Chapter Seventeen: Stranger

Behind This Mask


“But you didn’t have to cut me off. Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing. I don’t even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger.”

- Somebody I Used To Know, Goyte


            Empty wine glasses that had been turned upside down were still sitting in a neat line across the long, rectangular table. They were kept company by a row of untouched silverware wrapped in ruby cloth. A pair of dark, restless eyes were fixed on the wine glasses and the way the chandeliers overhead shined in their reflection. Fingers tapped against the white tablecloth, equally as restless. Both the tension and the excitement were high in the dinning room, but perhaps there wasn't a difference between the two.

            The six well-dressed boys representing Teen Top were sitting side by side. Chunji, C.A.P, L.Joe, Ricky, Changjo, Niel. Silently, Niel traced the swirling pattern of his distressed jeans, which he wore a black, metallic button-up tucked into. Beside him, silverware suddenly clattered against the table. Niel jerked his head up and flipped his straight hair away from his eyes, which watched Changjo impatiently twirl a fork between his fingers.

            "When will they be here?" asked Changjo fervently, diverting those restless eyes to the older, longhaired boy at his side.

            "I don't know," Niel answered with an amused chuckle and a shrug. "Any minute now, I bet."

            Changjo grunted in anticipation as he dropped the fork again. It clattered against the knife before him, and Changjo proceeded to restlessly twist the chunky rings around his fingers instead. Not even a classy dinner could change the boy’s signature look of silver, geometric rings with a gray vest buttoned over a black dress shirt, ed at the top to show his defined collarbones and a peek of his strong chest. In tight black jeans adorned with a silver chain and finished with combat boots, Changjo felt confident—despite his fiddling. He knew he was a good-looking guy, and he knew he would catch the girls’ attention. They just hadn’t arrived yet, and it was testing his patience.

           Beside him, Ricky and L.Joe halted their conversation. L.Joe’s hands ran down the smooth, hot pink silk of his tie, which popped brightly against his fitted, all black ensemble. He chuckled. "Why so impatient?"

            "Aren't you excited to meet hot girls? Hot idol girls?" Changjo sat up straighter.

            Silently, C.A.P was listening.

            Ricky brought his hand to his mouth and chuckled. "Do you think you’re going to get with one of them?” His giggle was innocent, but he secret hoped a dimpled girl with that cute apple-style hair would come bouncing through the door for himself.

            "One?" Changjo raised an eyebrow. "Who said anything about just one?"

            "Changjo, shut up," C.A.P boomed with authority. "They're here to pursue their dreams as idols. Not hook up with you. Show some respect."

            Changjo rolled his eyes. "I was kidding, hyung."

            "You better have been," C.A.P rolled his eyes. "Kid gets one girlfriend an he thinks he's a ladies’ man."

            "Oh, lighten up, hyung," chirped Chunji with a bright smile. As usual, he looked undeniably handsome with his brown hair slicked into a messy fauxhawk. Fastened around his long neck was a cherry-red bowtie, which looked classy as ever against his white button-up and casually ed jacket. "I'm excited to meet these girls too."

            "See? I’m not the only one." Changjo smiled smugly.

            Under his breath, C.A.P scoffed. "Whatever you say, maknae."

            L.Joe, sitting in the chair beside him, leaned in close. "You don't really think she’s coming, do you?”

            C.A.P didn’t speak a word. He nodded once, his eyes shifted downward.

            L.Joe could tell he was hoping for the best but fearing the absolute worst. “Do you think she knows?”

            “Knows what?” C.A.P hissed, almost irritated. “That we’re all here? That he’s here? Of course she knows. She knew that if she stayed with T.O.P Media then she would wind up seeing him again. It was only a matter of time before their paths crossed.”

            “I guess so,” L.Joe answered, glancing down at the table. Perhaps it wasn’t any of his business, but he couldn’t help but feel worried, even sympathetic for Min Neul. He, like most of the other boys, never vocalized his disbelief that Min Neul had cheated on Jonghyun. It was just easier to let the kid steam in his own selfish anger than try to convince him otherwise.

            There wasn’t any hope in reminding him what day it was, either.

            “Can you tell us about this new band, Andy-hyung?” Niel asked, genuinely interested in the details of the band rather than the girls.

