Going Back Home

Will we Meet Again?

"All passengers riding on A765, please prepare to board the plane."

You stared down at your ticket.  

"This is it," you thought to yourself.

You were finally going back to Seoul.  Just a few more hours and you'll be able to reach your long, awaited destination.  You thought about all your friends and family back home.  You chuckled to yourself a bit while reminiscing about your childhood memories.

You handed your ticket to the flight attendant.

"Have a safe flight," she smiled.
"Kamsahamnida!" I replied.

You sat down in your seat and waited patiently for the flight to take off.  You looked at your phone.  Almost time for take-off.  You laid your head back and slowly started to drift asleep.

>> Flashback <<

"Oppa ~" I beamed.
"Aigoo...how's my little sunshine today?"
"Mm...I want icecream!" I smiled.
"Again? You're going to get fat!"
He pinched my cheeks.
"Oww..oppa that hurts!" you cried as tears started to roll down your face.
You started crying a bit.
"Mianhae! Oppa will treat you to icecream."
"Chincha?" I questioned.
"You don't want any?"
"I do!"
"Then let's go!"

>> End of Flashback <<

A slight smile appeared on your face.  
"Nam Woohyun, just you wait.." you muttered before falling deep into your sleep.
Hehe, hi guys! ^^
This is my very first fanfiction so try not to criticize it too hard ><
I know I probably have grammar errors and such and I apologize for that, but try not to mind it too much.
I'll try to fix it if it's bothering you.
If you have any suggestions or comments to help improve my story, that would be a great help to me!
I'll try to upload my chapters frequently but I apologize if I don't.
I know this chapter was boring and really short, but I promise it'll get better!

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Chapter 7: Lollll this story is awesome! Please update!! :)