Chapter Seven: Spotlight

Behind This Mask


“Now I hear the music; close my eyes, I am rhythm. In a flash, it takes hold of my heart.”

- What a Feeling, Irene Cara


            The stale air was cluttered with clamoring sounds. They included lightly shuffling feet, pitches on and off key and mindless small talk fueled by nerves. They resonated from the long, winding line of impatiently shaking teenagers who had had swapped their personal identities for a mere number pinned somewhere to their clothing. Truthfully, their identities were nearly irrelevant for they were all one in the same. They all trembled in fear and clutched in their sweaty palms a dream that they prayed would come true. Their names were of no importance until they stepped up and braved the stage alone, swallowing back their anxiety and hopefully exploding in a show-stopping array of talent. And only if they left the judges breathless and the other contestants doubting their own abilities did their names truly matter, because someday those names would be in lights. Until then, though, the numbers pinned to their clothes dubbed them as mere wannabes hoping there were something special.

            Between a boy with a guitar hanging from his back and a short, frail girl in tap shoes was Min Neul, temporarily dubbed as #87. Apprehensively, she bounced up and down in her black, white-bottomed sneakers. Her arms were dangling loosely at her sides, swaying and springing with her jittery movements. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t stay still. It was like the energy she had gained after sleeping for a mere hour hours was all being expressed at once, and well before she really needed it. Jonghyun had dismissed their usual Friday morning practices before school and ordered Min Neul to get some sleep before her audition the following morning. Though she had slipped into bed at ten and hadn’t the intent to rise until five the next morning, Min Neul found herself tossing and turning between her sheets all night long. Her mind was replaying over and over the dance moves she knew perfectly, envisioning herself performing on stage. When her alarm went off the next morning, she had already been wide-awake. Thee excitement and apprehension had replaced all fatigue and propelled her to pop out of bed and begin her morning routine. However, she wasn’t getting ready for another dragging day at school. She traded her school uniform for black spandex shorts and a slouchy, off-the shoulder shirt in ruby red. With her black shoes on her feet and slightly more mascara than she usually wore, Min Neul ran her flat iron through her long hair to polish her look before heading out the door. She had to be at the auditorium at six-thirty to be there at the very start of auditions at 7 sharp. Min Neul hid her backpack and textbooks safety in her closet so her parents would assume she went to school like any normal day. But instead of heading to the high school, Min Neul boarded a city bus and made a beeline for the auditorium where the annual T.O.P Media Star Auditions were held.

            Nearly two hours later, Min Neul found herself pinning #87 to her stomach and taking a seat among a sea of other aspiring idols just like Min Neul. Officials from T.O.P Media were directing competitors to sit in somewhere in the vast auditorium, encouraged to watch other auditions. Min Neul took a deep breath and took a seat beside a girl in a cutoff belly shirt and tight leather pants. She watched with judgmental eyes the first round of auditions, which left her feeling surprisingly confident. There were only a few girls who had any real talent, and most of them were balanced in their degree of talent. If one could sing, she was an awful dancer. If one could dance, her rapping was off. The ballad-only singers bored her. She dance-only performers amused her. And the girls who dressed in scandalous outfits and relied solely on their looks to make their awful renditions of fluffy SNSD songs to make it in practically made Min Neul laugh out loud. Rather than being intimidated by the good ones, Min Neul considered them her equals. After all, all two-hundred-something competitors weren’t battling for one sole place in T.O.P Media’s trainee program. They announced multiple times that no more than 25 would be selected, which left a comfortable window of opportunity for Min Neul to shatter with her talent.

            When contestants 51 through 100 were called, Min Neul stood up and joined the march of competitors flocking backstage. After being arranged in number order, they had been told to wait until their number was called to grace the stage and being their audition. This gave them time to either succumb to their jitters or defeat them. Min Neul believed her confidence had been doing a pretty good job winning over them, but when number 80 was called, the realization that she was up shortly hit her in a wave of nerves. She began to bounce on her toes and nervously wiped her clammy hands on her thighs.

