I smiled widely. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. I could smell the fresh memories when i was here. It's been years since I came here. I walked along the corridor. I came up to a class. 3-B. Those memories rushed into my mind. Me sitting at that chair next to my on and only crush. He always hung his head low and do maths. but actually he mumbles some raps while he does it. I smiled again. 

We were having a reunion today. It's been three years since. I'm currently studying at Seoul National University. Yoseob is a trainee at a new company. Minah is studying as a doctor at Ireland. Soyeon is in States. While Junhong, well we actually lost contact after the entrance exam. We didn't have a fight or anything. It just ended like that. My feelings? If you ask me it's still the same. I never stopped looking for updates af junhong. but he deactivated his facebook last year. And he doesn't seem to have twitter. While his phone number? I kinda lost it. My only hope is to meet him again. Single. But after these three years. Did it change? 

I opened my eyes when i heard footsteps. I turn around.

"MIYOUNG!!!" Soyeon and Minah ran towards me. We hugged and jumped and screamed of happiness.

"Oh my God! I miss you guys" i hugged them tightly.

"yeah, it seems ages since we saw you," Minah replied.

"I have always been here guys, you were the one that went so far away" I said.

"aww, don't be so touchy" Soyeon giggled and poked me. 

"what were you doing here anyway?" Minah asked curiously. "Everyone's at the hall"

"Yeah," Soyeon teased  "Were you getting back those feels?" 

I chuckled. "You guys have never changed. No, i just came to see this class, that's all" I denied. Soyeon and Minah exchanged glances.

"Yeah right" Soyeon said and put her arms around me and Minah, "Let's go" 


We arrived at the main hall. It was decorated nicely and everyone else were wearing pretty dresses. I was wearing one too. I wore a light blue silk dress. I saw so many familiar and unfamiliar faces. I said hi and waved to everyone i know.

"Miyoung!" I heard a husky voice call me. Is it him? I turned around and frowned.

"You don't like meeting me?" Yoseob asked feeling a bit down.

"No, i was just expecting someone else." I mumbled.

"You mean Junhong?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows. How did this guy know. I chuckled. and shook my head.

"Don't deny it. Everyone knows what happened between you two" he winked at me. I blushed. Yoseob seems more handsome and manly know. Even though he still have those baby faces.

"Aww, you're still cute Yoseobbie!" I exclaimned and pinched his cheeks.

"Yah! yah!" He shook his hand struggling to get my hands off his precious cheeks

"Ehem," someone coughed behind me. i let go of Yoseob's chubby cheeks and turned around. My heart stopped. A tall guy with blonde hair stood in front of me. He looks much more manly now. 

"Hey," he smiled nervously at me. "You look cute in that dress" I saw his face turn pink. Mine did too. We stared at each other for almost a few seconds

"Yo! man. You forgot me?" Yoseob interupted us. Junhong cut his gaze towards me.

"I won't ever forget you man" He replied to junhong and slapped their hands together. "i heard someone's a star now"  

"almost man, still got a few months until debut," Yoseob chuckled. I was still staring at junhong. Yoseob pretend to cough faintly. "I'll go get some drinks" 

Junhong and me nodded unison. "umm, so.." Junhong started. " How are you?" 

"Fine," i replied faintly gazing at the floor. " you?"

"Same," he replied. why must things be awkward for us. "Hey, it's time to gather eat." I heard Mr Song called out. Junhong rolled his eyes. "I miss sleeping in his classes" He chuckled. "Yeah, me too" i replied. Junhong raised his eyebrows. since when did i sleep in his class. "I mean, you. sleep. in. umm." i stuttered. Junhong chuckled. "You never change" he said and walked towards the table. What did he mean by that? Yeah, maybe i didn't change. but did he? 

We sat at the table, talked , joked and ate some food. I sat beside Soyeon and Minah. while Junhong sat across me. I couldn't focus on my food. I felt like he was watching my moves. I tried to control how i eat. but somehow it became wrong. Junhong chuckled at me. "You got something there," He pointed to my face. I tried to wipe it but it was on the other side of my face. He leaned over and wiped it with his thumb. Everyone else at the table was staring at us. Junhong coughed and hung his head low again. His cheeks turned red. I looked at my food and smiled like an idiot. 