            “Sure,” Andy shrugged, leaning forward. “I had originally planned on five members, but another member was recently added. So there are six girls total.”

            “How old are they?” Chunji piped up, his ears sensitive to talk of these six mysterious ladies.

            “Average age is 21 years,” Andy reported.

            “So they’re our age?” Chunji’s excitement was causing him to rise in his seat. C.A.P patted his thigh to calm him back down.

            “Do they have a dating ban?” Ricky spoke up innocently.

            “If we don’t have a dating ban then they probably don’t have a dating ban,” Changjo informed. “Exciting, right?”

            Andy laughed and gave a slow headshake at the conversation swirling in the dining room. “You boys are really curious, eh? Well, the girls will be here soon. You can ask them questions and get to know them, just be polite.”

            At once, the pocket of Andy’s suit coat began to vibrate. He pulled out his phone, tapped around on the screen, then tucked it back in with a smile before pushing away from the table. “Now, if you would excuse me, I am going to go greet the girls.”

            In the CEO’s absence, the boys hurried to prepare themselves for the girls’ arrival. L.Joe gave his hair a few flips, Chunji checked his breath, and Changjo smoothed down his vest. Their nervous chatter had only begun when Andy came waltzing back into the dining hall, followed by six girls with powdered faces and charming smiles in dresses and heels.

            One in sleek red hair and matching lipstick wore a black drop-waist dress. Another dressed up her all-black attire with a bold yellow necklace. One wore a purple patterned maxi dress. The next wore a blue dress that looked short in front and long in the back. The shortest wore a flowing dress of floral print. And the very last, in a metallic striped dress and ankle boots, instantly made Changjo’s jaw drop in fury.

            Andy gestured for the boys to rise. “Boys, I would like you to meet Violet, Sumi, Jazz, Kai Lee, Nala, and Miinah of the band Circa, the newest addition to the T.O.P Media family.”

            Unsurprisingly, Changjo was the last to rise. The delay hadn’t been out of deliberate rudeness, but out of shock. The last person he had expected—and wanted—to see walk through that door as a member of T.O.P Media’s new girl group was Min Neul. She couldn’t hide behind that mask of professional makeup. Changjo saw right through her. Tunnel vision struck him, and he lacked the power to look away from her at the other girls, none of which he had past history with. He knew his ex-girlfriend had been accepted into T.O.P Media. He had trained her, and even rejoiced in her acceptance. But like any other trainee, her debut was to be after two or three years of intense training, so he had figured she would be out of sight and mind for quite some time. Yet there she was, radiant in high-heeled ankle boots with her toned legs shimmering beneath a tight, striped dress of metallic black and silver and her newly streaked hair softly curled. How beautiful she looked infuriated him, because all he could think about were the ugly memories that clouded their once-perfect relationship.

            He suddenly remembered what day it was.

            For a hot moment their eyes met, and Changjo seriously contemplated walking out. But instead, he rolled back his shoulders and bowed along with the other boys, gracious in the presence of these beautiful strangers. Min Neul was an enemy. Miinah was a stranger.

            Immediately, L.Joe turned to C.A.P. “She’s here,” he hissed. “It’s really her. What do we do?”

            “Act like you don’t know her,” C.A.P advised. “Don’t acknowledge her unless she acknowledges you. Tell them to do the same.”

            Somehow, L.Joe managed to convey the message to Chunji, Niel, and Ricky. With wide eyes and pressed lips, he tightly shook his head. Ricky looked disappointed—maybe even hurt—but he understood the order. Changjo pretended he didn’t even notice their silent conversation.

            “Please, ladies, sit down,” Andy kindly insisted. Each of the girls took their seats, and only when they were seated did the boys of Teen Top nervously sit back down. Though Changjo was sitting diagonal from her, Miinah was glad to be sitting across from Niel. Shyly, she gave him a quick wave before anyone could notice. He gave a quick wave back, shooting her a look if disbelief as if to ask her if she was really a member of Circa. All Miinah could do was give a tight nod then look away, because Nala beside her had nudged her in the ribs. Miinah couldn’t tell if she was silently fangirling over Teen Top or silently freaking out in general, but she faked silent enthusiasm right along with her.

            “Should we tell them what day it is today?” Nala whispered heartily with smiling eyes.

            Miinah shook her head. “Not yet!”