            The tall boy in front of her casually turned around. He opened his mouth to say something nonchalant, but his guitar spoke for him. The bottom half swung around as he pivoted and accidently hit Min Neul’s arm. Min Neul yelped softly, more surprised than hurt by the sudden movement.

            The boy’s handsome face twisted in sheer horror. “Oh my god, I’m so, so sorry! Are you okay?” he gushed.

            “Yeah,” Min Neul spoke up with a chuckle, giving her arm a quick rub. “I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” She smiled when she noticed the boy’s pleasantly round features. Aside from his dorky black bangs that reached halfway down his forehead, he was quite handsome with a small, round nose and shining eyes. He could have been famous for his smile alone.

            The boy scratched the back of his head as his cheeks turned pink. “Well, I’m still sorry. I had planned on introducing myself before my guitar, but…”

            Min Neul gave a lighthearted laugh. “I’m fine, really. It’s nice to meet you—and your guitar. I’m Min Neul.”

            “Jo Jonghwan,” introduced the tall boy, who had a charmingly deep voice. Min Neul tried to gage his age against Jonghyun’s, and assumed Jonghwan was his senior by only a few years despite his baby face.

            “I’m guessing you sing?” Min Neul asked curiously.

            Jonghwan nodded, patting his shining guitar. It looked slightly worn, like it had been though many hours of practice, just like Min Neul’s sneakers. “I’ve been singing for a few years now. I can’t dance too well though, so I’m hoping my singing’s enough,” he chuckled before briefly looking Min Neul over. “You dance?”

            “Yup,” Min Neul answered proudly. “I’ve been taking lessons with a personal trainer for a few months now.”

            “Personal trainer? You must be great, then,” Jonghwan smiled. “I’ve seen a lot of great people so far, but I’ll be sure to watch your audition when I’m done.”

            “Thanks. I can’t wait to watch yours,” Min Neul grinned. She hoped Jonghwan had impressive talent, for her certainly had the looks and the affable personality to be an idol. She hoped he had an edge over the competition with his guitar too, for the only other boy to have a guitar had no control over his voice whatsoever, and the girl with a light pink guitar had sung far too quietly to even judge accurately. Normally, due to her competitive nature, she wasn’t apt for making friends with the competition, but Jonghwan was much older than her, and his element of expertise was entire different than hers—not to mention that she wouldn’t have to beat him out for a spot in a girl group, which was a highly coveted position for Min Neul. Of course, if she were put in a girl group she would have to learn to get along with girls, but Min Neul was quick to push the thought from her mind. Before she could even think about getting along with future band mates, she would have to nail her audition. And at the sound of Jonghwan’s number called, Min Neul realized her audition was rapidly approaching.

            “Good luck,” Jonghwan turned around to grin at Min Neul. She quickly blurted good luck message to him and he thanked her in a smile before strolling out to center stage, replacing the girl in leather and revealing clothing who obviously channeled her inner HyunA.

            As Min Neul took a step forward, she peered out from backstage. A long table had been set up between the edge of the stage and the front row, which seated multiple officials from T.O.P Media. Each had clipboards and stacks of paper before them, and in the middle of the seven-person panel was none other than the mastermind behind the entire company, Andy of Shinhwa.

            “State your name and age, please,” Andy remarked, glancing up.

            “Jo Jonghwan, age 22,” Jonghwan replied, bowing deeply. When she straightened up he began smiling confidently as he fiddling with the purple guitar pick in his hands.

            Andy nodded and leaned back in his chair, removing his stylish black frames that reminded Min Neul of Changhyun. “Singing?”

            “Singing,” Jonghwan nodded.

            Andy gave another nod. “You may being any time.”

            Min Neul had been watching Jonghwan strum his guitar and keenly listening to his smooth voice with interest when she heard the girl behind her gasp. “Oh my gosh, it’s Andy!”

