Chapter Nineteen: Firework

Behind This Mask

“This is the part of me that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no. Now look at me, I’m sparkling.”

- Part of Me, Katy Perry


            If it was one thing Min Neul never was, it was a girly girl. Growing up, she threw squirmy temper tantrums every time her mother tried to force her into a dress. Painting nails, modeling sparkling boas and slapping gooey, homemade moisturizers on her face and had never been her idea of entertainment. Maybe that was why Min Neul had always found it hard to relate to girls her age. If she had told her eight-year-old self that someday she would be calmly sitting in a chair as an overly perfumed makeup stylist penciled in her eyebrows, she never would have believed it.

            Patience had never been one of Min Neul’s virtues, either. This was only her fourth time being sat down in a long-legged chair before a table covered in the tools of a beautician’s trade, forced to sit perfectly still as a makeup artist painted her face. After her streaked bangs were pinned back, her entire face had been slowly coated in a thick layer of foundation, smoothly covering every imperfection. A dark pencil was clutched in the stylist’s fingers, highlighting Min Neul’s most prominent feature. “You have wonderful eyebrows,” the stylist kindly complimented.

            Min Neul had always felt a sense of satisfaction regarding her eyebrows. While most girls prided themselves on their innocent eyes, sloped noses, v-lines and thigh-gaps, they were usually thanks to the work of a surgeon. Min Neul couldn’t help but feel uniquely proud of her perfectly arched eyebrows. They made her stand out among the other girls, and she had not a surgeon to thank for them but her own genes. “Thank you,” she spoke softly. As her eyes were closed, she was unable to tell how far away the stylist was from her face. When she finally felt the pencil leave her skin, she hesitantly opened one eye only to find a liquid eyeliner wand just centimeters away from her eyelids. Reluctantly she closed her eyes once more, discouraged at missing a glimpse at herself in the mirror. B with anticipation, she squirmed slightly in the seat as the stylist painted her eyelids with exaggerated, jet-black wings. Only when she felt the cool wand of eyeliner and the warm hand of the stylist leave her skin did she open her eyes and finally catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

            Staring back at Min Neul was a full face of makeup. Every slight imperfection had been smoothed and colored, flawlessly blended out of existence. Her dark eyes popped beneath her thick, arched eyebrows and the apples of her cheeks were rosy. Never before had her hair been so silky, so sleek, and so perfect. The red highlights in her bangs stood out brightly against her rich, black locks. Her naturally tan body looked foreign to her, shimmering with iridescent powder beneath the bright lights overhead. Tight, shorts of dark denim and studs hugged her hips and thighs, and her toned stomach was completely exposed in a cropped red and white striped scoop-neck with sleeves ended at her elbows. Suspenders of black leather were attached to her shorts and hugged her chest tightly. Fashioned with some chunky jewelry and studded combat boots, Min Neul didn’t feel like Min Neul anymore. Staring back at Min Neul was Miinah.

            “One last thing,” the stylish spoke up as Miinah stared at herself. She picked up a black tube of lipstick and uncapped it, revealing a stick of cherry red lipstick. She tilted Miinah’s chin up and carefully slicked the rich lipstick over Miinah’s pout. Miinah never dreamed she would ever willingly wear lipstick and get dolled up like a celebrity, but she also never dreamed she would actually become one.

            The feeling of fame was still foreign to Min Neul. All her life, she had never felt like one of those pretty movies stars she always saw on television, and in all honestly, never wanted to feel like one. Honestly, she never thought she ever could feel like one. Throughout Min Neul’s life she had been dissatisfied with her appearance, and had always considered her older sister Hyerin the prettier one. It wasn’t until Min Neul began dating Jonghyun that she started to feel better about herself. He never let a day slip by without telling Min Neul how beautiful, how perfect she was to him, ad every time he did he sent Min Neul soaring high in the sky. After all, Jonghyun was an idol and could have any pretty, famous girl he wanted. Jonghyun never wanted any of them. He never even looked at any of them. He only had eyes for Min Neul, and it had always made her her feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

            How the times had changed. She went from being the happiest girl in the world to arguably the most miserable. Despite their breakup being two months ago, Min Neul still found it difficult to get up every morning and take on life. Some nights she still couldn’t even sleep at all, and laid awake silently, miserably, and agonizingly not over Jonghyun’s absence, but his presence. Min Neul was convinced that if she hadn’t had such close contact with him, her heart would be healing much faster. Maybe the heartache would be gone completely. Instead, their paths crossed on a weekly basis, at the least convenient times, and there was just as much tension between them as ever. She wished desperately he would just leave her sight, mind, and earth, but it seemed like he just wasn’t going anywhere.