            “Dessert time,” Kai Lee whispered, overhearing the conversation. Nala mini-clapped. “We’ll all sing to you!”

            “No!” Miinah could already feel herself panicking. She was relieved to have the final say in the matter before Andy cleared his throat, signaling he was about to speak.

            “The boys have been so eager to meet you girls,” Andy began, which made the boys blush and stutter protests.

            “Likewise,” leader Violet complimented with a sincere grin. “A lot of us are big Teen Top fans.”

            “Do you have favorites?” Chunji was quick to ask.

            “Of course he asks for their favorites,” L.Joe replied with an eye roll, which made the girls chuckle.

            “How could you have a favorite among Teen Top?” Sumi’s smile at Chunji was enchanting.

            Flattered, Teen Top’s visual turned to Andy. “I like them already, hyung.” The table erupted in laughter.

            The weakest laughter had unknowingly come from Ricky, but not because he didn’t find amusement in the conversation. Rather, he was busy covertly gazing at Miinah. To him, she had always been a beautiful girl. Lively, fearless, and obviously attractive. Tonight, she looked different than he remembered. Stronger. Healthier. He could only hope she was happier. It wasn’t the first time he had been captivated by her, for he could remember so well the flawless audition that won her the right to speed right through training and enjoy her success as a member of a girl group already. Finally, thought Ricky. Min Neul was back in his life already, and there wasn’t a thing Changjo could do about it. This time, he made a promise to strengthen the ties between him and Min Neul. Surely, she wouldn’t decline.

After all, she had already chosen the stage name he created for her.

            “So are you girls excited about your debut?” Niel asked.

            “Very,” Kai Lee chimed in quickly. She hoped Niel had noticed the small, shy smile directed towards him.

            “When is it?” asked L.Joe.

            “May fifteenth,” responded Sumi. “Have any advice for aspiring idols?” the girl purred, tossing a lock of silky, curled hair over her shoulder.

            The boys thought hard on the pretty girl’s question before L.Joe suggested, “Don’t stop trying. Your success will come if you don’t give up.”

            “Always stay together no matter what, even when you fight,” Ricky added with a nod.

            “Good advice,” Nala responded with a sweet nod back.

            Moments later, a two waiters came by and passed around menus. Miinah hastily flipped it open and stared down at it, relieved to have something to focus on other than Changjo’s daunting presence before her. Yet as she scanned over the various delectable dishes, her stomach sank like a rock. Her appetite for fine food was gone.

            Drink orders were taken, and Miinah ordered her usual Coke. Andy requested a bottle of red wine for the table, so those of age could enjoy a glass with their dinner. The ordering of wine sparked a discussion about who was legal and who was not, and naturally the boys questioned the girls to find out their ages. Violet proudly proclaimed she was twenty-two, and L.Joe and Chanhee piped up in excitement that they were as well. Sumi and Jasmine announced they were twenty-one, and everyone pointed to Niel because he was too. Kai Lee ended up being Changjo and Ricky’s age, which Changjo smirked at.

            “You’re almost all noonas to me,” he said with a sly smile.

            “Do you like that?” Jazz chuckled.

            Changjo nodded. “I especially like older girls.”

            Miinah forced herself to keep in the scoff she wanted so badly to let out. How ridiculous he sounded right now, and over half of the dinner guests knew it. It wasn’t a secret that Changjo loved being an “oppa” figure towards girls, and practically begged Min Neul to call him “oppa.” Yet there he was, vocalizing a preference for older girls? Miinah turned away and rolled her eyes at his hypocrisy, hardly caring if anyone caught on.

            “I’m younger,” Nala chuckled, pouting jokingly.

            “Miinah is even younger! She’s the maknae!” Sumi laughed.

            “She is main dancer, too,” Jazz added in choppy Korean, pointing to Changjo with a smile.

            “Is that right?” Changjo asked, turning to Miinah in surprise as if he was hearing for the first time that she could dance. As if he hadn’t been the one to introduce her to dance, and coach her for months before planning an audition.

            His act was sickening Miinah, but she was determined to beat him at his own game. “You’re the main dancer in Teen Top?” she asked quite convincingly, tilting her head and everything. “I always thought it was Ricky.”

