Me...DO WHAT?!

Will we Meet Again?

Your POV

"Aish...5 more minutes mom!"

I buried my head in my pillow.  Wait.  Mom wasn't here anymore.  I'm living in Seoul all by myself, I have to get up!  I shut off my alarm and quickly looked through my closet and picked out a nice pair of clothes.

I looked in the mirror, I wore this dress with a nice, white blazer.

Perfect.  I looked at the clock, 9:30 a.m..  My appointment was in one hour.  I better hurry if I don't want to be late!  I ate my breakfast, did some finishing touches on my make-up and hurried out the door.

I was able to arrive to the company right on time.  It was 10:20 now.  I walked up to the front desk.  I saw the same secretary from yesterday and greeted her.

"Annyeonghaseyo." I beamed.
"Annyeonghaseyo, the boss is expecting you," she smiled.
"Ahh kamsahamnida," I replied and hurried over to his room.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He turned around.  

"Oh hello Park ~~~~! Just in time too!"
"Please, take a seat and make yourself comfortable."

'He's such a friendly man.'

"So today, I would like to request something of you," he said with a stern voice.

I gulped.

"Y..yes?" I stuttered.
"Well if you don't mind...could you?.."
I patiently waited for his last words.  What was he going to say to me? Was I going to get rejected?!
"Could you model for one of my friend's products along with Infinite?" He coughed.
"MWOH?! ME?!" I blurted.
"Haha, you see...there was actually suppose to be another model that was going to do this, but she caught the flu."
"But me? There's so many more prettier models than me!"

He laughed.

"Haha don't worry, you'll do fine.  Besides I heard you have modeled before when you were studying abroad in Canada."

Well...that was true.  I modeled for many magazines in Canada at the time because I loved modeling and it just came natural to me.

"Can you do that for me?"
"If...if I have to..." I mumbled.

He looked at me with a questioning face and I could tell that he really wanted me to do this.  

I sighed and then finally said yes.

"Oh thank you! You'll do a wonderful job! Oh and did I tell you that they're taking it today?"
My eyes nearly popped out of my head.  I thought I was going crazy for a second.
"Ahaha, sorry.  Don't worry, the photo shoot isn't until 2:30."

I stared at him.  What did I just get myself into?  Sure I want to model, I love modeling...but with INFINITE?! If I couldn't stare at them without getting all red and flustered how am I suppose to model with them!

"You must be busy right? That was all I wanted to say.  Thank you for helping us.  I'm sure my friend will appreciate it very much.  I'll tell him that you're filling in for the model, is that okay?"
"" I replied solemnly.

I walked out of the room.  I was really excited to start my career, but at the same time I was just so nervous about meeting Infinite and everything!  Calm down, I told myself.  I can do this.

As I started to stress about this, I wasn't watching where I was going and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Whoa, careful!"
"I'm so sorry!" You bowed.
"It's okay, you're not hurt are you?"

I looked up.

"No, I'm fine thank you!"

My heart suddenly skipped a beat.  No way!

"The girl from yesterday?!"

I can't believe this!


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :3

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images.  I am only using them so you have a better visual reference.  The only thing I own is this story.

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Chapter 7: Lollll this story is awesome! Please update!! :)