            Min Neul chuckled briefly and turned around to glance at her. “You’re a Shinhwa fan?” she asked.

            The girl nodded. “I am, but not as much as I’m a Teen Top fan. You know he created Teen Top, right?”

            Min Neul held back her snappy comments about how oblivious this ignorant girl wrongfully assumed she was, and gave her a smug smile. “I like Teen Top too,” Min Neul remarked, her sweet voice dripping with understatement.

            Meanwhile, deliberation was occurring at the judge’s table as Jonghwan sang. Andy was completely sold on his vocals, which had some roughness to it that could easily be smoothed with proper training. Andy was eyeing the boy’s appearance, deciding he was definitely handsome enough to pass as an idol when the man on his right leaned in close to him.

            “I’m liking his voice, are you?”

            “Very much. He’s got talent,” Andy replied, more impressed than his poker face was willing to show.

            “I’m curious how to his voice would sound with Rockhyun’s,” mentioned the man on the left.

            “Agreed,” Andy nodded, his eyes shifting onto the identification photo attached to Jonghwan’s profile. “It’s about time we start a project with Rockhyun; after Jumper failed I’ve kept my eye on him in particular.”

            “Should we put contestant 86 in the ‘maybe’ pile?” the woman with the pinched nose on Andy’s right asked.

            Andy shook his head. “I see something in him. He’s in.” The woman nodded and shifted #86’s paper to the pile in front of her just as Andy lifted his eyes to the stage, which had been cleared for the next contestant.

            Backstage, #88 was still making small talk with Min Neul about Teen Top. “Wouldn’t it be so cool to be under the same company as Teen Top?” the girl gushed dreamily. She brought her hands to her cheeks and giggled. “I’d do anything to see that handsome maknae Changjo in person!”

            “Yeah—” Min Neul smirked, trailing off.

            “Contestant 87 to the stage, please,” Andy called.

            Min Neul threw the girl a smug look over her shoulder. “Changjo’s girlfriend is one lucky , isn’t she?” With a dazzling, all-knowing smirk, Min Neul snapped her neck back to gaze forward. She took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders back before strutting to center stage, leaving contestant #88 with a gaping mouth behind her.

            As Andy watched the girl in red and black walk across the stage, he leaned back in his chair and smiled to himself. There was something extremely familiar about her, like he had seen her or even personally met her before. “State your name an age please, sweetie,” he announced, wondering if this girl was who he thought she was.

            “Park Min Neul, age 17,” Min Neul annunciated slowly with a confident grin.

            Just as Andy though. Once again, he smiled to himself and gave a brief nod. Perhaps he would have known her at first glance if was standing beside Changjo, the youngest member of his first successful band, Teen Top. Andy could recall the day the boys reported to him that Changjo had a girlfriend. The poor boy had been nervous to break the news to him, afraid that he wouldn’t be able to maintain his new relationship because he was an idol. Andy smiled as he remembered sitting all the boys down that day and telling them that he wasn’t going to place restrictions on their personal lives—at least, not the harmless stuff. He ordered C.A.P, the oldest, to kick his smoking habit, but when it came to girlfriends and dating he allowed the boys complete freedom. He wanted to teach them to use their judgment and protect their idol reputations on their own. The meeting ended with a paternal pat on Changjo’s back, and a request to maybe meet this girl sometime. Gazing at the girl before him, with her long, dark hair and memorably dimpled smile, Andy knew it was the same girl.

            “Singing or dancing?” Andy asked.

            “Dancing,” Min Neul announced with a glittering smile.

            Andy gave a nod towards the staff members operating the music. “Ready when you are,” he told Min Neul.

            Min Neul took a step backwards, getting into place. She closed her eyes as she always did before she danced, and took in a deep breath. With the inhale, she relaxed every muscle in her body and calmed her mind, ceasing all thinking. Only when she completely cleared her mind could see let herself go and surrender to her body, which completely took over when she danced. She slowly exhaled, letting go of all nerves and anxious thoughts that could stiffen her moves and break away at her confidence. The next time she opened her eyes, she saw a different world before.

