Chapter 1

Cornelia's korean adventures

In the end Cornelia choose the middle priced hotel. She didn’t have enough money for the luxury room and she wanted to enjoy her forced stay in Korea.

She already had some ideas what she could do here. She was in the city where the most of her beloved K-Pop stars lived. Cornelia definitely wanted to meet some of them. Of course she also wanted to discover Seoul; after all in all these dramas it seemed to be a beautiful city and she wanted to see the evidence herself.

Now she only needed to know the directions to her hotel room. So she asked the Information desk woman, but it was a different woman then before (there probably was a shift change), but as it turned out she could hardly speak any English. Now Cornelia wished she had studied all these “Learning Korean Books”. She had bought about four books in Austria and a learning software for the Computer as well and she had intended to learn them during her stay in New Zealand, but she never really did anything. She regretted it immensely. Well, she already knew the alphabet but this wouldn’t really help her in this situation. “Damn, damn, damn…what am I supposed to do now?” she muttered. So she tried it the “I’m-a-stupid-foreigner-who-travels-to-a-country-without-even-bothering-learning-the-basics-of-the-language” way, by wild gesticulating. In the end it really worked. Cornelia was surprised by herself; maybe she should become a pantomime. Totally exhausted she finally left the airport and went to the next cab rank. “Where the hell are all the cabs?” she asked herself. There were only silver cars.

“Excuse me”, Cornelia asked a man in one of those silver cars, “could you tell me where the cabs are? It’s my first time in Korea and I’m a little bit confused why there are no cabs in the cab rank.”

The man looked at her a little bit offended. “This is cab, Miss.”, he said in broken English.

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I love this story, especially the protagonist Cornelia. She is so funny most of the time. Please update soon <3.