

Days past. I nearly gave up on him. He never seem to have interest in me. Maybe that is crush. If they like you back, it wont be a crush right? So, during biology. I started talking with yoseob. Im not using him guys. Its just i really like talking to him. He has many stories and he is such a kind person. I asked him to draw my favourite idols. He said he can but he needed time. Everyday i would ask him if he finished it. He would answer no. I didnt mind. I just felt happy to have a friend like him.

I started avoiding junhong's gaze. I couldnt look at him anymore, i just felt hurt. Even though he didnt say anything.

We were decorating our class. And we had to paste something up so tall. Minah and me started to decorate with our friend. Soyeon was out looking for a teacher. We couldn't reached the wall on top of the Board. So we asked for help. Guess who? Yes. Junhong. He helped us. I tried to keep calm. I was holding the tape and scissors. He extended his hand for the tape. I cut it and nervously handed him the tape. Our fingers touched. He took the tape calmly. He is such a flirt. My hand was shaking again. My friend asked me where we should put the sheet. He stood on the chair and waited patiently for my orders. Just like a five year old. I ordered him while he struggled to get it right. Than i nodded. He asked for the tape again. I cut it and once again our fingers touched.i could feel myself turn red. I could feel his hot touch. I smiled sheepishly. Minah nudged me.

"Huh, cool down" i muttered.

" What did you say?" My friend asked.

" nothing" i grinned.

After a while i was still the constructer and i tried to control my feelings.

"Be careful of the ceiling" Minah said to him.

"Don't worry I'm not that tall" he laughed. I rolled my eyes. He has got to be kidding right? No that tall? I couldn't hold myself from smiling and laughing. 

" thanks junhong" my friend said to him. He smiled and nodded. Then he sat back on his chair. While me? I was breathless.

Since that day, i became more nervous around him. I didn't look at him when we were close to one another. i looked at him from afar. what hurt me more a close friend of mine likes him too. Eunjung was her name. Almost everyone knows she likes him. Well except for junhong. She was joking at first. just like me. a crush too. but the only difference was people knew she like him. and they would always about him. it hurts to pretend we don't like someone. i'm the kind of girl who stays back from what people like. i mean. once they say they like that person, it mean stay away right? i don't even know. i just force a smile whenever she talks about him. Minah looks at me with a sorry face. she knows i'm hurting inside. But if i tell other people about my feelings. things would be more awkward with me and junhong. 

i came home late that day. i sat at a bus stop waiting for the bus. I saw someone coming towards the bus stop too. I froze. it was junhong. he smiled at me and sat beside me. He took out a book and read it. I glanced at him. Why must he sit here? My heart was beating so fast. it was as if my heart is going to explode in just a few seconds. i tried to calm myself. he is just sitting next to you and reading a book, no harm miyoung. i talked to one of my friends for awhile. just to avoid my distraction of him. He was reading the book quietly. Just like a good boy. My friend left. And once again it was just me and him. Ask him something Miyoung. It's your only chance. my heart told me to do. but what should i say? i turned to him

"What are you reading?" i asked him. he stared at me and showed me the book. 'Physics' was written on the front page. 

"Physics?" i asked him.

i slapped myself again inside my mind. duh silly. of course. He smiled and nodded. then he continued reading the book. i smiled by myself like an idiot. I sat quietly beside him. I just don't want this moment to end. after a few minutes, the bus arrived. I stood up and left. I wanted to say goodbye, but my mouth was too heavy to do so. I sat at the passenger seat and looked at him. He didn't ride the bus. He stood up and walked away. Did he sat there just to talk to me? wait. he could have just walked home right. i suddenly remember my friend saying his house was just a few minute from school.  I smiled. Thinking about what had happened. 

Having a crush can make us do many silly things. Even the things we never done before. just to impress them. I always post videos and news about my idol group on facebook. and each time, he would 'like' it. it made me so happy. just a simple 'like' can make us feel like we're on cloud nine? And each time my idol group made a comeback, i would share it to him. oh and yoseob too. Yoseob likes another group. but he still supports the group that i like. I wonder, why do we never talk to one another at school? It seems like i'm just too shy to talk to him.

I was sitting next to Minah. It was freetime. we could do whatever we wanted. i turned around. Junhong was not sitting in his chair. phew, thank goodness. i talked to Yoseob. 

"Do you like T-ARA?" i asked him. he nodded and showed me a poster of them.

"Who do you like?" i asked him.

