Tears Fall but they are left unseen

EXO Tragedy Oneshots (Integrating their powers)

I could see the sun rays striking through the water, making the ripples above me shine and glisten.  If only life was this beautiful.  The water was a clear blue above, but as I look down, it’s dark, and black.  I can already feel it choking me, my last breaths coming too soon for me.
i’m drowning and i am unable to save myself. I was always afraid of water, and no one would believe me.
“How can someone be afraid of water?  You practically see it everyday” my friends would sneer at me.  
I refuse to drink water, I take short showers and try to avoid water at all costs.  And yes, you guessed it, I don’t know how to swim.  I can’t even get into a swimming pool without feeling nauseous.  I really regret it now.  I wish I had taken those classes.  Classes that could save my life.  The only thing that I could’ve prevented, I didn’t even try.
The water starts to fill my lungs as I keep trying to reach my hands to the top of the water and out, but my hands scratch emptiness, the thick blows of water push towards me and I feel as if I am sinking lower and lower to the bottom of the sea.  I feel so helpless, unable to call for help, unable to swim, unable to speak, and now breathe.  I hope someone will find me.  If I die, I hope someone will recover my body from the depths of the unforgotten sea.   I see the last bubbles of my breath coming out as my eyes slowly close.  I may be crying, but if they were to fall, they would be left unseen, and mix into the already salty water.  

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Chapter 3: nice story :D
HaeSicaistheBest #2
Chapter 3: uh i can felt the tragic and the romance already; guess i might cry next time in the next chaps...

you gotta update this, fighting xoxo

btw who is the robot in the 1st chap? he hates tao?