The Red Rose

EXO Tragedy Oneshots (Integrating their powers)

I thought I was going to die.

Instead, darkness overcomes.  

I am alive, but part of me has died after the accident.  They said it was a drunk driver, but I can't tell because I can't see.

Now, walking needs counting, pacing and time.  Voices overwhelm and scare me, so I stay at home, avoid malls, and supermarkets and any places that have a lot of people.  

I stay in the hospital and wonder if anyone cares.  Counselors come and go, workers checking my injuries and nothing else.  Now that my vision is gone, my sense of smell has made up for it in a way.

Yesterday, I smleed something different in the air, behind the usual smell of the hospital.  Leaning forward in my bed, I reached to my left towards the bedside table and felt something feathery, like petals.  Pickng it up, I brought it to my nose and inhaled deeply.

Roses.  My favourite type, bloody red.

Who left them for me?  I don't have parents and I haven't contacted my friends in a while.  But in all, I smile, small but content.

And outisde the room, someone quietly peers in, and they smile.  I'm not sure if the flower has wilted but I know that each day, the smell of roses increases, completly masking out the smell of the hospital.  This time, there are two roses instead of one.  I constantly wonder who leaves the roses everyday.  The only person I talk to is my teacher, who teaches me how to read braille.  Like me, he is blind as well.  But his voice is soothing and sounds like music, unlike mine which is scratchy and out of tempo.  I enjoy my lessons with him, unlike the others, he is willing to talk to me and he understands me.

A few days later, I feel a different presence. "Hi.  I'm Mr.Kang, your doctor and I have some good news for you.  Because of your inheritance money, you are able to afford surgery so you can see again.  Would you like to proceed with the procedure?".  "Can I think about it?" "Of course.  I'll come back in a few days".  The falling of steps on the slippery floor disappear as I sink back into the pillows once again.  

Just then, my teacher comes in.  During the lesson, I ask him "Have you ever wanted to see again?"  Short seconds later, he replies "Yes.  But I can't because I don't have enough money to pay for the surgery".

Last night, I thought about what he said and I made my decision.  Those few days later, the doctor came back.  "Have you made your decision?" "Yes.  Use my money to let my teacher see again.  But please, don't tell him that the money was from me."

I didn't see my teacher for a fafter that.  Meanwhile, I started to read books in braille to practice.  

I didn't regret it.  Giving him sight.  Letting him see the light.  He didn't deserve to be alone in darkness, being the bubbly and happy person that he is.  Meanwhile, I am still stuck in darkness, slowly and slowly going deeper and deeper into the darkness, as if it is a black hole.  

After the accident, I refused to stay on the bright side and saw myself as a failure, or someone who could never go back into the light.  

It was spring now, the feeling of hot light creeped through my window and touched my face, waking me up.  I smelled it again.  Red roses.  I smiled and sat up, reaching for the rose, but instead I felt something different, someone who had the same flesh as me.  They gasped and I knew who it was instantly.  

"You've been placing the roses there?" "Yes" I could hint the smile on his face as he said it.  "How was the surgery?" "How did you know about it?" "I funded and initiated it".  

There was silence, and then the hitting of the wall, making me flinch.

"You don't even know me, or what I look like and you chose me over you?" he cried.  I let a small smile loose.  "yes"

"You really are my sunshine, my light."

But I disagreed, knowing that it wouldn't be possible and that that could be true.  It was him.  Letting me see the light, even in the darkness of times.  IT was him who brought me out of my misery, and let me enjoy my time in the hospital.  

It's been a few years.  I have recovered and stayed in the hospital with a job to teach patients braille, just like him.  

The same doctor taps me on the shoulder.  "We can proceed with the surgery".  I nod and someone know and wonder if this is his doing.  I know I haven't made enough money to take this surgery.

It is time.  I lie on the too familiar bed as they wheel me towards the forbidden double doors.  As I feel the anesthetic slip in, I hope that I get to see him again.

When I finally wake up, it is all too familiar, that smell of roses.  I open my eyes and turn towards my bedside table.  I finally see the light.  The one who gave me a true meaning to live.



He holds a single blood red rose.

"Will you go out with me?"

I pull him close to me as I rest my chin on his shoulder.

And then I see.

He is my light. 

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Chapter 3: nice story :D
HaeSicaistheBest #2
Chapter 3: uh i can felt the tragic and the romance already; guess i might cry next time in the next chaps...

you gotta update this, fighting xoxo

btw who is the robot in the 1st chap? he hates tao?