            The girl in red on stage wasn’t Min Neul. She looked like Min Neul, but much more powerful. Her steps were mighty with confidence and she gave the crowd stunning smirks and smiles. Though the judges were before her, she kept tucked in the back of her mind a small piece of advice that she remembered Jonghyun once told her. He told her to engage the judges with eye contact, but not to seem as if she was dancing for them. Dancing had to be something that came from the heart, something done for yourself, he had said. He advised her to not ask for the judges’ approval with her dancing, but rather, prove to them why she was good enough. Confidence wasn’t tangible, but it was up to Min Neul to harness it and display it on the stage with everything she had. And there was no reason for Min Neul to not feel confidence bursting through her veins with the familiar notes of of f(x)’s “Nu ABO” swirling around her rapidly swiveling body. Her hips popped and shoulders shrugged and head tilted. She flipped her hair charmingly and flirted with the crowd with just the vivacious look in her eyes.

            Min Neul felt like a firecracker. Her power was a fire igniting from deep within, sparked by the passion of performing. She was a dazzling explosion of color, life, and brilliance. All eyes were on the single girl on stage, and all lungs had ceased to breathe. Min Neul had never felt anything more exhilarating in her entire life. She could actually feel a magnetic pull from her energetic, skillful spectacle of moves. When she lifted the corner of her shirt during the chorus to briefly flash a triangle of toned skin, she sparked some hollers n the audience. It was a magical feeling performing in front of so many people, and though Min Neul had blocked out all conscious thoughts before she danced, she allowed herself to consciously take in every single feeling, sought, and sight she was experiencing right now, and vowed to lock them in the Pandora’s Box of her mind. Min Neul hoped more than anything that she wouldn’t have to rely solely on this spectacular moment in her life to feel the rush of performing.

            There was, of course, one other thing Min Neul wished for. She gazed out into the crowd as best she could despite the blinding spotlight shining in her eyes, uncertain just who the faces watching her were. She couldn’t see their expressions, but she knew by the sounds of the cheers and whistles that she was doing a phenomenal job. Despite not being able to see exactly who was in the audience, she unfortunately knew for certain who wasn’t there. In a flash of the past, she recalled sweetly requesting Jonghyun to be there while she auditioned, for she felt that if she could lock eyes with him even once, it would be all the strength she needed to dance flawlessly. However, she had felt a piece of her heart break away when he regretfully confessed to her that he had a schedule that day and wouldn’t be able to make it. Min Neul had swallowed down her sorrow and told him she understood. Sensing her obvious displeasure, he had engulfed her in a warm hug and told her he would be there in spirit. No one could give a pep talk to her quite like Jonghyun could, and she found strength in him to dance despite his absence. She wanted to make him a proud teacher and boyfriend by showing up to the competition with a strong mindset and fascinating everyone beyond their wildest imaginations. She didn’t need support from her family or her boyfriend after all; all she needed was to trust in herself and fight for her dream. And as Min Neul finished out the very end of the choreography with a bold smile and flawlessly sharp moves, her dream of blowing the audience away had been fulfilled.

            Andy sat back in his seat in disbelief. Normally, he liked he keep a straight, unchanged face when he watched the contestants perform, only allowed a small smile or a nod when he seemed impressed. With this girl in red onstage, though, his mouth was practically hanging open. Andy didn’t even want to blink in fear of missing a crucial move to the girl’s spectacular performance.

            The judge on his left leaned in to whisper something to him. “This one’s good,” he said simply.

            “Good?” Andy repeated lowly. “She’s a prodigy. This is talent.”

           “But aren’t we looking primarily for boys?” the woman on Andy’s right suggested. “We can’t do anything with her just yet, we’ve already got a five-member girl group planned.”