"I like Jiyeon" he chuckled.

"Well, i really like their song. especially roly-poly and lovey-dovey." i replied.

"yeah, me too" he beamed. he seem happy to be talking to me.

Minah would sometimes interupt our conversation. he taught me a trick. it was a formula to say 'i love you' to someone you like. he wrote the equation and told me to erase the upper part. i was shocked. it did say 'i love you' i tried doing it but i failed. Minah and Yoseob both laughed at me. I pouted and tried again.

As i was doing that, "What are you guys doing?" Junhong asked. looking at me.

"Yoseob's showing me how to say ' iloveyou' " is said to him. i slapped my mouth. did i just say that to him. He laughed and looked at the formula. He copied it and tried to erase the upper part. He showed it to us.

Well, more likely to me, "Is this correct?" he asked.

I was stunned. Yoseob nodded. Minah looked at us. I nodded slowly and smiled. I faced the front with Minah. I couldn't stop smiling. I pretend to read a history book. i made stories with Minah to remeber the history. but all i could think of was what had happened. it was my history. and him. Yoseob sang T-ara song. i turned around and looked at him. he chuckled. beside him Junhong was doing his mathematics. How can this guy be so hardworking. he never takes his eyes of books.

"Can you sing lovey-dovey?" i asked Yoseob. Junhong looked at me. Yoseob sang lovey-dovey and i made hand gestures. Minah laughed and requested an english song.

"Oh, I'm not really good at english, ask Junhong, he knows" Yoseob replied. Junhong looked at us. He shooked his head.

"No, i don't know how to sing" he replied. We were all disappointed.

"Oh, well, what else would you like me to sing?" Yosoeb asked.

"IU's Marshmallow!" Minah said delightfully.

i stared at junhong. why did he say that? he does sing well. and rap well too. why does it seem like he's shy in front of me. or is it just my feelings?


It was P.E. time. We all had to go to the gym. We played netball for awhile. then the guys played basketball. I was staring a junhong the whole time. He looks so cool when he plays basketball. Eunjung sat beside me. She was gawking at him. I nudged her and a bit. She smiled shyly and looked at him.   I looked at junhong feeling a bit guilty. Should i just forget him and let eunjung like him? Maybe i should like someone else. There's got to be a better guy than him. I looked at the other players. but my eyes would turn back to him. The coach blew the whistle. "10 minutes rest" He said. Junhong hi-fived his teammates because they scored hoops. he wiped his sweat with the back of his head. He walked towards a bench and sat down. he drank water. i seem so creepy. i feel like a stalker. stalking his moves. I cut my gaze. I talked to Minah and Soyeon for awhile. But no matter what i try. my gaze would come back to him. He was laughing at some jokes his friends were saying. 

"Miyoung," Minah poked me. "Let's go talk to Junhong" 

"What?" my eyes widened. "w-why?"

Minah giggled. "I just need to ask him something. About homework. Come one" she dragged my arm. I stood up and followed her from behind. 

"Junhong-ah" Miyoung called to him. He looked at us.

"Yes?" He asked. I stood behind Minah.

"Can I borrow your english notebook later. I still don't understand the peom" Minah explained.

"yeah, sure" he nodded. He moved his head a bit and saw me.

"Hi, Miyoung," he waved to me. I was dumbfounded. did he say hi. Minah nugded me.

"H-hi" i replied.

"Did you watch the concert yesterday? B.A.P was there" he asked me.

" yeah, it was awesome" i beamed. He did a thumbs up and so did i. 


A/N: yeay! Another update. Zelo is just too cute. I'm gonna finish this today. 

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Chapter 3: It's really cool! I was specially affected for this was almost the same as the thing that happened to me... anyway, great job!
bangtanjjang #2
Chapter 4: This is the best story ever!
wafflewaffle #3
Chapter 4: omg i love this story and the quote at the ending is sooo daebak ! made me wanna fight for love :)
Chapter 4: aaww!! so cute!! i read all your fics more than once,and never get bored~~

- EXOtic357
bapdaehyunnie #5
Chapter 4: Awww, so sweet and cute ^^
Raveness #6
Chapter 4: Aw~ They're so cute ^.^
Chapter 4: awww no the ending was not lame at all, it was cute! i really liked reading this. it kind of reminds me of the days when i had my first crush!
Chapter 4: Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 4: here i screaming so loud because your fic is too good too be true ><
Jungsuhee #10
Chapter 3: The ending O.o Sequel please!