            One the bright side, one place she definitely didn’t expect to see him was backstage at M! Countdown, where her band was gearing up for debut. Their dressing room was more than busy with a prep team milling about, trying to fix up each of the girls in the proper costumes. Three technical stylists were wiring Violet up, securely clipping the microphone pack to the back of her tight, high-waist pants and adjusting the wire speaker from her ear to her cherry red lips. Nala, in a strapless dress of tiered black tulle, and Jazz, in suspenders and laced-up combat boots, were doing sound checks. Pout-lipped Kai Lee was trying on her sequined top hat and admiring her face full of dramatic makeup in the mirror, completely wired up and ready to brave the stage.

            Not everyone could have such a smooth debut preparation, however, and the troubles fell on Sumi. Currently, she was standing in just tight, black pants and a strapless, colored bra. Her red and white striped, corset-shaped top was a tad too big and the stylists were rushing to tighten up the edges. Her hair had already been twisted into wild curls and smoky makeup had been drawn onto her eyes, and the rest of her costume fit flawlessly. Convinced she had been measured wrong, but not wanting to place the blame on anyone, the visual and vocalist kept her red lips closed in a tight pout with her hands crossed over her chest. Her worried gaze watched the stylists pinch the sides of the top between her fingers as another came to her and demanded she extend her arms and get measured again. Concerned, and slightly impatient, Sumi did as she was told and let the stylists take her measurements again. As her black, catlike eyes rolled to the ceiling, she could have sworn she heard knocking on the dressing room door.

            Sumi wasn’t the only one who had heard the knocking; Kai Lee had too. She stepped away from the mirror and gripped the doorknob, pulling the door open a crack to peer outside. She expected to see another stylist, or maybe even Andy coming to check on Circa’s preparation. However, she saw neither. Much to her surprise, L.Joe’s face was smiling back at her, and behind him were the five other members of Teen Top.

            “Hello!” the boys all cried in unison.

            “We came to wish you good luck,” L.Joe exclaimed with a boyish smile.

           “We even brought a rice wreath!” exclaimed Ricky, who was helping Changjo carry a tall rice package with a pink congratulatory bow. “CIRCA FIGHTING! GOOD LUCK!” it read on one side, and the other read the girls’ names. It was a sweet gift, and it definitely showed the boys’ support. Kai Lee’s smile was wide, proud, and welcoming as the wreath sparkled in her eyes.

            Excitedly and impulsively, Kai Lee jerked the door open with a gasp. “Thank you so much!” she exclaimed. Abruptly, she turned to the rest of the busy girls in the room. “Girls! Look who’s here!”

            Sumi, who was being fitted once again with her corset-like top, gasped at the boys’ sudden arrival. Blush flooded her cheeks, for she was being sewn into her top and undoubtedly exposing herself awkwardly. “Yah, look the other way!” she cried, pointing away from her.

            “I can’t see anything,” Chunji chuckled, though when he entered the room he secretly had seen her in just her bra. Unfortunately, she was completely covered, and probably unable to get out of that strapless top without a pair of scissors to cut her free.

            Miinah turned around immediately upon hearing the boys’ entry. She had to admit, she often missed the their constant company. She had practically seen boyfriend Changjo every day, and the other boys on a weekly basis. They had been her best friends. She texted Ricky and Niel on a regular basis, and saw C.A.P frequently when he came to visit her sister. When she lost Changjo, she had also lost her best friends. The Circa girls definitely did help fill the void, but she missed the boys’ unique company. They were always so loud, playful, and brotherly, and Circa girls couldn’t possibly replace them in Miinah’s heart.

            Miinah forced the sharp, tense feeling in her body brought on by Changjo’s intimidating presence to relax. She rolled her shoulders back and gave a bright smile to the boys as they entered the dressing room. Her smile was met by all but Changjo, but Miinah refused to let it bother her. At a crucial time in her life like this, she would be damned if she allowed Changjo to shake her confidence. If he paid no attention to her, then so be it. If he was a jerk to her, then so be it. But this was her night to shine, and nothing was going to take away.

            Not even the sneer on Changjo’s face as he looked Miinah over.

            “Is that a rice wreath?” Nala asked innocently as she bounced up to Ricky and Changjo.

