always so smart and dedicated. One of the things I'm glad that came out of this was this school opportunity."


"Me too," Haneul said as she stuff the delicious food into . Yoochun was a great cook,  but this food just tasted like home.


"Have you made any friends?  Yoochun said you were out studying even though after school study was canceled. "  


"Yes,  I have made a couple of friends. Suzy wasn't able to study with us today, but Jong In and I still decided to."Haneul lied.


"Jong In? So you have a guy friend?"


That's when Haneul realized the mistake she had made by mentioning a male friend. Mrs Park of course probably wouldn't have a problem with her having one, it was the studying alone part that would bother her.


"Yeah, Jong In's a guy," Yoochun answered for her. "Before Haneul came along, he was the number one student in the class. " He was hoping that his mom was thinking of a stereotypical geeky student and not a handsome kpop idol. "He and Suzy were friends and when Haneul became friends with Suzy, he immediately accepted her into the group. They are great kids even though they are somewhat outcast." The outcast part wasn't a complete lie. They didn't really have friends that went to the school.


"Oh okay," she said accepting what Yoochun said. "Speaking of friends, Haneul I ran into Yoon Hee a few days ago, she said she hadn't heard from you in a while."


Haneul had completely forgot about her best friend. Of course the idea of forgetting a best friend sounds farfetched but so many things had happened in school in the last few weeks that calling her had slipped her mind.


"You should really tell her you got married.  I think it would make it much easier for you to talk to her. "


"I will mom," She answered timidly


As they finished up the meal, they talked about a bunch of random things as they caught up on the latest family gossip.




"How has everything been going with you two? " Mrs Park was currently washing the dishes as Haneul rised and dried them.


"It's been going well I guess."


"I know it is kind of awkward at first, even though Mr Park and I were in love when we got married, it still was quite an adjustment when we first moved in together.  I can only imagine how it is for you guys having been separated for years and then to suddenly get married. On top of all that you are still a high school student and you had to move to a big new city. It's very unfair what we put you both through. " Silence fell between the pair as they both searched for what to say next. Haneul didn't know if she should deny the statement or agree that this was unfair to both her and Yoochun so she decided to do neither and stay silent as they finished up the dishes.  


"What's with the atmosphere in here." While his mom and Haneul were doing the dishes,  Yoochun had used the opportunity to finishing moving Haneul's things out of her room and into his, and to set up Haneul's room to look more like a guestroom.  It didn't take him long to tidy the room and change the linens and he was able to finish before his mom noticed his absence.


"There's nothing wrong. I just think I'm a little tired from the long journey today."


"You should get some rest. Haneul and I will finish up. Your bag is already in the guestroom."


"Thanks sweetie. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Good night. " She gave each of them a kiss before removing her apron and retiring to bed.


Once Mrs Park was out of ear shot,  Yoochun and Haneul finallyhad a chance to talk. "We have a guestroom now?"


"Yeah, your room. I moved most of your stuff into mine so mom wouldn't be suspicious."


"Oh okay," she replied slightly nervous about the situation. She hadn't shared a room with Yoochun since she was young. Back then it was completely innocent, but now since they were both adults and married, it was a different situation.


Sensing Haneul's nervousness Yoochun continued. "You can take my room for the weekend. I have quite a bit of work to do, so I will be up all night anyway."


"Thank you oppa."


"You can go and get washed up and head to bed. I'll finish this. "


"Okay. Good night. " Haneul gave a gentle bow before leaving the kitchen.


"Sleep well." Haneul walked into Yoochun's room for the first time. Even though she had free reign of the house,  Haneul felt a little weird about going into Yoochun's personal space.  When she the light,  the room waspretty much what she expected.  In the middle of the room was a queen sized bed flanked by two end tables with lamps. Instead of a desk,  in the corner was a little sitting area with a small chair and coffee table, and on the opposite wall was floor to ceiling wardrobes. What Haneul also noticed was that above the headboard of the bed was a big framed wedding portrait. She hadn't realized that the picture had come in more less that Yoochun had it framed and put up in his room. She would have to ask him about that later,but for now she was ready to just wash up and go to bed. As she went to the wardrobe to look for her night clothes she couldn't help but cringe. In the drawer where her night clothes were, her underwear were also there. Which meant that Yoochun now knew of the completely childish and girly underwear she wore.






Sorry for the short filler chapter, I have been kind of busy lately, and I'm also being plagued by a plot bunny for another story. Since this story isnt planned out, I just write when I am inspired. I know how I want the story to go overall but I just need the missing pieces to get there.

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nar12345 #1
Chapter 10: This chapter is good, hope you find the missing pieces soon Dewar authornim :)
Coz if you wait too long they might going too far for you to reach...
Hope to see haneul to fill up her role more too, she is too dependent on yoochun for this marriage matters
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha "Yoochun now knew of the completely childish and girly underwear she wore"
roughmetal2 #3
Chapter 9: oh i miss this so this is such a treat to me after a busy day :). i'm happy that haneul is enjoying her high school life though of course i don't want her and jong in to fall for each other. and thank goodness for ms sun for saving yoochun from trouble. i'm excited too over the visit of yoochun's mom. let's see how those two will act :)
Samantha24 #4
Chapter 8: i have a thing for arranged marriage and s and I came across your story.. i like it, pls update soon :)
roughmetal2 #5
Chapter 8: glad you updated. now for more... :)
nar12345 #6
Chapter 8: nothing much going on here..
Chapter 8: i hate so hyang>.< can i kicked her?*puppy eyes
update soon^^
roughmetal2 #8
Chapter 6: this is getting more and more interesting with "love interests" popping up
nar12345 #9
Chapter 6: wow..battle of ex-es..yummy!!
Chapter 6: yah so hyang you hear that chunnie said he's over you!!