The Stars Leads You Home

Our Happy Ending


Kyungsoo was right. They’d gotten a baby kangaroo. But it was hiding inside the mother’s pouch. That didn’t stop Kyungsoo from being excited though. He was smiling and trying to get a peek of the little kangaroo. Once in a while he let out a sound of amazement making Jongin smile. As they stood there watching the kangaroo mother with her baby inside Jongin looked at Kyungsoo. His whole face had lit up and his eyes were wide open following every move the mother kangaroo did. Jongin gave off a chuckle watching the older one who seemed to have become a little boy and he put his arm around his shoulder pulling him closer.

Kyungsoo smiled up at Jongin before he once again let his eyes fall on the kangaroos. It was a bit chilly outside but Jongin didn’t feel the cold. He was too busy feeling everything else; happiness. Joy. Love. Affection and everything else that came to mind when thinking about Kyungsoo.



Kyungsoo was also right about that this was going to be as he had said it so much fun! It was always a lot of fun spending time with Kyungsoo. But this was the first time in over 4 years that they had went out just the two of them together as what Jongin would like to see it on a date.

So this day was special.


A memorable day.




Jongin and Kyungsoo strolled around at the zoo until it was closing time and they had to leave. The air was chilly and it had gotten dark outside but it wasn’t notable since the street lights took the suns place when it was night in Seoul. They walked hand in hand down the street as they were to make their way back home again.



“This was fun. Thank you for taking me” Kyungsoo said with a smile which made him look younger than his age.

“It was” Jongin answered with a soft yet sincere smile.

“You know what?” Kyungsoo said after a short silence between then.

“What?” Jongin answered looking at the shorter male walking next to him.

“I would really like to see the stars. But unfortunately it’s too bright here so they’re merely noticeable”

Jongin continued watching Kyungsoo who now was looking up towards the night sky as they continued walking hand in hand. His playful smile still hadn’t faded. After yet another short silence Jongin spoke.

“I know a place where we can watch them if you want to”

“Really?” Kyungsoo said moving his gaze from the sky to Jongin.

Jongin nodded with a smile.

“Wooah! That would be great. But are you sure? I don’t want to force into things, you’ve already done enough. And what if you catch a cold? You’re an easy target for colds you know”

Jongin shook his head.

“No you don’t force me into things. You never do.”

“But…, what if you get sick”

“I won’t” he smiled and Kyungsoo smiled back.



Jongin took Kyungsoo to a little park just outside of the city where the trees were growing as they wished and the closest building was the 7-eleven store that was situated at least 2 kilometers away. There was only one streetlight next to a bench making the stars pop out and lighten up the rest.

“Woooaaah!” Kyungsoo let out as he looked up into the sky still holding tightly onto Jongin’s hand.

“Pretty right?”


They fell into silence as they watched the stars together, admiring the beautiful night sky.



“How did you know about this place?” Kyungsoo asked looking at Jongin.

“I used to come here a lot when I was younger” Jongin said still looking up at the millions of stars covering the pitch dark sky.


“It made me feel less lonely. Looking at the stars made me happy imagining that I belonged there and since there are so many of them I would never be alone”


Kyungsoo didn’t answer he just kept gazing at Jongin. His cheeks had turned pink from the cold and his eyes were locked onto the stars and they reflected in his eyes.


“But then I met you” Jongin said looking down at Kyungsoo meeting his eyes.


Kyungsoo blushed and Jongin smiled squishing Kyungsoo’s hand a little tighter. Kyungsoo took a step closer to Jongin and rested his head against his shoulder.

“You know what?” Kyungsoo said.

Jongin shook his head lightly and looked down at Kyungsoo who was now as close as he could get.

“When I was apart from you I released that home wasn’t a place.”

“I couldn’t simply start calling our apartment in New York home. Neither did I think about my old apartment as my home. And then it hit me” Kyungsoo lifted his head from Jongin’s shoulder looking him in the eyes.

“Home was where you were. You are my home. It’s next to you that I belong. And it doesn’t matter where we are or where we would go. As long as you’re with me I would always be home”


Jongin didn’t respond with words. Instead he cupped Kyungsoo’s face and gave him a kiss before pulling him into a warm embrace in the cold night.


This was home.


hello I managed to update before school tomorrow xDD

I just wanna thank all of you who reads and comments <333 ^0^

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next update is finished shall I update it now or wait since I will be bust with last weeks of school and might not have time to write then, what to do? :O


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Chapter 2: trying not to cry cuz people are around but i teared up on this chapter.
can i have a request author-nim??? :''3
lecupcake #3
Chapter 5: oh it ends already...such a great fic...!!!!!
Chapter 5: Omg.
'This is "something" and we will make it last.'
Sob sob sob
because that was the most perfect ending ever
Chapter 5: ill wait for your next kaisoo!!
Chapter 5: Aaaww sadly it have to be end, but well every story has it ends right :D I love this fic and the prequel too ♥
Chapter 4: It's so fluffy I'm going to die!!
Omg you don't even know how many times I spazzed in this chapter especially the last line >w<
So sweet ^O^