            Ricky nodded as he and his friend set the wreath down beside the couch. Nala, Jazz, and Violet rushed over to marvel at it, then bowed before the boys in gracious appreciation.

            “Thank you so much for your support!” Violet gushed to the boys.

            “Are you going to stick around and watch the show, Oppa?” Nala questioned Ricky with wide eyes.

            “Of course we are,” Ricky exclaimed to Nala, who had had taken quite a liking to since the dinner. She was bubbly, sweet, talkative, and surely would be an excellent friend. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

            “Good luck, cutie,” Changjo purred to the petite, curvy girl. He gave a wink and Nala laughed, bowing as she thanked him.

            As soon as Changjo turned to Jazz to wish her good luck while she gushed over the wreath, Ricky turned his gaze to Miinah. Their eyes met as Ricky maneuvered his way over to her, silently telling her to stop right where she was because he had a word t two or her. He stepped right up to her, with his back to Changjo, and leaned in so only Miinah could hear. “I don’t care if he sees or not, I’m hugging you.”

            Miinah threw her head back and gave a genuine laugh as Ricky slipped his arms around her. She hugged him back tightly, have missed the feeling of a friend’s warmth. “Thanks for coming to see us, Changhyun-ah.”

            “’Us?’ Min Neul, I came to see you. Sure, these girls are my friends too, but you’re more than just a friend like they are. We’ve all watched you train and none of us wanted to miss your debut, Min Neul.” His smile was heartwarming. “Are you nervous?”

            Min Neul let out a huff. “Very. What if I mess up?”

            “You won’t,” Changhyun assured her with an encouraging grin. “Look at your outfit!” he exclaimed, extended his hands as if to show Min Neul off before him.
            “Do you like it? Do I look okay?” Min Neul asked worriedly, craving his approval.

            “You look amazing,” Changhyun complimented sincerely. Truthfully, he was having a hard time keeping his eyes off her. The black shorts she wore were more like hot pants, and they showed off her strong legs. Her cropped top revealed her toned stomach. And surely, her dancing and singing on stage would show off her talent. All her hard work was on display, and Changhyun couldn’t’ have been prouder. Or more .

            “Really? Thank you, Changhyun-oppa,” Min Neul gushed, gazing at Changhyun with grand reverence.

            He had her attention, and he wasn’t about to let it go. “How are you doing, Min Neul?” Changhyun asked sincerely, his voice low.

            Min Neul shrugged. “Nervous. I’m hanging in there as best I can.”

            Changhyun reached out to rub her arm. “You’re going to do just fine. Circa is already really popular, and a lot of people are excited about your debut. You girls have trained so hard, and I know you’re going to do well.”

            Min Neul smiled at his encouragement. He really knew the right words to say to give her confidence. Everything he said was true: Circa really had gained an impressive amount of support with the release of their song, teasers, and music video. The first thing Min Neul did was look up her own name on search engines and marvel over everyone talking about her, positing videos and pictures of her, and complimenting her. People were already talking about how good a dancer she was, and how Circa was one band to definitely look out for. Among the other girl groups that had debuted so far in the year, Circa had made a remarkable impression. Perhaps it was their concept, full of attitude and power. Their song had nothing to do with romance, and they were anything but cutesy. It was a song of confidence in who you are, almost a warning to the world to stop regarding people who are a little different as “freaks.” The witty lyrics were both insulting to the standards of society and empowering to the individual, and Min Neul loved them. Even the music video, which had been a blast to make, was noted for its uniqueness. The scenes featured between the girls walking down the street as the epitome of a large crowd’s teasing for their bizarre outfits. They happened upon a run down theater, and dance on the creaky stage. Not only that, they danced in what looked like a haunted circus tent. Slowly, the girls gain attention and people file into the theater and cheer wildly, but the real shocker of the video was at the very end when Violet dropped a lighter on the stage, and girls are shown strutting away from the a theater entirely engulfed in flames. Everything about the video, from the ornate design of the scenery to the Miinah’s dance break to the “fight” scene in which Jazz and Sumi spit out a duo rap set Circa apart from the rest.

           At that moment, Chanhee came sauntering up to the chatting pair. He draped an arm around Changhyun's shoulders, slouched down casually, and winked at Min Neul. "Hey, kid. You ready?"

           Min Neul hoped her makeup was heavy enough to hide her hot, blushing face. She hasn't faced Chanhee since he has come over unannounced an they wound up with a temporary friends-with-benefits deal. She had never had a one night stand before, and never even made out with anyone other than Jonghyun. Though the event had taken her by surprise, she wasn't exactly ashamed of it. Besides, it had definitely done what Chanhee promised it would do, for it took her mind off Jonghyun for a night. And at this point, that was considered progress.