            Her rebuke caught Changjo off guard, and he blinked in utter confusion as the boys erupted with laughter. A slightly insulting remark rolled off his tongue with sharp charisma. “Maybe you should have learned a thing or two about this company before joining it.”

            “Oh, she’s just joking,” Kai Lee replied light-heartedly, completely oblivious to the heat behind Changjo’s words. “Miinah loves Teen Top!”

            “Who doesn’t?” Chunji replied, leaning forward just as the server came back with their drinks. “Now, let’s hear about those favorites, huh ladies?”

            The boys smacked Chunji for asking again, and the girls laughed. Their drinks were set before them, and a few flipped up their wine glasses so the server could pour them a glass. When the waiter started taking orders, Miinah quickly flipped her menu open and planned to order the first thing she saw.

            “These prices are so expensive,” Kai Lee murmured quietly.

            “I don’t think they’re too high…” Nala answered slowly.

            Kai Lee bit her lip and lowered her gaze, hoping that maybe someday she would not have to worry about money like Nala did. Her remark, plus the golden rings on her fingers, was beginning to make Kai Lee suspect that Nala came from wealth.

            Kai Lee ordered a spicy stew, and Nala ordered a seafood dish before the waiter stopped at Miinah to take her order. She decided to play it safe and get a soup of pork dumplings, despite it being a simple meal among a dozen richer dishes.

            “That’s what Changjo ordered,” Nala giggled. “You two are so alike!”

            Miinah cursed beneath her breath. She should have known that’s what Changjo would get.

            There was never a quiet moment at the table, for the six boys had constant questions for the girls. They questioned their debut song, and each member’s positions in the group. “So who are the singers?” Niel asked, interested to find fellow vocalists.

            “Violet-unni, Kai Lee, and I sing,” Boyun answered.

            “I’m the power singer!” Kai Lee proclaimed, which earned her a high-five from Chunji.

            “Our Sumi can sing well too, but she mostly raps with Jazz,” Violet spoke up with a nod.

            “Our L.Joe-hyung can sing too!” Niel said. “But every time he does, we cover our ears.”

            The girls laughed at Niel’s teasing, and L.Joe responded to the embarrassment by giving Niel a shove. “I cover my ears every time you speak English!” he cried back.

            “I speak English,” Jazz spoke up, raising her hand slightly.

            “You do?” L.Joe asked, intrigued. The boys snickered at his obvious interest.

            Jazz nodded. “I’m from, uh, USA.”

            “I lived there for five years,” L.Joe told her with a smile.

            “I heard that. Where did you live?” asked Jazz in perfect English.

            “Beaverton, Oregon,” L.Joe answered back. “And you?”

            “I’m from New Orleans,” Jazz replied, which seemed to interest L.Joe.

            “How cute are they?” blurted C.A.P. Everyone, including Andy, laughed in agreement. L.Joe was blushing.

            “You don’t have a boyfriend, right?” Chunji asked, perhaps seeming as if he was trying to set up his best friend, when he was really just surveying his options.

            “No,” Jazz laughed with a shake of her head.

            “None of us have boyfriends,” Sumi answered. Miinah’s stomach tightened.

            As if he could sense how uncomfortable Miinah still was with that truth, Changjo suddenly spoke up with, “And none of us have girlfriends, except C.A.P-hyung so this could be fun.”

            “You do?” Jazz asked, perking up.

            C.A.P nodded calmly. “She’s not an idol.”

            “That’s sweet,” Violet replied in a soft voice. Miinah couldn’t help but smile.

            “Well, more for the rest of us,” Changjo blurted candidly with a smirk.

            Andy leaned back in his chair and groaned slightly. “Boys, please,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “I know I don’t give you all a dating ban, but, is it really wise to form romantic relationships with your co-workers?”

            “Andy-hyung is right.” C.A.P nodded authoritatively. “We’re just really excited to be friends with you girls.”

            “And we’re excited to get to know you boys,” Violet spoke up on behalf of her group, already executing her duty as leader. “I have a feeling we’ll all get along really well.”

            As hopeful as Violet’s words were, they sounded hollow to Miinah. Her smile forced smile was noticeable to all who knew her backstory.

