Prologue 8

Cornelia's korean adventures

Everybody was relived when the plane landed in Korea, Seoul Incheon.

Cornelia was somewhat relived when she left the plane. Now she felt a little better after that stress relive, but she noticed that everybody went out of her way.

“Strange.” She thought. “ I didn’t do anything wrong now, did I?”

Everybody looked on the floor and hurried past her. This pissed Cornelia of again. Damn.

She already once been at this airport on her way to New Zealand, but she still didn’t know where exactly she had to go to, to catch her next flight to Austria, Vienna, so Cornelia decided to ask the personnel at the Information desk.


First announcement from hell

“Well Miss, due to a passenger being late for 1, 5 h for the flight from New Zealand to here, the connecting flight to Vienna has already left.”

“What?! Are you serious? Are you taking the piss out of me?”

“Mrrm, I beg your pardon?” the information desk women asked Cornelia a little bit confused.

“And what the hell, am I supposed to do now? I’m stuck in Korea or what?”

“I’m afraid so, but didn’t you mention, that everything was organized by your Au pair Organization?”

“Yes, it was.”

“So I suggest you phone them and they’ll book a new flight for them, because you are under their protection and they by law they have to take care for you in situations like this. You can phone from here.”

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I love this story, especially the protagonist Cornelia. She is so funny most of the time. Please update soon <3.