            “So she could be a solo artist or debut with another group,” Andy suggested with a shrug. He wasn’t too worried about finding a place for the girl on stage in his agency, because he knew exactly where she belonged. Center stage.

            “She is quite sharp in her movements,” said the judge on Andy’s right, impressed by the young girl’s skill. “She may be the best we’ve seen today. Perhaps a contender to win the entire thing?”

            “Absolutely,” Andy replied, staring right at the girl on stage. He loved her spunk, her energy, and her attitude. He could instantly picture her with expertly done makeup, new hair, and a showy outfit leading a pack of five, maybe six girls in intense choreography beneath a spotlight. Not only was she a talented dancer, she was pretty too.

           “The verdict?” the female on Andy’s right asked.

           “In,” Andy stated confidently, adding contestant #87’s paper to the pile right before him, right on top of #86’s just as the upbeat music and robotic-like voice came to an abrupt end.

            Min Neul’s heart was beating wildly as she held the last pose, her chest heaving up and down with her rapid breathing. Through the blur of the bright lights she could see the judges’ table, and the faint images of seven pleased looks. Right in the middle was Andy, with a broad smile as he gave a brief nod. The crowd was roaring with applause, and those backstage were whispering at the obvious threat to the competition. Min Neul had just elevated the standard for the other competitors, leaving them shaking in their sneakers as she confidently raised her head up high and bowed deeply. To hear all of their applause was just for her gave Min Neul the most thrilling feeling that she knew she was already addicted to. And watching Andy glance around at the applauding before slowing clapping himself brought to Min Neul’s face a smile brighter than she spotlight she stood beneath.

            The auditorium was filed with praise, but no one was impressed quite like the boy seated in the very last row in the lonely back end of the vast room. His dark, shining eyes had been unable to move from the beautiful girl in red dancing on stage. She had captivated him with a hold even stronger than the first time he had ever watched her dance. He secretively sat back in his seat, out of the public eye, and watched the auditions from the very beginning. With a beanie tucked over his coiffed black hair to conceal his identity, he silently sat along, impressed by a few people but sought to find positive, redeeming qualities in all performances. It wasn’t until the familiar girl in red stepped on stage that he knew he was in for a real show. His mind whirled with amazement as she danced across the stage, confidently executing the choreography exactly but also adding in her own moves to show off her style and originality. Every move she did was as bold, and her expressions showed off her playful, fearless personality that he knew so well. He was utterly in awe as he watched her entire performance. He gave credit to her mentor, a personal friend of his, but he was ultimately proudest of her for her natural ability to not only dance, but own the stage. Having been a trainee once himself, he knew you could teach someone to dance, but you couldn’t teach someone how to be a dancer. The girl in red already knew how to be a dancer; that was raw, real talent in her veins.

            The very moment she had finished, he had begun applauding her. The beautiful, talented girl deserved all the commemoration this auditorium could give her, and then some. When the boy heard the applause had crescendoed, he slowly uncrossed his short legs and rose to his feet. A standing ovation. That was what she deserved. It didn’t take long for the crowd to follow his lead and pop up from their seats, wildly cheering her on. Though he was far away from the stage, far beyond her field of view, he could see that she was beaming.

            Back at the front, Andy leaned forward and held up a hand, signaling he was going to speak. “Min Neul, was it?” he asked, though he knew the answer. When the girl nodded vigorously, he smiled. “Thank you for auditioning. You’re a very talented young lady.”

            Amazed at the simplicity but sincerity of his comment, Min Neul bowed deeply. “Thank you so much, and thank you for this opportunity!” she gushed.

            “I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of you,” Andy said with a grin, bowing his head to gesture that she could leave the stage. With one more bow and a dozen more thank-yous, Min Neul left the stage with a leaping heart and a spinning mind. She nearly stumbled as she stepped down the stairs a the side of the stage, dizzily taking an empty seat somewhere in the sea of competitors. She was still shaking with the thrill of dancing, the flattery of applause and the vague but promising words Andy had slyly left her with.