            “I hope so," Min Neul answered, fidgeting with the clips of her suspenders.

            "Well, you look y. Everyone looks y," Chanhee commented after taking a look around. A fully clothed Sumi was finally being wired with a microphone, and the rest of the girls were talking to the other Teen Top boys. He turned back to Min Neul and grinned. "Don't be nervous. You'll all do fine."

            "We'll be cheering for you," Changhyun assured with a nod.

            "Thanks," Min Neul responded. She dipped her head and whispered, "Could you have Minsoo-oops come over here when he's finished talking to Kai Lee?"

            "Sure," Chanhee responded, coolly sauntering over to the other boy and persuading him in Min Neul's direction. Chanhee remained by Kai Lee, attempting to smooth-talk her with his charms, and Minsoo rolled his eyes as he walked away.

            "Hey, Min," Minsoo began. Historically he wasn't a touchy person, but he didn't hesitant to wrap a strong arm around Min Neul in a supportive hug. "You look great. Are you excited?"

            "Yes, but nervous," Min Neul squeaked. There was something extremely comfortable about Minsoo to Min Neul, and it was undoubtedly because of his relationship with her older sister. Minsoo reminded her of Hyerin, and more than anything she wished she could see her sister. She could use her kind words of encouragement before debuting, but since they weren't available she depended on the boys to give her the confidence and luck she needed to be a success.

            "Have you talked to Hyerin lately? She said break a leg," Minsoo reported.

            Min Neul nodded. "I talked to her last night, and she told me good luck and she wished she could be here."

            "She's with you in spirit," Changhyun offered. "We'll all be with you in spirit. I'll send my spirit on stage to dance with you," he laughed, hoping to lighten the mood and shake away her nerves. His remark might have been silly, but it still brought a smile to Min Neul's face. Changhyun's optimism was nearly as infectious as his laughter.

            After a few more words of encouragement from Minsoo, Byunghun made his way over. "What's this? Are we finally acknowledging that we know Min Neul?"

            "Not too loudly," Min Neul corrected him quickly. "I haven't told the girls about anything yet."

            Byunghun frowned, but nodded understandingly. "Well, good luck on your debut. You're going to be amazing and you're so prepared. All of you girls are going to do really well." As he spoke, his eyes seemed to be darting bath and forth between Min Neul, and something beyond her.

            Slowly, Min Neil turned around to see what was stealing Byunghun's gaze. A ways behind her, Jazz was practicing her expressions in the mirror. She already looked like a star, with her swift movements and pretty face and strong dedication. Byunghun seemed to be staring at her in silent awe, and Min Neul was beginning to catch on. 
She crossed her arms over her chest. "Who are you looking at?"

            "What? No one," Byunghun insisted, but Min Neul knew he was lying.

            "Do you like Jazz?" Min Neul asked bluntly, sensing a possible connection between the English speakers.

            “N-n-no,” Byunghun stammered. “I was just looking at, um, myself in the mirror. That’s all.”

            “You’re so vain, hyung,” Changhyun giggled, but unlike him, Min Neul wasn’t buying his excuse.

            “You like Jazz,” she inferred confidently, placing her hands on her hips. “Why don’t you go talk to her? Go wish her good luck.”

           “No!” Byunghun cried, holding his hands up in defense. “I can’t. I’m too nervous.”

           “Hurry,” Min Neul urged with a giggle. She glanced at the clock on the wall. “We’re going on soon!” She took the blonde boy by the shoulders and directed him in towards Jazz. Unfortunately, Changjo was sauntering up towards her to wish her good luck too. He seemed to be making rounds, visiting each girl and flirtatiously wishing her good luck. One stop she didn’t expect him to make, though, was before her.

           Min Neul’s stomach tightened as Changjo approached. His eyes were gazing right into hers, warning her to keep shut because he would be speaking first. He stopped a comfortable distance away from her, and she found herself leaning towards Changhyun. Both were frozen, waiting for the intimidating boy in black to speak.

           “I figured I should stop and talk to you for a minute so people don’t suspect anything,” Changjo spoke. There was arrogance in his voice. “Of course, unless you’ve whined to them about what happened.”

           “They don’t know,” Min Neul sat simply and flatly.

           "If you’re here to make trouble—“ Changhyun began defensively, but Changjo cut him off.