            Even Chunji, who had done more checking out then checking up. Watching Miinah, he could see the pain behind her eyes as she tried to look at anything other than Changjo. Curious, Chunji threw a glance in the younger boy’s direction. Certainly he wasn’t enjoying himself to the fullest at this dinner, but he certainly was enjoying looking at the voluminous cleavage from the top of Nala’s sweetheart neckline. He couldn’t help but frown at how misplaced Changjo’s attention was. As attractive as this little Nala girl was, and as the other girls were, Chunji was seeing Min Neul like he never had before. She looked absolutely gorgeous in that metallic dress and smoky makeup, and Chunji knew deep down inside that Changjo was more drawn to her than ever before. Yet Chunji knew the thickheaded maknae would never past over his ego and repair what he wrongfully damaged, so he could only hope Miinah would shatter her sadness and let her attractive, lively personality shine again.

            Luckily, the spicy smell of steamy food stole Chunji’s attention away from the broken couple. Three servers came whisking through the door, carrying large silver trays of mouth-watering dishes. The thirteen dinner guests quickly pushed aside their wine glasses and covered their laps with silken napkins. One by one, the dinners were delivered until the entire table was covered in delectable dishes. After ogling at how delicious everything looked, the hungry idols began devouring their dinners.

            “This food is amazing,” Kai Lee gushed. She couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten out, and it had certainly never been at a restaurant this nice.

            Nala, Sumi, L.Joe, and Ricky were nodding in enthusiasm, but Jazz was wrinkling her nose. Abruptly, her jaw unhinged and she began fanning in distress. “Hot!” the American girl squealed.

            L.Joe pushed a glass of water towards her, and she gulped it down in desperation. Embarrassingly, she had captured everyone’s attention with her outburst. Her face was bright red, and not just because of the overwhelmingly spicy dish.

            “What did you order?” Sumi questioned, glancing down at her friend’s dish of noodles swimming in a fiery red sauce.

            “Just these noodles,” Jazz panted. “I didn’t think they would be so hot. I’m not used to hot food.”

            Nala, who was sitting on the other side of Jazz, leaned over to peer into the dish. Without warning, she curiously pinched a dripping noodle between her chopsticks and slurped it up. Instantly, the strong, fiery taste of spices filled the younger girl’s mouth. Indeed, it was an incredibly spicy dish, and it definitely surprised Nala. However, she didn’t wrinkle her nose and pant for water like Jazz had. Instead, Nala hummed in delight and eagerly slurped up another spiced noodle.

            Jazz looked horrified. “You like it?” she exclaimed with wide eyes. “Isn’t it spicy?”

            Nala nodded, swallowed. “I love really spicy food.”

            Out of curiosity, Sumi sampled Jazz’s dish. She too was surprised by how hot the sauce was, and heartily gulped down half of a refreshing glass of water. After proclaiming it was the spiciest food she had ever had and even she wouldn’t eat it, nearly everyone at the table was eager to try a sample of Jazz’s infamously spicy dinner. Jazz let L.Joe try some, and even he reached for a drink afterwards. Ricky’s eyes began to water, and he playfully over exaggerated how spicy it was to make everyone laugh. Even Changjo, who tried to remain cool and collected after tasting the noodles, coughed at how surprisingly spicy her food was. Feeling defeated, Jazz sat back and stared bitterly at her inedible dinner.

            “Want to trade dinners?” Nala asked suddenly, innocently.

            “You really want to edit that? Willingly?” Miinah asked, chuckling.

            “I told you, I love spicy food,” Nala giggled. “I insist. You can have my dinner, it’s just seafood. Not spicy at all.”

            “That’s really sweet of you, Nala,” Changjo remarked admiringly with a kind grin. Miinah loathed it.

            Jazz was hesitant, but eventually she gave in and began to push the bowl towards the younger girl.

            “Wait!” Violet cried suddenly. “Is it too late for me to try it? I really like spicy food, too.”

            Nala blinked, bit her lip, then pushed the bowl towards Circa’s leader so she too could try it. She dipped a spoon in and gathered a twisted noodle and a heart amount of spicy broth. Everyone’s noses wrinkled when the red-haired girl lifted to the spoon to her red lips, eager to see if she too couldn’t handle the spice. However, much like Nala, Violet remained unaffected and seemed to enjoy the incredible spiciness instead. “This is delicious,” she concluded with a of her shiny red lips.

            “You two are insane!” Ricky proclaimed, which of course made everyone, even tight-lipped Miinah, laugh.