            Positivity and wonder was swirling around in Min Neul’s mind as she blinked, blindly watching the next audition. Though she was facing forward and in perfect position to check out the skills of contestant #88, her mind was too busy reeling with the thrill of what had just happened. She tried to lean back in her chair and take slow breathes in hopes of calming herself down, but it was impossible to remain calm after such an experience. Andy had personally complimented her, which had obviously meant he was impressed. Min Neul didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but, to her, there was no way she wasn’t going to earn her rightful place as a T.O.P Media trainee after that. She longed to whip out her phone and gush the exciting news and everything she was feeling to Jonghyun, but she would have to wait until after the competition was over. Anyway, perhaps by that time she would have even more exciting news to tell him. At least, that was what Min Neul hoped with all her heart.

            Min Neul remained in that seat for nearly another hour as more contestants auditioned. She listened carefully for Andy’s personal comments, but they were fortunately scarce. Andy didn’t like to play favorites, after all. Nearly the entire auditorium had lost its bustling energy after the last hour of monotonous auditioned, which had only hit peaks a few times. When Andy and the other judges stood up from their seats after much deliberation, the auditorium fell silent and all ears perked at the potential for announcements. Min Neul scooted to the edge of her chair, so anxious that her legs were shaking. When Andy and a few judges mounted the stage, everyone began to cheer. The verdicts were in, and would soon be out to the public. Despite her confidence, Min Neul felt her stomach lurch when Andy stepped up to the microphone.

            “Ah, hello everyone,” Andy began, adjusting the microphone to his height and smiling at the audience of contestants. “How is everyone doing right now?”

           As if a concert was taking place, the crowd of contestants roared in response. Whether the shouts were in anticipation, fear, or simply because a veteran idol was on stage, they made Andy chuckle. “Alright, well, I’m sure you’re all very excited to find out who has been accepted into T.O.P Media’s trainee program. But first, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for coming out here and auditioning and expressing your interest in T.O.P Media. We saw a lot of really talented young men and women today. So, give yourself a round of applause!”

            Proud applause rose from the auditorium as the constants pushed aside their thinning anticipation and celebrated their collective determination and talent. Even Min Neul exchanged honored smiles with the girls around her as they applauded themselves.

            Andy cleared his throat before he began. “As you know, every audition we like to accept no more than 25 trainees into our program. The judges look for confidence, stage presence, originality, and of course talent. Uh, again, we saw a lot of talent today, but our space is limited.

            So, as you all know, this is a competition. And we do award first, second, and third place prizes, which are special deals to enter our program as well as these little official certificates. I’m sure you’re all dying to know who is accepted, right?”

            Andy’s question could have gone without being said, shrieks from the audience told him to cut to the chase and spill the names of the winners already. Min Neul clamped her hands over and bounced her legs up and down. Behind her folded, clammy hands she was chewing on her bottom lip nervously. All she could think of was how astounding it would be to have the honor of winning even third place in this competition. Winning a specific title would help Min Neul’s future proposal to her parents to allow her to become a trainee. For the past few days she had lightly mentioned the idea to them, only for them to respond with skeptical scoffs and cynical head shakes. Of course it was easy for them to dismiss the idea; it was unconventional, it was unbelievable, but it wasn’t as unrealistic as they believed. Min Neul had tried to convince them into believing that performing was her life dream, but they never seemed too impressed or even to believe her. To them, it was just a phase girls go through. And every time they waved her off and refused to listen further, Min Neul would narrow her eyes and turn away, wishing that they would take her seriously. If she had an impressive title and a scholarship to enter the trainee program, maybe her parents would finally wake up and realize their daughter was out to chase her dreams, and was talented enough to make them reality after all.

            The audience filled with squeals of excitement and hushes encouraging silence. Andy cleared his throat and glanced down at the paper in his hands. After a brief introduction, he announced at once the names of fourteen lucky constants who had been deemed talented enough to enter the competition. They each shrieked in excitement and bounded to the stage to gather together in celebration.