           “Don’t blame me for the trouble,” Changjo warned, raising an eyebrow at Min Neul’s direction. She clenched her jaw so she wouldn’t snarl an insult back at him, and he smiled wickedly. “Anyway, I wanted to tell you to break a leg. After all, you’re already good at breaking hearts.”

            “Oh stop it,” Min Neul sneered. “I didn’t cheat on you and you know it.”

            Changjo crossed his arms and raised a skeptical eyebrow. His eyes disapprovingly scanned Min Neul up and down. “You’re going to try to convince me you’re not a while wearing that?” His cackle was impertinent. “Yeah right.”

           Min Neul unlocked her jaw to spit fire, but Changhyun jumped to her defense. “That’s enough, Jonghyun,” he insisted calmly but firmly.

           Changjo simply rolled his eyes. “Just don’t up. I’d hate to see all my hard work training you go to waste.”

           “I won’t,” Min Neul spat curly. “Now get out of here.”

           “Finally,” Changjo scoffed. He gave a sarcastic wave as he turned to leave. “But really, feel free to break a leg too. Your feet are clumsy when you dance.” With that, he gave a malicious grin and sharply turned his back.

           Min Neul’s blood was still boiling when a member of the prep team whizzed by, announcing “Three minutes! Three minutes!” She had heard, but she was still too angry at Changjo to react. He had completely the confidence and excitement out of her. She felt deflated Her sparkle had been dulled.

           Changhyun watched the light fade from her face, placed a sweet hand on her shoulder.  “Don’t listen to him,” he said so gently it was almost a whisper. “You look incredible. And you’re an amazing dancer.”

           His soft voice alone could melt Min Neul’s anger. “Thanks,” she whispered back.

           But Changhyun still wasn’t satisfied. He gripped her by both shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “Listen to me, Min Neul,” he began. “You cannot let him win. You know what he wants? To see you fail. You’ve got to go out there and prove him wrong. You’re an amazing performer, and you’ve  got to to go out there and own the stage. Make the whole crowd scream your name! This is your night to shine. Don’t let that —or anyone—ruin it for you.”

           “Two minutes! Two minutes!” the prep assistant was calling.

           Min Neul looked the boy deep in the eyes. His handsome face was solid with sincerity, and his grip was strong but invigorating. He was desperately trying to get back the dazzling Miinah he had first seen when he entered the dressing room, the Miinah who was so full of life and confidence. He genuinely cared about Min Neul’s wellbeing, and that alone was bringing a smile to Min Neul’s face.

            “You’re right,” Min Neul said slowly. Despite being surrounded by onlookers, Min Neul boldly threw her arms around Changhyun and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Changhyun. You’re the best.”

           Changhyun was taken back by her sudden gesture, but he smiled and gave her back a rub as his eyelids fell dreamily. Min Neul only complimented him like that in his dreams; to hear her being so dependent on him, and so grateful for him, made him feel the most incredible rush of pride. “You’re welcome.”

            “One minute! One minute! Girls, I need you!” the prep team member was circulating the room, and the girls were shrieking in excitement and gathering by the door of the dressing room.

            “Good luck,” Changhyun wished at the last moment before the two pulled away.

            For a moment, the world seemed to pass in slow motion around Min Neul. With Changhyun’s encouraging words in her ears, Min Neul pulled away from him just as Kai Lee rushed by and placed her hand on her shoulder. “Come on, Miinah! We’re on!”

            With her hands still on Changhyun’s shoulders, Min Neul threw one last frantic look at him, as if she were pleading for him to give her confidence. Sweetly, Changhyun placed his hands on hers and slowly took them his shoulders. He held her hands and stared deep into her eyes with a hopeful smile, a moment Min Neul would surely never forget. Show ‘em what you got, Miinah,” he whispered. When he released her hands, he released her into the currant of backstage assistants rushing her and the other members of Circa through the backstage corridors.

            The world was suddenly moving at a rapid pace, and it was almost too much for Min Neul to take in. Final sound checks, last minute touchups, and final preparations. Somehow, Violet managed to gather the girls together and cleared to speak.

            “Listen, girls,” the leader began. “We’ve worked so hard these past few years to get to where we are now, and it all comes down to this. We have the power, talent, and skill to blow that stage up. Can we do it?”

           “Yes!” Kai Lee cried with enthusiasm.

           “You bet we can!” Violet stuck her hand n the middle of the circle, and the other girls quickly followed. Violet looked up with a bright smile. “’Circa fighting’ on the count of three, ready?”