            “You like it, too?” Nala asked Violet, utterly surprised.

            Violet nodded. “It is really spicy, but it’s really delicious. I’ve always loved spicy food.”

            “Me too,” Nala was smiling with interest. “I didn’t know that about you.”

            “Likewise, kid,” Violet replied with a small smile. As she leaned back, she was surprised at the commonality between she and her roommate, who were clearly polar opposites. It was a small victory, but nonetheless, it mattered.

            “Well, other than Jazz, is everyone enjoying their dinner?” Andy, at the head of the table, asked cordially.

            “Delicious,” C.A.P spoke up. “We haven’t been out to eat in a while, hyung.”

            “You haven’t given me a reason to take you out,” Andy chuckled, playfully punching C.A.P in the arm as the rest of the boys laughed. Even the girls let out giggles, pleased to see such a warm relationship between the artists and the CEO.

            “Just wait! With our comeback, we’re going to win every award!” Niel chirped before high-fiving Changjo.

            “Teen Top is having a comeback?” Sumi asked, intrigued.

            “Really soon!” Ricky nodded. He slapped Changjo on the back. “And our Changjo is going to be the lead in the music video!”

            “Really?” Jazz asked after she and Nala gasped in excitement for him.

            The girls’ attention was all Changjo had wanted since the dinner first started. His smile was smug and he leaned forward in his seat, pushing up his sleeves to show off his strong arms, hoping to woo the girls. “I’m pretty excited about it. I’ve been told I’m a great actor, you know.” He casted a glance in Andy’s direction. “Hey Andy-hyung, how about we get one of these pretty ladies to star in the music video with me?”

            Instantly, the girls were in a ecstatic frenzy, wondering out loud about what it would be like to act in a music video with Changjo. Andy was eyeing Changjo, silently warning him about making promises to the girls he didn’t have the power to keep. Changjo simply looked away and focuses his attention instead on the giggling girls. He eyed Nala in particular. “I bet you’d be a great actress,” he assumed smoothly. “Besides, I like short girls.”

            Miinah had been biting her tongue for too long. She had to say something to shatter Changjo’s ridiculous ego. “I thought you said you liked older girls,” she spoke up suddenly. When Changjo’s fierce eyes met hers, she raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that right, Changjo?”

            “I like older girls when it comes to dating,” Changjo corrected. His voice was almost as sharp as his gaze. “Maybe you should listen.”

            “Jonghyun,” C.A.P hissed, which Changjo ignored.

            “I’m sorry, I was too busy looking at the sauce on your chin,” Miinah jeered. She rubbed her own chin to show him. “You got a little sauce right here.”

            Red-faced, Changjo narrowed his eyes and harshly picked up the napkin in his lap as the Circa girls snickered. He gave his chin a quick wipe before glaring smugly back at his ex-girlfriend. “Looking good again, huh?”

            “I wouldn’t say that,” Miinah jabbed boldly. She surprised the whole table, but no one was more surprised than Changjo. The room fell silent, and Changjo even flipped the girl off beneath the table.

            “Miinah, you’re so funny,” Ricky spoke up quickly, filling the silence that Miinah’s shocking words caused.

            “Yeah, you picked a really good group of girls here,” L.Joe offered in support, hoping to get the group talking again. Changjo, however, was steaming in silence.

            “So do you girls have any questions for us? We’re here to help you,” C.A.P kindly offered, directing the conversation back to the girls.

            “How do you balance seeing your families and friends with your career?” Sumi asked.

            “Honestly, you stay very busy so it’s hard to see family and friends. You have to sacrifice a lot to be successful,” L.Joe answered. “But in between schedules and comebacks, you do get a few days off. And that’s when you can go home and see friends and family.”

            “Your band and your company become your family too,” Niel added.

            “And you can become friends with other people in the industry,” C.A.P reminded. Miinah knew how true this was for Minsoo in particular. She could remember how jealous she was when Hyerin confessed to her that C.A.P was close with the boys of Block B, who just happened to be Min Neul’s second favorite band.

            “You can start by being friends with us!” Changjo cried.

            “Great,” Miinah muttered under her breath sarcastically. She knew Changjo was only interested in befriending the other girls, probably only so he could make Miinah jealous. He had no intention of becoming friends with Miinah again, and honestly Miinah wasn’t even sure she was willingly to befriend him. As much as she still hated him, the thought of only being friends with him was still too painful to bear.