            Min Neul, however remained sunken in her seat.

            She bit her tongue to keep tears from spilling over as she joined the round of bittersweet applause everyone was congratulating them with. Among the ones in celebration were memorable performances that actually had displayed some talent. However, a slightly sour expression of skepticism remained on her face as she eyed Andy and the judges. Clearly, they were waiting to announce the first, second and third place winners, keeping the audience in suspense. Upon the absence of Jonghwan’s name being called, Min Neul was sure they were saving the best for last. After all, they had seemed awfully impressed with him, and even more impressed with her own performance. Before she allowed any tears to fall or any negative thoughts to settle in, she kept a strong mindset and clutched onto the growing belief that she at least had to be third place winner. Maybe even second. However, she didn’t dare believe she had actually won the coveted first place.

            Andy leaned towards the microphone again and tapped on it, indicating that there was still something he wanted to announce. “Now, now, I haven’t yet announced the names of the winners. Those three, lucky people are sitting out in the seats right now as normal teenagers. Once their names are called, just like the lucky few on stage, their lives are about to change forever, and hopefully for the better.” A famous, well-known smile lit up his handsome face as he paused, letting his words sink in to the minds of the potentially unlucky but potentially lucky contestants seated in the auditorium. Nearly everyone was on the edges of their seats, willingly giving Andy their undivided attention as their hearts fired off quick, explosive beats. Andy decided the anticipation had mounted to a peak, and he couldn’t possibly keep them from the magnificent news he sought to share any longer. “Third place in this year’s T.O.P Media Star Auditions is…”

             Something funny happened next that Min Neul could never actually explicate to anyone. The world around her began to slow, and the grand words Andy spoke grew fainter and fainter until they were silent. The only thing Min Neul could hear was the sound of her slow heartbeat pounding in her chest. She was parlayed, completely incapable of clapping in celebration of the first name to be called, followed by Jo Jonghwan’s. Not that she actually heard them being called, anyway, for she had fallen deaf in her frozen, breathless state.  However, if she had truly lost her hearing, she wouldn’t have heard her very own name announced after the two most glorious words in the entire world.

            First place.

            Tears stung in the corners of Min Neul’s dark, squinted eyes and her shaking, clammy hands flew to , which was uttering silent gasps of disbelieve. Her hear was a firework on her chest, exploding with the most blissful feeling she had ever felt. As the sound of wild applause clamored in her ears, she rose shakily but victoriously to her feet. She stumbled and fumbled through the row of seats as she blindly found her way to the stage, which she had threw her heart and soul on to give her all into her talent. Her les nearly gave out as she climbed the steps of the stage, her tears illuminated by the spotlight she was about to step into. On stage, in between Jonghwan and a boy in colorful hip-hop garb, stood Andy, smiling proudly as he held a large envelope and a small golden trophy in his hands. Min Neul forced herself to awkwardly stop before him, embarrassed at how clumsy her entrance on stage but as proud of herself as ever. She took the envelope and trophy in her sweaty, shaking hands just as Andy gestured for her to turn to the audience, which was remarkably applauding wildly for no one but her.

            Once again, the world around Min Neul completely slowed down, which allowed her to take in every single feeling filling her as she slowly turned around and lifted her head to the audience before her. The spotlight blinded her, only allowing her to see faint outlines of contestants in the crowd hopping to their feet to congratulate her on her well-deserved, highly coveted position. Once again, she was beneath the spotlight with all attention on her. This time, though, it was unrehearsed and pure, raw emotion. Perhaps that was why Min Neul broke down and let her tears of absolutely bliss and amazement trickle down her cheeks as the applause continued still for her excellence. She could hardly wait to tell her parents, her sister, and especially her boyfriend of her unbelievable win. Her parents would absolutely have to let her become a trainee now and chase after her dreams. Andy had said it; today was the day Min Neul’s life would change forever, and as she cried in amazement beneath the spotlight, was absolutely positive it would change for the better.