           On the count of three, Violet, Sumi, Jazz, Nala, Kai Lee, and Miinah threw their hands up in the air and shouted, “CIRCA FIGHTING!” with the utmost pride. When the lights were dimmed and the stage cleared, Violet let the girls in their strut on stage. With the pride of their chant and Changhyun’s encouraging words running through her veins, Min Neul was finally starting to feel like Miinah again, and just in time to get in formation with her girls and transform herself into Miinah. At the slow inhale of a deep breath, a mental countdown began.

           The crowd was cheering. Circa already had fans. Some were cheering in anticipation for this brand new band, and some were cheering already hopeful for their success. Miinah couldn’t hide the smile the cheering crowd brought to her cherry red lips. With her hip cocked, head down, and brim of her top hat pinched between her fingers, Miinah waited for the slow beat of Circa’s intro track “Entertainment” to fill the arena. One by one the girls began to move their bodies, though their feet kept them stationary in their line at the back of the stage. In a sudden explosion of charisma, the strutted forward as the lights, and the crowd, went wild.

           For a moment, right before it all began, Miinah wondered if she could do it. She wondered if she could actually pull off the look of a pop star and show everyone what she was really capable of. She and the girls had practiced in the studio until their feet were blistering and their throats had run dry. Despite how different they were, they all had dedication in common. Min Neul had never seen a group of girls who were more devoted to success. It was their drive, plus their warm welcoming, that made Min Neul feel blessed to be a part of the whirlwind that was Circa. The girls didn’t know it, but they had actually picked her up from a low point in her life, when she felt abandoned, alone, and completely deprived of hope. The support of the girls, the unexpected pep talk from Changhyun, and the thrill of performing was beginning to make her glow all over again.

           Due to the bright lights shining in her eyes and the steady beat of the music streaming into her ears, Miinah found it difficult to orient herself to look out at the crowd. She was too focused on making sure her body was doing what it was supposed to do. “Entertainment” was a short intro track with limited vocals that focused more on the girl’s dancing. Miinah was relieved to be opening with her strong point, for it would hopefully give her the confidence she needed to stay strong through the rest of their debut. It was a group dance, but it did give each of the girls a time to shine. Especially Jazz and Miinah, who were unanimously agreed upon to be the best dancers in the group. It was early impossible for Miinah to not smile while dancing, and when it was her turn in the spotlight she released all the power in her body to shine her brightest. She had the audience captivated, and it was the most exhilarating feeling she had ever experienced.

Backstage, the six casually-dressed boys of Teen Top were gathered below a flat screen television mounted on the wall. Their necks were craned and their heads were tilted upwards, staring captivatedly at the live steam of M! Countdown. Minsoo’s arms were crossed over his chest and he nodded in approval. “They’re good,” he spoke up.

            Chanhee hummed in agreement. “That Jazz girl is a great dancer.”

            “She’s almost as good as Miinah,” Byunghun spoke up mindlessly. When he earned a sharp glare from Jonghyun, the older boy wrinkled his nose. “Oh, come on! Are we supposed to ignore her and how good a dancer she is? She’s part of the band too. Besides, you should be proud, you’re the one who trained her.”

            Jonghyun scowled. “I want nothing to do with her.”

            “I don’t think she’ll be going away any time soon,” Daniel spoke up softly. He shrugged. “Better try to be civil with her now, right?”

            “I’ll be civil when she admits she cheated on me and apologizes.” Jonghyun’s voice was still bitter.

            Changhyun couldn’t take his slander any longer, so when the lights flashed once again and the girls began to strut on stage for the debut performance of their song “Freakshow,” he was eager to shush the chatty group. “Everyone be quiet! They’re performing again.”

            Circa’s intro had ended with explosive applause, leaving the girls in high spirits. Without the time to rejoice in their successful intro, the girls scampered into formation. Miinah’s heart was still beating wildly behind her striped crop-top as the opening beats of “Freakshow” bounced off the walls of the concert hall. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins at such a speed that she found it hard to hold her position until the hit and she song really began.

