Time is My Enemy

EXO Tragedy Oneshots (Integrating their powers)

I closed my eyes and cringed at the sound that I could still audibly hear in my eardrums.  If I opened my eyes, it would be the same.  Seeing the same scene, over and over again, repeating in my head as I lay there, on the cold pavement, beside him.  His blood was everywhere.  On my clothes, on the floor on my hands, everywhere.  I killed him, I killed him.  He lies there now, eyes black, glassy and lifeless.  No. NO!  Don’t take me away from him.  This was never meant to happen.  It was all just a game, a game.  A game of life and death.  
It wasn’t supposed to end up like this.  Time.  I detest it so much.  It controls everything we do.  It’s all I needed.  Time.  That would’ve saved him.  But I killed him.  I promised him and then killed him.  What have I done?  Nothing works on me.  Everytime I try to overdose, I wake up the next day.  Why doesn’t death come and take me away?  I deserve it.  I was a horrible person, I shouldn’t even be considered a person.  Bringing my hands to my cheeks, I feel his touch.  How every morning he would put his large hands there and stare into my eyes as I would stare into his brown ones.  I don’t feel tears, but that’s because I don’t cry, or can’t, I’m not so sure of myself anymore.  
I betrayed him.  He told me not to trust anyone.  But I met a boy who can stop time.  I hate him.  I hate him because I am jealous of what he has.  Anytime he wants, he can stop in the moment, or go back in time.  But he can’t be my friend.  People with magic and people with none aren’t meant to be friends.  That’s the rule.  If you don’t follow it, they kill you.

But that’s not what happened with Chanyeol and I.  He had found me in an alley all by myself.  He fixed me up and gave me a home.  And now he is dead.  But why?

Because it’s illegal.  It’s illegal to have people like me in his house, or anyones.   I could really pass as a human but if you look closely, I have no veins and if you put your ear to my chest, you will hear nothing except the hum of my gears working.  I was thrown away from another family who I wouldn’t say I loved.  The Power had set a rule that all robots be thrown out.  Alive or not, we were supposed to fend for ourselves.  We don’t need food or energy though.  So we sit.  We sit and wait until we rust and die.  Everyone was heartless, everyone except him.  He helped me see a new way in life.  That time was a friend, it helped people move along with their lives and made you anticipate special days.  

This stupid game of life and death.  Two pills from The Power.  If you eat one, you will die.  If you eat the other, you will win.  Of course it didn’t matter to me whether I had the death pill or not.  But it did to him.  I didn’t know which one was which, so I ate both.  The Power came back the next day, unhappy that no one had died.  They planned to shoot Chanyeol.  His ever so big grin was gone by now as his pale hands shook with fear as he stepped in front of me to shield me. Before I could react, they shot.  They shot him.  Immediately, he crumpled in front of me, and I, look down at him.  At his eyes that slowly sparkled less brightly until I got on my knees and closed his eyes.  Bullets shower on me, but I have no reaction.  I take over a man’s gun and shoot them all.  Then I lay back beside Chanyeol, and watch him sleep.
Oh time.  I wish you could stop, or rewind.  I wish it was possible.
There’s a myth that if the person you love dies, you will too.  I can already feel it, my gears slowing down, the hum of my heart decreasing in sound.  It’s time.  I guess I served a happy life, while it lasted, with you.  I won’t be there with you in heaven though, and I hope you understand, that I would give my all to you, it’s all my fault that you died, you were too young, only 22 and death took you away from me.

Time.  I hate you.  You are my worst enemy.

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Chapter 3: nice story :D
HaeSicaistheBest #2
Chapter 3: uh i can felt the tragic and the romance already; guess i might cry next time in the next chaps...

you gotta update this, fighting xoxo

btw who is the robot in the 1st chap? he hates tao?