The Family

Arranged Bromance

It was just a few days after their debut stage, which went perfectly, and the Shinee members were lazing around the dorm while trying to prepare for their first official interview.

Onew was rifling through the cards the company had given them and was quizzing the members.
“Taemin what’s your favorite food?”
“Banana milk!” The maknae happily responded as he drank the beloved snack.
“Minho favorite sport?”
“All of them? Maybe soccer…” the tall athlete muttered as he texted the sunbaes and asked for advice.
“Key who’s your best friend in the group?”
The diva just flipped a page in his magazine and barely looked up. “We’re not friends. We’re working partners.”
The other members looked up at that and raised eyebrows “…”
Key just smiled and flipped his hair. “Come on, you know I love you guys.”
Minho just snorted and turned back to his phone and Key frowned. Okay maybe he didn’t loooooooooooove minho with all his heart, but his presence was tolerable…
“Well, you’re supposed to say Jonghyun because you still have that bromance thing going on…” Onew muttered as he looked at the neatly typed up answers their CEO had come up with.
“Yeah yeobo.” Jonghyun grinned.
“-ssaeyo? We’re not on the phone Jjong.” Key smirked at his own cleverness. The dino lay down on the floor with his legs crushing Key’s back, who yelped at the weight. “Yah get off!”
“Will you make me food?” Key was the only one in the group that had powers beyond picking up a phone and ordering takeout.
“Arrasso. Just get your stinky feet away.”
“You know you love me!” Jonghyun called as he rolled away from the smack that was 2 seconds from hitting his stomach.
Minho smirked. “Get a room you two.” He smiled as he watched the diva’s face flush and scrambled into the kitchen.
“So if I’m the maknae, does that mean you two are my parents?” Taemin asked as he finished his bottle.
“Yep. Oh me and Bummie figured all of this out! So I’m the appa, Key’s the umma, Onew’s the weird grandfather, and Minho…” he trailed off as he caught the younger’s glare.
“Oh wasn’t he supposed to be the delinquent boyfriend that’s trying to take away our kid?” Key’s voice came from the kitchen, completely oblivious to what was going on in the living room.
Onew chuckled as he tossed the papers into the air. No one was going to pay attention anyways.
“That’s fine, I’d rather not be a part of this weird family anyways…But boyfriend? How about guy next door that never talks to his weird neighbors.”
“So who had…” Taemin wondered out loud before trailing off with a blush.
“You’re adopted Minnie,” Jonghyun quickly muttered to avoid any…other questions.
Key came in and grabbed Taemin into a hug and cooed “What does Minnie want for dinner? Umma will make you anything.”
“Oooh kimchijigae!”
“Aww jagiya, could you cook some samgyupsal?” 
Key kicked his ‘husband’ “If you went out and worked and earned more money, maybe we would have enough money for samgyupsal.”
“But I did! Actually doesn’t everyone in this family work? We all get paid the same amount..” Jonghyun wondered.
“Yeah, everyone in the group gets paid the same. Key-ssi, you should order some chicken for your father-in-law. My bones are fragile and need protein.”
Minho gave up on texting. “Are we seriously playing house? Oh if you’re taking orders, I really want some barbecue with extra lettuce.”
Giving a frustrated sigh, Key opened the refrigerator with a flourish. “Well let’s see… We have banana milk, water, milk, eggs, flour, and some other
things that are rotting right now. I’ll just make a cake then.”
“Will it be yummy?” Taemin asked as he entered the small cooking area.
“Has umma ever made anything less than perfect?”
The maknae flinched a little at the glare he was getting. “Well, there was that one time when we were trainees…”
“Yah! That was when I was still a beginner. Never speak of it!” Key muttered while taking out mixing bowls. The others chuckled at his outburst. NO ONE had forgotten about the time Key nearly poisoned half of SMent with his insanely spicy kimchijigae. It actually wasn’t even his fault…Taemin had been trying to teach Onew how to dance and the leader managed to have a moment in which he knocked over an open bottle of pepper flakes into the stew.
Onew leaned back in the couch. “Minnie, come tell your grandfather all about your day today.”
“Well, today I went to pre-school and I saw our neighbor there!” Taemin made a high-pitched baby voice as he crawled up the couch. “He doesn’t seem to like me much though.”
“Let’s go next door then. I’ll teach him a lesson.” Jonghyun grabbed a folder of sheet music and started approaching Minho.
“Oh dear Lord, what are you going to—Yah! STOP IT!” Minho angrily lashed out as the folder smacked him on his…hip?
“How dare you do that to my innocent Minnie?”
“You guys are officially crazy.”
Taemin scrambled over. “Oh come on Minho, here be a baby with me! It’s really fun?”
Snorting, Minho just looked up and said in the smallest and high-pitched voice possible. “Mwoh? Be a baby like this?”
Jonghyun fell over laughing at that and clutched Taemin, who was trying not to laugh. Even the rapper looked stunned at the sound his voice made.
“Aigoo, someone kill me. You guys are a terrible influence on me!”
Wisely shaking his head, Onew crossed his legs. “No talking about death in front of the elders.” He jumped off the couch and joined in on the baby talk.
“Umma give me food!!!”
Key, wearing a bright pink apron and holding a bowl in one hand raised an eyebrow at his four members rolling around on the floor. “You guys are babos. I can’t believe you guys are going to be idols. Maybe you guys don’t need cake, you’re way too hyper already.”
“Nooooooooooo yeobo! I need food! How am I going to provide for our family if I starve?”
“Well the cake is baking. Just take it out and eat it when the timer dings. Oh, and try not to burn yourselves.” He hung his apron up and went into Shinee’s bedroom.
“Where are you going umma?”
“I’m going to sleep early Minnie.
“Wait what about frosting?!?”