            Violet’s smooth vocals opened the song. She commanded everyone’s attention with her expressive features and striking red hair. Nala sang next, her usually angelic voice sounding tougher than usual. Though Circa’s image wasn’t too cutesy, Nala nonetheless had a certain charm about her that revealed her innocence and undeniable cuteness. Still, Miinah had always given her a lot of credit for being able to pull off such a tough image with her soft personality. She was a versatile performer, and clearly an instant hit with the crowd. Yet when the bridge just before the chorus hit, where Violet and Miinah alternated lines, Miinah was shocked to hear explosive cheers from the crowd just for her. Though her strong point had always been dancing, Minah’s vocals had improved greatly and she was actually quite confident when she looked straight into the crowd with a smoldering gaze and sang her first lines on live television. The moment went by so quickly that she hadn’t even heard her own voice, yet before she knew it Violet’s second line had ended and all eyes, and ears, were focused on Miinah once again. She twirled and popped her way across the stage as the girls formed a V with Kai Lee at the tip, belting out the chorus with surprising power for her slight frame. Nala took the harmony, and the girls’ voices blended perfectly for the entire chorus. By the time it came to a close, Violet was sliding into the second verse. It featured bits of rapping from Jazz and Sumi, but the rappers’ chances to shine didn’t roll around until after the second chorus.

            It was Jazz and Sumi’s rap duet that got the crowd really excited. Maybe it was Circa’s visual’s undeniable gorgeous face and Jazz’s immaculate English lines that drew for the crowd’s attention. The rap they spit out was powerful, and Miinah loved crowding around the two with Violet, Nala, and Kai Lee and cheering as if a fight was about to take place. But what she truly loved the most was when she got to slip in between the two and push them apart as the lights dimmed.

            Miinah’s heart was pounding so loud she could hear it in her ears. A spotlight , illuminating no one but her on the stage. It was the moment she had been waiting for: her dance break. She had rehearsed this dance over and over again in front of a mirror, in the studio, and on the stage. Every time she performed it, she found another way to perfect it. Pop her hip more here, roll her shoulder more dramatically there, give the crowd a certain look here. Though it was a short dance break, she undoubtedly gave it her all. Even beneath the weight of her future, Circa’s success, and Jonghyun’s fiery critique, Miinah’s moves were smooth and effortless. With every turn she felt like a firecracker, bursting with confidence, skill, and wonder.

            Backstage, jaws had dropped. Chanhee’s wide eyes were staring at the television, shocked at the girl’s transformation. “Wow—”

            Byunghun blinked. “Oh my god—”

            Daniel was practically speechless. “She’s—”

            “Incredible,” Changhyun finished breathlessly.

            Jonghyun looked away from the screen, cursing both his testosterone and his memory. “I’ve seen better.” Yet zero attention was paid to his meager comment, for the other boy knew he was just desperate to not be fascinated with her impressive moves.

            The girl beneath the spotlight was nearly finished with her time to shine, for she finished out her dazzling solo by dropping with her forehead to the ground when the lights came back on. Behind her, the rest of Circa was performing their portion of the dance break with shiny red chairs. Miinah popped up again, sparking more cheers from the audience, and the group assembled to finish out the dance break with Miinah in the lead. It was clear what strong dancers each of the girls were, but Miinah undoubtedly stole the show with her flawless solo.

            The dance break ended, and the song flowed back into the last chorus and final verses. Jazz and Sumi’s rapping intertwined perfectly with Violet and Nala’s strong chorus, and Kai Lee adlibbed every now and then with her powerful vocals. At the closing of the song, the girls were riding high on adrenaline and excitement, and when the music ended and they twisted into their final poses, they were breathing heavily and smiling wider than ever before. The crowd’s cheers were better than music to the girls’ ears, and even they were astounded at how incredible their debut had been. Miinah wanted to keep the amazing feeling of her debut performance in her heart forever.

            As the girls paraded off the stage, they held hands. They kept their excitement bottled up professionally until they were safety back stage, where they huddled in a squealing mass and bounced up and down together in celebration for their incredible debut. There were hand squeezes, group hugs, and rounds of compliments and congratulations among the six still-giddy girls, and their shouts and laughter rang all the way down the backstage hallways until they ultimately reached keen listeners.

            Ricky had been the first to start off down the hallway to meet the girls, and the other boys sprinted after him. When the girls saw them coming they shouted some more and gathered together in a mass of twelve chatty label mates, panting and cheering and bouncing together. Changjo and Miinah, of course, never exchanged gazes.

            “You girls were phenomenal,” Chunji gushed with a wink to the girls.

            “Thank you,” giggled a flattered Nala.

            “Best debut ever!” Daniel chimed in, which made Kai Lee blushed proudly.

            “I knew you could do it,” Ricky softly told Miinah, who smiled shyly but appreciatively at the sweet compliment she knew was only meant for her. She suddenly found herself drawing closer to him.