            “Did you say something?” Nala asked every so innocently, turning to Miinah with her doe-eyes shining.

            “Huh? No,” Miinah insisted quickly with rapid headshakes.

            Suddenly, Nala looked concerned. “Are you okay, Miinah? You’ve hardly eaten your dinner. Do you dislike it?”

            “She’s probably just a picky eater,” Changjo in instantly. “Maybe it was too spicy for someone like her.”

            His condescending tone earned him a sharp kick in the shin beneath the table from Miinah. “Actually, it was delicious. I’m just not hungry right now, thanks for your concern.”

            Changjo tried his hardest not to grimace at the blow from Miinah’s heels. “Sorry,” he lied. “I pegged you as the type to watch how much you eat, anyway.”

            Rather than getting offended at his remark about her body, Miinah rolled her shoulders back, tilted her head, and smiled smugly. “Thanks for checking me out.”

            At that moment, Nala tugged on Miinah’s arm. “Oh my gosh, you two are so cute together,” she hissed with hushed enthusiasm.

            Miinah was floored. “What are you talking about?” she demanded.

            “You and Changjo, silly!” Nala exclaimed. “The way you talk to each other, it’s so…flirty! I can tell you’re really going to get along. After all, you’re both maknaes and you’re both dancers!”

            Secretly, Miinah was desperate for Nala to shut up. The girl had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, and surely if she knew she would not have mistaken their loaded banter for flirting. Vigorously, Miinah shook her head. “Nala, shush! We are definitely not flirting.” More sharp remarks were on the tip of her tongue, as well as a few degrading names for Changjo, but she bit them back.

            “Whatever you say,” Nala shrugged. She paused for a moment before asking, “Are you all finished with your dinner?”
            Miinah’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Yes. Why?”

            “Just asking,” was all Nala replied with. Slowly, she receded from Miinah and leaned towards Kai Lee. “It’s time!” she exclaimed, not quite loudly enough to Miinah to hear.

            What happened next was like a chain reaction. Nala’s message to Kai Lee was passed on to Jazz, then Sumi, then finally Violet. Once the eldest female heard the signal, she cleared and leaned towards Andy. He was nodding, and lifted his gaze to Miinah. With a smile and one final nod, he leaned forward and clasped his hands together.

            “Well, well, it has come to my attention that today is someone’s birthday,” Any announced. Instantly, all the girls glanced down at Miinah. The boys did as well, as they obviously knew prior to Andy’s announcement that today was Miinah’s birthday. Feeling everyone’s gaze fall on her, Miinah smiled shyly and gave a clumsy nod.

            Ricky let out an exaggerated gasp. “Today is Miinah’s birthday?” he cried with false surprise.

            “It is!” Andy exclaimed. He waved over a waiter and requested that the chef prepare a cake for the table, and to top it with candles if they were available. “And we can all sing happy birthday to her,” he concluded to the table of professionally trained singers, dancers, and rappers.

            “What a shame,” Changjo replied, pushing his almost empty plate away. “I’m too full for cake.”

            “Then don’t eat any,” C.A.P snapped, the harshness in his voice much more audible than he anticipated.

            “Don’t sing to me!” Miinah cried, her face turning red. She loved being the center of attention when she was performing. Having a whole room of people sing to her while they stared at her blowing out candles, however, was not so enjoyable. Yet her pleading and blushing did nothing for her cause, because when the lights in the dinning room were dimmed and two waiters carried in a large, two-tired white cake covered in fresh strawberries and glittering with three sparkling candles on the top tier. Miinah watched, captivated, as the waiters set the sparkling cake before of her, drawing all eyes back on her.

            The glow of the sparkling candles was warm against Miinah’s face as she leaned closer to the cake. The dazzling flames were so vibrant, like her own personal fireworks, that she couldn’t look away from them. In that moment, she longed to be like them. Bright, dazzling, captivating. Nothing was stopping them from shining in the darkness that surrounded them, threatening to take them over. Miinah found unexpected inspiration in the sparklers, and she vowed to keep them in mind when she was finally debuting. In the darkness of her painful past with Jonghyun, Min Neul vowed to shine again.

