Kris's Love Note 2/3

Kris's Love Note


“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.” He sighed and pouted at the flamboyantly pink notebook that was sitting on his desk.

Opening it up to the first page, he picked up his equally flamboyant Hello Kitty™ furry pen he had received for his nineteenth birthday from some kid called Yixing or something who believed he was a unicorn. Silly Yixing, everyone knows that unicorns only existed in Ireland.

He poised his pen over the notebook’s crisp white sheets, ready to write before sighing dramatically and putting it down.

“Who am I kidding? Why am I even thinking of- “

“So do all humans talk to themselves? That’s so interesting!! “  The most annoying voice Kris had ever heard in his entire life sounded from behind him. Turning around, his world died a little when he came face to face with a chubby man, covered in nothing but a white loincloth around his waist on his back, were a tiny pair of featherlike wings that were pretty pointless to begin with since he was hovering around his room on a cloud. Slung across his shoulder was a golden book carrier with an identical notebook as his ‘Love Note”

Kris fell of his chair and unfortunately got his bum stuck in his wastepaper basket.

“Wha- who… You. Fly. Cloud?!” he exclaimed, face contorting into twelve different expressions at a time. Just in time, his wastepaper basket gave in to his weight and cracked, causing him to land promptly on his .

“Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself!!” The weird half flying man-thing cheerily told him and smiled a brilliant smile with teeth  and all. Kris gulped.

“My name is Luhan and I’m a cupid~ I’m erm… A few thousand years old! I gave up counting after five hundred. I’m not very good at math you see.” Luhan sheepishly smiled.

“Anyway, you found my Love Note. Congratulations!! It’s your now! “ he sang.

“Wait what?! You mean this thing really works!!” he exclaimed with his eyes wide and of course, struggling to get his six feet two self, back up. 

“Of course it does. You can see me, can’t you? Try it then!” the cupid bounced excitedly on his cloud.

Taking a deep breath, he thought of who he could try his new ‘power’ on. His mind quickly landed on the school idiots, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Both were equally mindless and it would be quite a sight to watch them together. He scribbled their names down with a random crayon that had jabbed his when he has fallen earlier.


“So what do I do now?” he asked, still a little unsure of what he was doing and if the half-, cupid man-thing was for real. He could’ve been too stressed and was seeing things. Who knows, he could have been too love sick over Huang ZiTao to cause this very realistic yet unbelievable hallucination.

“We wait! By the way, do you have any watermelon?”




Kris sighed. Again.

It had been three hours and five watermelons since the appearance of Luhan the cupid. 

“So you mean you can’t leave me until this notebook has been completed or until I forfeit the notebook? “ Kris asked.

“Yes!! But if you forfeit the notebook, you will lose your memories pertaining to the book. Another way to rid of me is to get married!”

“Oh great…” he face palmed. “Could you eat fewer watermelons then? They’re really expensive.” He looked dejectedly at his empty wallet. Curse him and his good heart. (Not mentioning Luhan’s incessant wailing for more of the thirst quenching fruit.)

Luhan threw the remaining bits of the watermelon’s flesh into his mouth and stared at Kris, offended.

“How. Can. You. Ask. Me. TO STOP EATING WATERMELONS?!!!” he shrieked, each word an octave higher than the previous. Kris ducked behind his bed and peeked at Luhan throwing a fit. Cupid’s were meant to be cute and all but gosh! This guy was one heck of a banshee.

“Watermelons to cupids are like cigarettes and alcohol to humans. How can I describe these watermelons? They’re so juicy! Right, juicy. If I don’t get to eat watermelons I get withdrawal symptoms. My body will start to twist and turn and…” Luhan rambled on.

Kris slumped onto the ground. Watermelons were only available during certain times of the year and those sold all year round costs about twenty dollars. Judging by how much this cupid ate, he was going to be wiped out for the rest of the year.

“Does it work if I write my own name? “ He suddenly asked. “If I liked someone can I write our names?”

Luhan halted. “I guess you can. I have never written my own name in it so I wouldn’t know. Love notes have no effect on cupids anyway.

“Well that was helpful.” 




“Hey, Kris! Guess what! Baekhyun and Chanyeol got together just an hour ago!” Yixing yelled into his face the moment he entered the homeroom.

“No freaking way…” Kris gasped.

“I know right! Two of the stupidest bird brains in all of Korea a couple?! That’s just calling for a disaster. “

But Kris wasn’t listening anymore. The Love Note works.

The whole of Kris’s day was spent on worrying about whether he should use the note to his advantage and wrote his and Tao’s name and if he should, how and when it should happen. Basically, he spent the whole day moping. Yixing couldn’t care less. He thought Kris was just having forever-alone symptoms.

Luhan on the other hand was getting quite annoyed with him. For simple reasons. Firstly, he had no watermelons. Secondly, he knew he had to face with a pout Kris at home and that wasn't a very appealing idea at all. Last but not least, Luhan hated all sorts of unhappiness. It was strange really. Cupids were probably one of the grumpiest creatures to exist but thoroughly disliked seeing others moody. 


“Just use the note, idiot.”

“Not yet. l have to plan. What if he rejects me! What if he hates me?!”


“Well not in school! People will think I’m a freak for using such a girly notebook.”

“Well, they already think that you’re a freak for talking to no one.” Luhan said annoyingly and stuck out his tongue at him. Kris clenched his fists.

“Who ya talking to dawg?” Yixing came by with his lunch tray and sat next to him. “No one. Hey, can I have some of your watermelon?”

For the nth time that day, Kris sighed.

“Can you stop already?  Just write your names!”  Luhan cried, exasperated. Kris had sighed when Tao flipped his hair in class, when Tao went for lunch with Sehun, when Tao winked at Jongin and basically, everything that Tao did that day.

“But what if- “

“Oh stop with the what-ifs already!!”

“Okay, okay, stop yelling. I’ll write. “

Once again, his pen was poised above the paper. Firmly but shakily, he wrote two names in his best writing. 



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Chapter 2: Update soon waiting from last year author-nim ^^
Chapter 2: omg please update soon!
Chapter 2: oh poor Kris getting harassed by Luhan lol. yay baekyeol :D
pinku_panda #4
Chapter 1: lool sounds interesting, ilove death note
Chapter 1: update soon please..
TinkerGel #6
Chapter 1: Please do update soon! :D
Chapter 1: Update soon~ I love it:) I bet Kris is up to no good with that book..