So Embarrassing!

Will we Meet Again?

You couldn't believe it.  You were staring straight at Infinite.

"Are you okay?" Sungkyu asked.

He extended his hand.

"Um..I'm fine, thank you," you timidly replied.

You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up.

"Oh no! You're bleeding!" Woohyun cried.

You looked down.  Your knee was bleeding a little from when you fell on the ground.  The other members leaned in to take a closer look.  You started to get a little flustered and nervous.

"It's fine, really! Thank you!" you responded.
"I'm sorry about this..." Sungkyu apologized.
"No no, it's fine!" You reassured him.

You noticed all eyes were on you and Infinite.  You could even hear some of them hiss and growl at you.

"Oh god, I have to get out of here!" you thought.
"Is there anything we can do for you?" questioned Sungkyu.
"! I umm...I really have to go! Thank you!" You bowed and quickly squeezed yourself through the crowd.

You weren't sure if they were calling you, but at this point you didn't want to turn back.

"Omg! That was so embarrassing!!!" You cried out loud.

You looked at the small scratch that was on your knee.  

"That crowd was vicious!" you thought.

You were getting exhausted, so you decided to head to your new apartment that you were going to be staying at.

>> Back at the fansigning event <<

"Whoa, she's speedy!" Sungyeol remarked.
"She looked embarrassed," L commented.
"She probably was embarrassed because she saw me," Woohyun bragged.

The other members looked at him and gave him a >.> look.

"Joking ~" he teased.
"Hyung, you really have to stop with these jokes.." Sungjong noted.
"Mianhae..let's go on with the show now," he smiled.

All of the Infinite members sat back down and continued on like nothing happened.  They kept their smiles on and showed their aegyo towards their loving fans.

Woohyun's POV

"Hyung, how much longer? I'm starting to get a little hungry," I whined.
"Shh..just a little more and you can rest up," Sungkyu replied.

I yawned.  I thought about the girl that fell down.  It felt like I've met her somewhere before, but I couldn't remember where.  When she looked at me, my heart suddenly skipped a beat.  She was gorgeous...

"Hyun...Woohyun!" Dongwoo barked.
"Huh? What?"
The fans laughed.  
"Dude, pay attention.  It's your turn," Dongwoo laughed.
"What? Me? O...okay."

Whoa..what was I thinking about just then? She's just a fan of yours Woohyun.  You've met many fans, all of them are pretty.  Just focus on your speech.  I took the mic and started talking.

Your POV

I can't believe I just ran away like that.  Now that I think about it, it was so rude.  If it were any other fan they would be squealing and screaming like crazy, but I was such a wimp and just ran out of there.  What if Infinite hates me now?

And Woohyun...did he recognize me?  I shook the thought away.  I need to go take a shower and head to bed early for my appointment tomorrow.

I walked to the door of my apartment.  I took out my letter that I had received from the landlord that owned this apartment.  Inside was a key that unlocked the door to my new home.  I inserted the key into the door and slowly opened it.  I the lights.  
It was simple yet beautiful.  I looked all around the apartment.  It was very clean and tidy.  It also had a comfortable feeling to it.  Then I heard a knock on my door.  I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Oh annyeonghaseyo!" I smiled.
"Ahh...are you the young lady who's living here?" the ahjumma asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"Well nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy your stay here.  If you need anything, feel free to ask! Have a good night," she smiled.
"Kamsahamnida," I beamed.

I bowed and hurried back to my room.  After I was done unpacking everything, I decide to rest for the night.  I prayed that my appointment tomorrow would be okay and I would be able to move on.  Again, I thought about my childhood memories as I slowly started to drift asleep.

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Chapter 7: Lollll this story is awesome! Please update!! :)