Smiles, Tears & Relief

Our Happy Ending






“Are you going to stay this time?” Jongin asked as they were entering his apartment.

Kyungsoo nodded and smiled as he took of his jacket hanging it up.

Jongin let a smile escape and felt a calming feeling take over him. Kyungsoo was back and he was here to stay. Things couldn’t be better than this. The real Jongin was now back, reunited with Kyungsoo. After 4 years of nothing. Everything was finally back.

“So where are you staying?”

“I’m staying with you” Kyungsoo smiled as he walked in to the living room.

“Where are your parents?” Kyungsoo asked. Since they were alone in the apartment and it was the same one as Jongin had lived in 4 years ago. Everything in here looked the same. Time had done nothing to this place. Kyungsoo was quite surprised that Jongin still lived here and had expected him to move but he hadn’t.

“I live alone here. They moved out for about 2 years ago they had to move to Daegu for work but I decided to stay here” Jongin answered walking up to Kyungsoo.

“Oh…, mustn’t it have been lonely living alone?” escaped Kyungsoo looking Jongin in the eyes.

“Kind of. But it was worth it. Everything is fine now” Jongin answered smiling at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo smiled back. But he couldn’t help to feel guilty. Jongin had been living alone for 2 years doing nothing but dancing.  Sehun had told Kyungsoo everything when he had picked him up at the airport a few hours ago. Jongin wasn’t really living anymore. He was just there. Hoping for the better. Hoping for Kyungsoo to return and to fill up the loneliness he had turned to dancing. Again. Sure thing Kyungsoo had had it hard in America. But it was his decision to move there, it wasn’t meant for Jongin to be affected of that decision as well. During the 4 past years he had been so selfish.  The only thing he had done for Jongin was giving him all of his thoughts nothing more.

“I’m sorry”

“For what?” Jongin asked calmly still with a slight smile on his lips.

Kyungsoo couldn’t help but cry which made Jongin worry.

“Kyungsoo what’s wrong? Are you not feeling well? Do you want a glass of water?”

Kyungsoo shook his head and grabbed Jongin from walking away to the kitchen.

“I’m fine. I’m just really sorry for everything I’ve put you through. I’m really sorry”

Jongin shook his head and pulled Kyungsoo closer.

“Don’t apologize. There’s nothing to be sorry about. You’re back that’s all that matters” Jongin spoke to Kyungsoo in a soft tone trying to make Kyungsoo realize that Jongin wasn’t angry with him. He never was. Kyungsoo didn’t have to apologize because like he had said; there was nothing to be sorry about.

Kyungsoo continued to sob into Jongin’s chest drowning his sweater in tears. Tears of joy and sadness. Tears filled with guilt and relief. Tears that had been kept in for a long time now.

When Kyungsoo had stopped crying Jongin looked him in the eyes not saying anything just giving him a smile. A smile that expressed everything that Jongin wanted to say. There were no need for words, words were simply not enough. Kyungsoo smiled back as he dried his eyes.

“Sorry to make your shirt wet” he let out with a small laugh.

Jongin answered with another laugh before he said

“It’s ok I got plenty of shirts. Where is your luggage? Didn’t you bring anything back to Seoul?”

“It’s at Sehun’s place I don’t really need it.”

“Oh I see. Of course Sehun would now that you were returning. That little brat has kept nagging me while you were gone” Jongin said with yet another laugh.

Kyungsoo laughed with him. It had been a long time since any of them had laughed this much. And they kept laughing feeling how the emptiness within them started to fill up again.


Kyungsoo and Jongin spent the rest of the night talking about lost time. Telling each other about their boring lives without one another.  But most of the conversation was filled with reminiscence of old memories. All those little things that once were forgotten now bubbled up to the surface once again. They also talked about everything that was now ahead of them. Everything that Jongin had wanted to tell Kyungsoo before he now had the chance to say and he didn’t let it slip through his fingers once again. So he kept telling Kyungsoo just how much he loved him and how much he had regretted not telling him before. Even though Jongin knew that Kyungsoo was here to stay and that he probably would have a lot of other chances to tell him this he couldn’t help himself. He just had to get it out for Kyungsoo to hear.

“I wrote letters to you”

“Huh that’s strange. I never received any”

“It’s because I didn’t send them. Sorry”

“Don’t be.”

Kyungsoo looked down.

“Hey, don’t be sorry. It doesn’t matter. You’re here now aren’t you” Jongin said as he lifted Kyungsoo’s chin so that they could face each other again.

“I brought them. If you want to read them I can go get them for you”

“It’s OK I’ll read them tomorrow. Please just stay here with me. That’s all I want”

Kyungsoo smiled and Jongin smiled back.

They ended up falling asleep on the couch arms wrapped around one another not letting go.


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next update is finished shall I update it now or wait since I will be bust with last weeks of school and might not have time to write then, what to do? :O


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Chapter 2: trying not to cry cuz people are around but i teared up on this chapter.
can i have a request author-nim??? :''3
lecupcake #3
Chapter 5: oh it ends already...such a great fic...!!!!!
Chapter 5: Omg.
'This is "something" and we will make it last.'
Sob sob sob
because that was the most perfect ending ever
Chapter 5: ill wait for your next kaisoo!!
Chapter 5: Aaaww sadly it have to be end, but well every story has it ends right :D I love this fic and the prequel too ♥
Chapter 4: It's so fluffy I'm going to die!!
Omg you don't even know how many times I spazzed in this chapter especially the last line >w<
So sweet ^O^