“I think there’s a packet in the cupboard. Goodnight guys!” He called out before collapsing on his bed. The shows were fun, but the stress and work was starting to catch up to him. He smiled in the dark room. At least he finally got his dream.

An hour later, when most of the cake was gone and a tube of frosting destroyed, the members were watching random variety shows. Jonghyun yawned and decided it was time to turn in as well.

He bid the other members good night and headed inside the bedroom. He looked up to see Key asleep in his bunk, the covers everywhere and his friend was shivering.
“Asih Kibum.” He murmured fondly and covered the younger boy with the blankets and neatly tucked it in. Jonghyun brushed aside the bangs and stared at the perfect sleeping face in front of him. “Goodnight yeobo,” he whispered before retiring to his own bed.

A few seconds later, a pair of dark eyes opened and looked at his friend. “Good night Jjong” he mouthed to the curled up figure.

“Ah Taemin-ssi. Who are the members that are best friends?” The interviewer looked at the smiling maknae.

“Um...well all of us are really good friends. But the two closest would have to be umma and appa” he dutifully replied and took a sip from his banana milk.

Yay update! Hope you guys like it! thanks for staying with the story even though it wasn't updated for like 3 weeks... :)

- chocolate-notes :)

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Chapter 9: asdfghjkl;
Even though it was just a summary I still teared up at the end ;;
Chapter 9: Omg this was such a good storyy T^T I mean I would've preferred if you wrote it all out but the summary was good too :) awesome storyline! It was actually realistic! It made me think this actually might've happened :x haha Great story ^,^
Chapter 9: *must not cry* T_T
Chapter 7: hahahahahahaha.. onew's fic. :)
Chapter 7: Aw so cute !! ^^
Keke, Onew is a writer I LOVE IT!
Chapter 6: Woww, jonghyun, im wondering...
are u really really like key??
shinee26 #7
Chapter 6: hello baby <333
Chapter 6: Ahh Hello Baby <3
My favorite show everrr
Key-UmmaBear is hysterical haha
Chapter 5: LOL!!Taemin it is dancing, helping your appa with his dancing! Not with banana milk! LOL!
SohAnna #10
Chapter 5: Banana milk... Banana milk... Banana milk...