
Janus : My Two Faced Goddess


My heart skipped two beats when I saw her.
“I thought you were dead.” She smiled, showing her shiny white teeth.
“No, when I fell out of the car I forced myself to keep rolling, into the forest. They assumed that the impact of the concrete would kill me. Boy, were they wrong. Dumb dogs,” she said, laughing to herself. She unlocked the rest of the restraints holding me down. 
“Dang,” I said, rubbing the red circles that were imprinted on my wrist.
I looked around and saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun laid out on the floor. The other three black cats had changed into their human form.
“I knew there was something about him I didn't like,” Yoona said as she knelt down, checking Chanyeol for weapons.
“Are they…dead?” I asked, hoping that Chanyeol wasn't.  Even though he'd been lying to me, how could I just throw away three years of friendship? 
“You're gonna have to,” Seohyun said, answering the question in my head. I just nodded, trying to take in everything around me.
“We must go,” said a tall red-headed woman, who I figured was the tallest cat, the one that attacked Chanyeol. She looked to be about 25.
“That's Sooyoung. And she's 135, to be exact,” Seohyun said, grinning.
“OK, you're going to have to stop doing that,” I said. “You're freaking me out.”
She grinned and grabbed my hand.
“Are they dead?” I asked again, looking back at the bodies that lay on the floor behind us.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” Seohyun asked as I followed her into the hallway.
I shrugged my shoulders. I guess not, I said to myself. As we ran down the hallway, we passed a room with a human, caged like an animal. I guessed that this was the human that was going to be testing my blood.
“Wait!” I said, and all five of us came to a halt. “What are we going to do with her?” I asked, pointing at the caged human. Everyone looked at Sooyoung.
“Seohyun, cut the bars and let her loose,” she said. Seohyun nodded to her, and as she raised her hands, sharp claws grew out of them. She cut into the bars and, with no effort, each bar fell to the floor.
“Way cool,” I said out loud. The woman got out of the cage and ran—just like that, she was gone.
“So much for thank you,” Yuri said with attitude. We made our way out of the building—the sun was just beginning to rise.
“Everyone get in,” Sooyoung said, and Seohyun, Yoona, and I climbed into back of a black SUV. The inside was just like Seohyun's BMW, the same tinted windows and everything. It smiled like it was hot off the showroom.
Sooyoung climbed in the passenger side, and as we drove away she pressed a button on a remote and the building blew up.
“Get us home,” she said to Yuri, who was driving.
After this day I’m going to need some serious help, I thought. Seohyun grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I guess this day can last a little while longer.
Short update x(
--and, I know the 'tallest cat' was dfshhdsfhjdsf XD
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Chapter 2: did u know? I read this story again after luhan announced his gf in public... T.T
shiningyouu #2
I just found out this story today and i like luhan's character here kekeke~~~
dvhaleryann #3
hi BlackPearlYumiko!
It's been two years huh?
I missed you a lot. What are you doing lately by the way?
Still making stories huh?
Well, I actually made this account cause I was thinking maybe I could get story updates from you darling!
Chapter 15: just found out about this story now and its so interesting! and im so desperate to read the sequel ><
And here I am another story I'm going to dive into kekeke
Here I go! Sorry if I don't comment in between chapters this only means that I'm on a roll ;) that is heavily engrossed in reading the story. :P
Chapter 15: Aaaa.... I'm so so so sorry Authornim, I didn't comment to all of your story Chap .-. U know I really love stories, coz your stories are different from others~~~ hope there's sequel...

*I've show some of ur story to my friends, and they said ur storyline is cool and different!*
pipipo27 #7
Chapter 15: seriously i'm into your story, thanks to you you make up my mood, i got bad news that my appointmant was canceled so yeah i'm kinda angry but i found your story, really enjoying read your story, i like the way you write the story, you've your own style

i'm looking forward for your story and pardon my blabbering
seohyunkai #8
Chapter 17: I love your story so much please write a sequel soon please I am waiting your reader are waiting please hurry up please