            “We should celebrate,” insisted L.Joe.

            “We could get together tonight,” Violet suggested with a shrug. “Hang out, have some drinks.”

            Although Miinah hadn’t made eye contact with Changjo once since the twelve had come together, she couldn’t help but look away and bit her lip at the possibility of attending a get-together with Choi Jonghyun on the guest list. Nervously, she swallowed harshly and braced herself for the painful horrors of Jonghyun drunkenly flirting with every girl in the room in front of her, out of spite and revenge. It was bad enough watching him give the other girls eyes and give her a scowl. Was she ready to face an unsupervised social even like that with him? Would she spend the whole night running form him?

            C.A.P and Chunji raised their eyebrows at the mention of alcohol. “Sounds like a party to me,” C.A.P said.

            “What’s wrong with that?” Violet asked. “Don’t tell me you boys don’t like to party.”

            “Are you kidding?” Chunji was scoffing playfully, as if he was offended. He slapped L.Joe on the back and smiled daringly. “We love a good party. When do you want us?”

            “Eight,” Jazz spoke up. “Is that okay?”

            Changjo nodded smugly. “Perfect. We’ll bring over some drinks. Catch you ladies at eight sharp.” His flirtatious wink was sickening, and Miinah felt uneasy. She was relieved to see him turn to leave with the other boys.

            The last to turn around, though, was Ricky. “See you then,” he spoke, though his words seemed directed at Miinah. It was as if he could sense her panic, and this was his way of assuring her she would have some kind of stability. Miinah gave him a small smile with endless meaning in return. Maybe, she thought, she could get through a night with Jonghyun around. If she hadn’t given him the power to ruin her debut performance, she sure as hell wasn’t about to let him ruin the celebration after it. 

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i updated for the first time in months aw yeah


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Chapter 22: He is an . Like a bastard's .
ughwhy #2
Chapter 22: I remember reading this a while ago, and I somehow found it again. Wow, that last line though ;~; Right when Min Neul began to feel hopeful and positive about her relationship with Jonghyun(lol for lack of better word), he had to go and be a lil to her. He's just being an idiot, and pretty soon, Min Neul is gonna realize she doesn't deserve to be treated like dirt (especially since Jonghyun is unwilling to listen to reason and realize he's totally wrong). Once she does, Changhyun is gonna swoop in and be her prince charming. Jonghyun better wise up before he loses out on a good girl-__-)/
Chapter 22: Okay so my heart literally broke like omg that ending hurt so much and damn I really loved how you wrote this chapter and geez it took me so long to find the right time to read this since I have to read this by myself without else around or else I just simply ignore them completely which is bad of me! Haha ANYWAYS omg you updated ahhhhh its awesome and sad but awesome that you uploaded this because it makes me happy to read your writing and just ahhhh :) it makes me happy to see that amazing writing style you possess!! :D
shangjo16 #4
Chapter 22: god why do you have to be soo...dumb jonghyun....she's innocent for god sake....cant you two just be together again....i miss htem two being all sweet and romantic...dont you guys...:(
Chapter 22: oh my god the ending T___T
changjo how dare you whispered that to her T_T
cant wait for the next update!
thank you authornim♥
Chapter 21: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH omg you updated!!!!! Its been so long that I almost looked past it like it wasnt supposed to be there XD but omg this chapter is fantastic!!! As always though! Ahh feels nice to be the first to comment on your new chapter...(at least I think I'm first lol) Anyways great job!
friendly reminder to update thank u unni
Chapter 20: omg omg omg omg omg I loved the new chapter! Ugh Jonghyun is such a meanie though! Saying he regretted it and didn't love her; everyone knows he is lying through his teeth! He needs to man up and realize hes wrong and get back to Min Neul! Or else Changhyun is going to come in and sweep her off of her feet~ lol Anyways LOVED IT!! As always :) I AM your number 1 fan and all and read everything you write and comment on every single chapter of them XD hehe :3
Chapter 20: oh my god i love how chanhee taking care of mineul~
and jonghyun really need to stop talking nonsense like that, i mean how can you said that in front of mineul, what a jerk
great chapter authornim^-^
Chapter 19: Okay so I totally read this yesterday but didn't have the chance to comment until today but of course I wasn't going to go one chapter without complimenting the hell out of you! BECAUSE YOU'RE AMAZING!!! This chapter was awesome and ugh the support she gets from everyone is so precious but Jonghyun ugh he needs to calm himself and realize he was the wrong one~