            Out in the crowd, in the very back row of the vast auditorium, sat the same boy who had been captivated by her audition like no other. He watched with proud eyes as she wiped her eyes, which nearly brought tears to his own eyes. He was on his feet, naturally, as he had once again been the first to his feet to give the girl in red, the first place winner, the standing ovation she deserved. He could have predicted she would be the winner; she had just been that good. And he had known it from the very start, before the music had even started and she had even begun dancing. His smile was of sheer pride in the girl, and he couldn’t wait to give her the personal congratulations she deserved for her excellence. But as his applause slowed and he wiped his proudly tearing eyes, he suddenly turned away from the stage. He stealthily threw his weight against the back door and opened it, shedding the March sunlight on his secretly notorious face. He pulled the beanie off his spiked black hair with a dazzling smile and emerged outside. And in a flash, Yoo Changhyun was gone.

- - -

Of course she got in!!!!

Jonghwan? Rockhyun? Sound familliar to anyone? Hehe.

Does anoyone else love Min Neul's sass or is it just me?

Does anyone even read this story?


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i updated for the first time in months aw yeah


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Chapter 22: He is an . Like a bastard's .
ughwhy #2
Chapter 22: I remember reading this a while ago, and I somehow found it again. Wow, that last line though ;~; Right when Min Neul began to feel hopeful and positive about her relationship with Jonghyun(lol for lack of better word), he had to go and be a lil to her. He's just being an idiot, and pretty soon, Min Neul is gonna realize she doesn't deserve to be treated like dirt (especially since Jonghyun is unwilling to listen to reason and realize he's totally wrong). Once she does, Changhyun is gonna swoop in and be her prince charming. Jonghyun better wise up before he loses out on a good girl-__-)/
Chapter 22: Okay so my heart literally broke like omg that ending hurt so much and damn I really loved how you wrote this chapter and geez it took me so long to find the right time to read this since I have to read this by myself without else around or else I just simply ignore them completely which is bad of me! Haha ANYWAYS omg you updated ahhhhh its awesome and sad but awesome that you uploaded this because it makes me happy to read your writing and just ahhhh :) it makes me happy to see that amazing writing style you possess!! :D
shangjo16 #4
Chapter 22: god why do you have to be soo...dumb jonghyun....she's innocent for god sake....cant you two just be together again....i miss htem two being all sweet and romantic...dont you guys...:(
Chapter 22: oh my god the ending T___T
changjo how dare you whispered that to her T_T
cant wait for the next update!
thank you authornim♥
Chapter 21: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH omg you updated!!!!! Its been so long that I almost looked past it like it wasnt supposed to be there XD but omg this chapter is fantastic!!! As always though! Ahh feels nice to be the first to comment on your new chapter...(at least I think I'm first lol) Anyways great job!
friendly reminder to update thank u unni
Chapter 20: omg omg omg omg omg I loved the new chapter! Ugh Jonghyun is such a meanie though! Saying he regretted it and didn't love her; everyone knows he is lying through his teeth! He needs to man up and realize hes wrong and get back to Min Neul! Or else Changhyun is going to come in and sweep her off of her feet~ lol Anyways LOVED IT!! As always :) I AM your number 1 fan and all and read everything you write and comment on every single chapter of them XD hehe :3
Chapter 20: oh my god i love how chanhee taking care of mineul~
and jonghyun really need to stop talking nonsense like that, i mean how can you said that in front of mineul, what a jerk
great chapter authornim^-^
Chapter 19: Okay so I totally read this yesterday but didn't have the chance to comment until today but of course I wasn't going to go one chapter without complimenting the hell out of you! BECAUSE YOU'RE AMAZING!!! This chapter was awesome and ugh the support she gets from everyone is so precious but Jonghyun ugh he needs to calm himself and realize he was the wrong one~