Prologue 9

Cornelia's korean adventures

Cornelia was angry. This always happened to her. Her first call to the agency had been disconnected before she could describe her situation due to some connection issues. At her second call some guy from the wrong department had answered and wanted to know what she was doing in Korea if she came from America. Where he got that from was a mystery. So of course Cornelia had lost her temper…again. The poor guy had to listen to her rant about incompetent staff and life in New Zealand. After that she only got the answering machine, so she left there the same rant she told the guy earlier and complained about their agency.

After two hours she finally got to her assigned supervisor Carron. 


Second announcement from hell


“I’m terribly sorry, Cornelia, that this has happened to you, but you have to stay in Seoul for a little bit, because we have a money limit for the flights we book for our Au pairs and the next few flights to Vienna are a little bit to expensive. I have a variety of rooms you can choose from. The first is a backpacker guest house. It is quite reasonably priced but, well, the rooms are run down.

The second room is in a luxury western hotel. There you can find a whirlpool, a TV, the restaurants are good and there is a gym. Unfortunately the staff can’t speak English and the rooms are very pricy. And the last room is a middle priced hotel. The rooms there are cheap, the rooms are clean and there is a TV with a DVD player, a computer and the staff can speak at least some English. So what are you choosing?

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I love this story, especially the protagonist Cornelia. She is so funny most of the time. Please update soon <3.