It was nearly over. We took some photos together. Junhong stood beside me when our class picture was taken. Why is he standing so close. I felt his hand brushed against mine. How did he feel about me? I need to know. I looked up at him. He was laughing at the others as they made silly poses. Then our eyes met. He was stunned and looked away. Why is he so shy around me? I wonder. "Hey, why don't you two take a picture together?" Yoseob suggested at me and Junhong. Junhong shrugged. He stood closer next to me and did a peace sign. He was too close. He lowered his head so it was a few inches from mine. I forced a smile. Trying not to show how nervous i was. "One Two Three! Say Kimchi!" Yoseob shouted from behind the camera. click. he kissed my cheeks. what did he just do? I froze there. I looked at him. He smiled like a fool and scratched his neck. Please. don't play with my heart.

"Jalgayo!" We bid goodbyes to each other.

"Miyoung-ah" Junhong called me. I faced him.

"Can I walk you home? " he asked shyly.

"But i have to ride a bus to get there" i replied.

"It's okay. I just need to talk to you for a bit" he said.

I nodded and we both sat at the bus stop. Memories from three years ago came rushing through my mind.

"Junhong-" "Miyoung-" we both said in unison. We laughed.

"What is it? you first" he said as he look straight into my eyes.

"Umm, well, i'm not sure if you remember this, but well," I said trying to get the right words " A few years ago. You sat at the bus stop. Why did you do that?" Junhong looked confuse. "I mean, your house is near here right, why did you wait at the bus stop?" I continued.

Junhong looked the other way and ruffled his blonde hair. "Well, it was because of you," he replied staring at the ground. I gave the 'me?' look. "I wanted to talk to you. But I was shy. I don't know why but I become shy around you," he continued "I don't know what that feeling was. but inside me, i wanted to talk to you badly. So when i saw you sitting at the bus stop, i joined you. I pretend to read a book, but actually i was finding the words to talk to you. Then you started our short conversation. I feel so stupid now" He facepalm himself. I chuckled.

"I didn't know you like me too" I replied to him.

"You mean, you liked me?" He asked suprisingly. I nodded shyly and blushed.

"Why didn't you confess?" He asked.

"You were my crush. I wasn't ready for you to be more than a crush to me. I want is if we ever fall in love, let it be true. Not some kind of puppy love" I replied.

"Are you saying I'm a puppy? But I do love puppies don't I?" He asked confused. Aish, this babo. he seems so clever but not in this.

"No, silly. Puppy love is like a crush."

"Oh.." he nodded. "so, what are we now? I mean. we're not kids anymore right?"

"We can be more than that if you want to" i muttered. Junhong smiled. 

"Kim Miyoung," he said holding my hand. "I think, I.." I waited for what he wanted to say. "I think i really love you. I can't stop thinking about you. ever since first year of high school"

what? he likes me ever since? Before he became my own crush. So does that mean I had a crush on someone who had a crush on me? Wow! Complicated. I smiled at him.

"Me too Choi Junhong" I stared at him. Well, actually we stared at each other for a long time. I felt his face getting closer to mine. a few seconds. his lips were on mine. He kissed me. My first kiss ever. I felt him smiling while he was kissing me. I pulled out from him and noticed the bus.

"Oh! no! no! that's my bus. Junhong! My bus!" I stood up and ran after it. "Hey, chill. I'll give you a ride home." He calmed me down. What ride? He took my hand and lead me to a motorbike. Why didn't he say he had this. He is unpredictable

"Yah, Junhong. You're a babo!" I punched his chest as i couldn't reach his shoulders.

He laughed and took me home. I smiled like an idiot again as i hugged him tightly from behind.

So my advice here. Don't ever give up on your crush if it has been more than a year but you still haven't forgotten them. Maybe that's not just a crush. Maybe it's more


well, maybe there's more. kekeke


A/N: Okay, so my ending before was kind of hanging and sorry i can't do a sequel because i've got another story to finish. aigooo. But here's a bonus chapter for you guys. I hope the ending isn't lame. Thanks for reading and subscribing! Love you! ^^

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Chapter 3: It's really cool! I was specially affected for this was almost the same as the thing that happened to me... anyway, great job!
bangtanjjang #2
Chapter 4: This is the best story ever!
wafflewaffle #3
Chapter 4: omg i love this story and the quote at the ending is sooo daebak ! made me wanna fight for love :)
Chapter 4: aaww!! so cute!! i read all your fics more than once,and never get bored~~

- EXOtic357
bapdaehyunnie #5
Chapter 4: Awww, so sweet and cute ^^
Raveness #6
Chapter 4: Aw~ They're so cute ^.^
Chapter 4: awww no the ending was not lame at all, it was cute! i really liked reading this. it kind of reminds me of the days when i had my first crush!
Chapter 4: Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 4: here i screaming so loud because your fic is too good too be true ><
Jungsuhee #10
Chapter 3: The ending O.o Sequel please!