A Letter

Another Story




“So tired,” Euri mumbles as she stretched her body, then walked to the locker room. She has just finished her part-time work as a Barista  at a well-known cafe, Starbucks. She muttered some songs and dropped her apron at her well-decorated baby blue locker. She smiled and pumped her fist, then walked out from the locker room. While walking, she met her work partner, Jang Dongwoo and Park Chanyeol. Jang Dongwoo is the chef; while Park Chanyeol is the waiter.

“What’s up, sleepyhead?” Chanyeol grinned and put his arm at Euri’s shoulder.

“Where are you going to? Wanna grab some ice creams at Haagen Dasz?” Dongwoo said, smiling.

“I do really want to, but yeah, I have some unfinished work at my house,” Euri took a deep sigh, “Dad is sick.”

Dongwoo and Chanyeol looked at each other and patted Euri’s shoulder.

“Sorry to hear that, girl.”

“It’s alright, anyways, bye, see you later!” Euri ran to catch up her bus.

“Why isn’t she asking for our helps? We can help, right?” Chanyeol sighed; it always happened. When Euri got into trouble; she didn’t want anyone to help her. She wanted to do everything; EVERYTHING; by herself.

Dongwoo nodded and shrugged then dragged Chanyeol to the cafe, for some hot beverages.

It’s freezing outside, hope she doesn’t get sick, Dongwoo thought.



“Dad, your temperature is pretty high, since I don’t want it to be worst, let’s just go to the clinic nearby,” Euri sighed while looking at the thermometer which showed 39,5 degree Celcius.

“I’m fine, Euri-ya, I’m perfectly fine, I was just to tired last week,” Euri’s dad said, forming a forced smile because of the pain.

“That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. You need to go to the hospital, Dad. Seriously, what if something bad happens on you?” Euri groaned in frustation.

“Nothing bad will happen on me, Ri. Trust me, I’m perfectly-“

Before her dad was able to finish his sentence, someone knocked their house’s door.

“Wait a minute. You better prepare yourself, Daddy.”

Euri rushed to the front door, and when she opened it, a postman gave her a clean white envelope with her dad’s name written on it.

Letter?  Euri thought as she ran upstairs, where his father laid down.

“What is this, Dad? I’ll open it for you.”

Euri teared the letter, and her eyes widened while reading it.



What do you guys think with the first chapter?

Do comments and give me feedbacks, kay?

See you later! 

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unedited, so sorry for grammar mistakes and typos! >


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ybacon #1
Chapter 1: I think the chapter is too short. In the future, lengthen your chapters a bit.

Otherwise, the story is good. :)