            The birthday girl lifted her gaze from the dancing, sparking flames to the faces around the table, smiling at her as Chunji started off the song with his angelic voice. Miinah glanced at everyone’s faces, watching each smile as the voice blended together in the most fantastic chorus. She let her gaze rest on Ricky in particular, who seemed to be smiling at her so peacefully, so admiringly, that Miinah knew his emotions were sincere. Each person at the table, From Andy to Kai Lee to Niel, was sincerely wishing her a happy birthday with their voice.

            All except one in the group, however. One smile was missing, and in its place, a tight-lipped grimace. The cheerful, smiling eyes that could be found on every other face were absent, as well. Eyes narrow in hatred glared back at her from behind the glow of the sparkling candles. Not a single note echoed from his tight lips, as he had no positive wishes to bestow on Miinah. Though he sat still and silent, blending into the darkness as if he wasn’t even there, Miinah could feel the heavy weight of his presence pushing into her mind and blackening what little happiness she had.

            Changjo may not have had a wish for her, but Miinah had one wish for herself. When the singing ceased, Miinah forced herself to focus on the sparkling candles. She squeezed her eyes closed, shutting out the brightness of the sparks and keeping her tears from escaping. She took a deep, shaky breath with all the strength left in her broken body and blew out the dazzling flames, sending her birthday wish into the bleak nothingness that surrounded her. Yet Miinah’s hope was so hollow that she doubted all the sparkling candles and birthday wishes in the world could erase Choi Jonghyun from her memory, and finally bring this hellish night to an end.

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i updated for the first time in months aw yeah


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Chapter 22: He is an . Like a bastard's .
ughwhy #2
Chapter 22: I remember reading this a while ago, and I somehow found it again. Wow, that last line though ;~; Right when Min Neul began to feel hopeful and positive about her relationship with Jonghyun(lol for lack of better word), he had to go and be a lil to her. He's just being an idiot, and pretty soon, Min Neul is gonna realize she doesn't deserve to be treated like dirt (especially since Jonghyun is unwilling to listen to reason and realize he's totally wrong). Once she does, Changhyun is gonna swoop in and be her prince charming. Jonghyun better wise up before he loses out on a good girl-__-)/
Chapter 22: Okay so my heart literally broke like omg that ending hurt so much and damn I really loved how you wrote this chapter and geez it took me so long to find the right time to read this since I have to read this by myself without else around or else I just simply ignore them completely which is bad of me! Haha ANYWAYS omg you updated ahhhhh its awesome and sad but awesome that you uploaded this because it makes me happy to read your writing and just ahhhh :) it makes me happy to see that amazing writing style you possess!! :D
shangjo16 #4
Chapter 22: god why do you have to be soo...dumb jonghyun....she's innocent for god sake....cant you two just be together again....i miss htem two being all sweet and romantic...dont you guys...:(
Chapter 22: oh my god the ending T___T
changjo how dare you whispered that to her T_T
cant wait for the next update!
thank you authornim♥
Chapter 21: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH omg you updated!!!!! Its been so long that I almost looked past it like it wasnt supposed to be there XD but omg this chapter is fantastic!!! As always though! Ahh feels nice to be the first to comment on your new chapter...(at least I think I'm first lol) Anyways great job!
friendly reminder to update thank u unni
Chapter 20: omg omg omg omg omg I loved the new chapter! Ugh Jonghyun is such a meanie though! Saying he regretted it and didn't love her; everyone knows he is lying through his teeth! He needs to man up and realize hes wrong and get back to Min Neul! Or else Changhyun is going to come in and sweep her off of her feet~ lol Anyways LOVED IT!! As always :) I AM your number 1 fan and all and read everything you write and comment on every single chapter of them XD hehe :3
Chapter 20: oh my god i love how chanhee taking care of mineul~
and jonghyun really need to stop talking nonsense like that, i mean how can you said that in front of mineul, what a jerk
great chapter authornim^-^
Chapter 19: Okay so I totally read this yesterday but didn't have the chance to comment until today but of course I wasn't going to go one chapter without complimenting the hell out of you! BECAUSE YOU'RE AMAZING!!! This chapter was awesome and ugh the support she gets from everyone is so precious but Jonghyun ugh he needs to calm himself and realize he was the wrong one~